Timeless Witness

Creature — Human Shaman

When this enters the battlefield, return target card from your graveyard to your hand.

Eternalize (, Exile this card from your graveyard: Create a token that's a copy of it, except it's a 4/4 black Zombie Human Shaman with no mana cost. Eternalize only as a sorcery.)

Azoth2099 on Henzie

3 months ago

You need more mana, dawg! Have you I'd recommend running both rocks and dorks here since the deck relies on relatively high costed creature cards. A few tutors like Gamble & Shared Summons could be great without breaking the bank as well. I'd also consider Sneak Attack as a value piece, it was just reprinted not too long ago & is super cheap right now! Cloudstone Curio too. I have other recs like Timeless Witness & Mindslicer too, but I'll stop here. Cheers!

kirbysan on Anikthea Hand of Erebos - Constellation Population

10 months ago

Goldbranner, so I bought a bunch of cards just to mess around with and there were a couple interactions I found fun that led to some blowouts but I haven't had enough testplay to see if they're worth a slot in your list.

You mentioned Pull from Eternity which I like a lot since it basically means no removal is permanently removed and you can get it back with Anikthea.

I stuck both Eternal Witness and Timeless Witness in some of my plays and ended up Eternalizing Timeless Witness and then populating her. This allowed me to grab back an instant that populates and just creating more tokens.

I've also tried all the protection spells like Heroic Intervention and Flawless Maneuver but I think the best few are Teferi's Protection obviously but also Clever Concealment and Eerie Interlude. Clever Concealment gets around all board wipe effects including Cyclonic Rift, Terminus, Toxic Deluge or Farewell which are played a ton in my pods. It also protects the token creatures and leaves them up for attacking on the next turn. Also, since it has convoke, we can go all out on a big turn with our lands but since we have creatures up we have enough to cast it. Eerie Interlude doesn't protect the tokens but it saves the enchantresses for the next turn without having to rebuild and can have some Witness triggers to protect the board again for when we go off. I'd typically reserve Eerie Interlude for an early to mid game build up and Clever Concealment for the late game right before we go for the alpha strike.

Vhesha on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

1 year ago

Trying to add a Timeless Witness Token - Modern Horizons 2 (MH2) into my Side, but it can only find the Timeless Witness

Profet93 on Shigeki solitaire

1 year ago

Budget per card?

Can you outline how your combos work specifically? I have a general idea but am a bit confused to be honest. I'm sure you're right, I just wanna learn and potentially utilize them in my own decks as well.

Kogla, the Titan Ape + Eternal Witness/Timeless Witness + Rude Awakening/Early Harvest

Sylvan Library - Synergy with top deck manipulation cards like courser, fetchlands. Most importantly, synergy with Abundance to draw 3 of your type of card without loss of life due to replacement effects.

Umbral Mantle - Might be worth considering for part of a combo line that I am unaware of at the moment. Same with Sword of the Paruns potentially.

Maze of Ith + Argothian Elder/Ley Weaver = Infinite mana during the combat phase (helix pinnacle can be a mana outlet, although I think it should be cut).

Ashaya, Soul of the Wild + Argothian Elder/Ley Weaver = Infinite mana

If you were to add Rings of Brighthearth, you could double up on activated abilities like your commander, fetches, thousand year elixir. Although not an entirely serious suggestion, it combos ...... Rings + Deserted Temple + Cradle/Nykthos = Infinite green mana

Nissa, Vital Force - Synergy with cradle, recursion, and it's ult is just one turn away.

PrismMTG on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago


Perilous Forays: Definitely a card I need to slot in, I'm just wondering what it should be slot in for? There doesn't seem to be an easy answer, I'm wondered what your thoughts on it are.

Concordant Crossroads: Undoubtably a very powerful card, I'm just not sure if haste makes enough of a difference in this deck to justify slotting this in.

Crashing Drawbridge: If I am going to slot in haste, its going to be through Concordant Crossroads

Akroma's Memorial: Definitely an interesting suggestion and a possible card to help close out games. It being removed can be a problem though, and I'm wondering what would be swapped out for it

Null Brooch: Having lands into my graveyard is good, but its very hard to get useful creatures or spell backs from the graveyard and I'm not sure if my entire hand is a good trade for one noncreature spell

Stone-Seeder Hierophant: Definitely synergistic, but it works similar to Lotus Cobra, but slower

Animist's Awakening: A very risky card, its possible to hit almost nothing for a very large mana investment, cutting down on some risks has been a point of upgrading this list.

Kamahl's Druidic Vow: Same reasoning as above, but less likely to miss

Traverse the Outlands: Most of the time, it hits about 5-6, which is a decent 1-1 payoff, but it costs more than cards such as Roiling Regrowth and there are other cards I would rather play with 5 CMC

Boundless Realms: If a game goes long, you will probably have more cards on the field than you can search up with this. It's a powerful card, but it doesn't have the speed that this list runs.

Reshape the Earth: Powerful card, great for finding certain lands like Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth, or Lotus Vale, but it is just too expensive CMC wise.

Pir's Whim: I will find a land card, but not everyone else will have an artifact/enchantment to sacrifice, especially in my pod. Its good, don't get me wrong, but there are more efficient cards imo.

Dryad's Revival: This is simply Timeless Witness, but Witness has a body that cards such as Ashaya, Soul of the Wild can use, or that I can sac to Greater Good, etc

fuster on Mana Flooding is a good thing?!?!?!

1 year ago

Rowsdower Let me know how Timeless Witness goes! I've been hesitant to run that over Eternal Witness because not only does it cost an extra mana initially, but 7 mana still feels very steep to pay, even in the late game.

Awaken the Woods seems very good; could potentially be a worthy replacement for Avenger of Zendikar for me.

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