Time Reversal

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Time Reversal


Each player shuffles his or her hand and graveyard into his or her library, then draws seven cards. Exile Time Reversal.

DemonDragonJ on Pursuit of Happiness

9 months ago

I have, indeed, replaced Time Reversal with Mystic Retrieval, which reduced this deck's average converted mana cost from 3.48 to 3.47, because, while Time Reversal is a great card, I do not wish to assist my opponents, since this deck is not a group hug deck.

DemonDragonJ on Pursuit of Happiness

9 months ago

Should I put Mystic Retrieval into this deck? That card could replace Time Reversal, since the latter card is nice, but is not essential to the theme of this deck.

griffstick on Is the New Heliod Justified …

1 year ago

Colorless spells is where this deck can shine and take advantage of this ability best. There are WAY more payoffs for artifacts in these colors than there are enchantments.

Now if you want to go with enchantments then focus on the ones with only one pip in its cost. Cards like Oblivion Ring can cost only or Quarantine Field could Exile 4 things for 0 mana. Your choice.

The deck should be able to cast 7, 8, 9, or more spells with just Howling Mine going off on your turn. That's good in all, but it gives everything flash. So effect that make everyone draw card on every turn is key. Otherworld Atlas and/or Temple Bell combined with and Unwinding Clock effect and boom! Engine is engaged and your in business to storm off on everyone's turn. Focus on making your spells (in a 4 player game) costing less each turn. With enough cards like Howling Mine for control and cards like Time Reversal for storm.

Gattison on eyes2sky

2 years ago

I got a spare Time Reversal & Echo of Eons if you need.

Also, list of wheels: https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Wheel_effect

Pikobyte on Xyris just wants to Make Snakes

2 years ago

Well, then hello neighbor. I’m from Germany so I’m familiar with € prices. 15 per Card is actually really decent and brings major improvements. I’ll list the prices assuming you use cardmarket too.

Purphoros, God of the Forge(10-12€), packs a great punch with your token generation and is also good in a lot of other decks if you retire Xyris one day. So it’s one of the more expensive ones but well worth it.

Impact Tremors(1,40€), little brother of purphoros, but still does massive work.

Beastmaster Ascension(3,70€) and Shared Animosity(2,30€) greatly empower your token army. Mass Hysteria and Fervor(both around 2€) gives your token army haste so you can swing right after a wheel or mass draw.

Skullclamp(4€) is a really nice draw card with tokens, so you never run out of gas.

Xenagos, the Reveler(4€) and Battle Hymn(50 cent) provide you with a ton of mana for some big and explosive turns.

Wheels do obviously well in Xyris. Time Reversal(2€) and Molten Psyche(1,5€) are good and cheap options to add.

I could go on with more suggestions but I think that’s enough for the first time. Maybe take a look at my primer first, I bet you finds lots of other new toys there and after that I can still help you to improve. Otherwise the list now will get too long I guess

DemonDragonJ on The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Raze

3 years ago

I admit that I am not certain about Propaganda or Scroll Rack , but I shall keep them in the deck, for the present time, to see how they function.

Also, do I need to have both Time Reversal and Echo of Eons in this deck? Should I replace the former with Time Warp ?

iplayBANJO on Prototype Control

3 years ago

If you're playing a very heavy control theme in commander your win condition is going to probably be a game lock. There are a few different kinds of those. Hard locks will literally stop your opponents from being able to play the game at all. You accomplish this by setting up a situation where they can't cast spells, they can't untap, or they can't generate mana. Soft locks are where you severely diminish an opponents ability to play the game. This is often done by forcing your opponents to discard all of their cards.

The hard locks I would suggest with this are the Karn lock and the Knowledge Pool lock. The Karn lock is very specifically Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice . Your opponents can't activate any abilities of permanents on the battlefield. This means that opponents can't tap anything for mana. The cards are also useful to you individually because Karn, the Great Creator stops opponents from using mana rocks and Mycosynth Lattice helps you cast opponent's spells by allowing you to spend your mana as though it were any color.

The Knowledge Pool lock has only one required card. Knowledge Pool exiles every spell that any player casts from their hand. Players can then cast a spell from the previously exiled cards. This means that a player must cast two spells for anything to resolve. Rule of Law prevents casting any spell after the first spell. Effectively this means to no one can play spells from their hands. But you can cast cards from other players hands if you have Sen Triplets out. This is also true for Arcane Laboratory , Eidolon of Rhetoric , Archon of Emeria , Drannith Magistrate , Teferi, Time Raveler and Ethersworn Canonist to an extent. All of those cards, are also things you use to limit the amount of actions other players can take as a part of your control strategy.

The soft locks all involve preventing players from drawing cards. Narset, Parter of Veils , Hullbreacher , Alms Collector , and Notion Thief . All of these prevent opponents from drawing cards to some extent, which benefits your control plan. The lock is formed when you have one of those pieces out and you cast a spell like Windfall , which makes everyone discard their hand and draw new cards. But they can't, so only you draw new cards. Cards like Windfall are also very strong as they allow you to refill your hand. Similar cards are Echo of Eons , Day's Undoing , Jace's Archivist , Time Reversal , Commit / Memory (Probably pick two or three, not all of them).

You could also use the Laboratory Maniac combos as a win condition, since you are in the right colors for it. It's probably the most common win condition in high powered competitive decks. The way it works is you draw through your entire deck while Laboratory Maniac or Jace, Wielder of Mysteries are on the board then you attempt to draw a card and you win. Similarly, you can draw through your entire deck and then play Thassa's Oracle . The ways you "draw" through your deck are either Tainted Pact , Demonic Consultation , or Doomsday . Because they are common competitive win conditions, some of those pieces are expensive.

Allow me to advise you on getting to these win conditions though. You can tutor for these pieces with Vampiric Tutor , Enlightened Tutor , Demonic Tutor , or similar cards; but you probably would rather draw into them because that also gets you your control cards. Two cards that are surprisingly good for this are Ad Nauseam and Peer into the Abyss . You have to keep the mana cost of spells very low for Ad Nauseam, but it's worth it especially because it was reprinted recently and is only a few dollars I think.

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