Tilonalli's Crown

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

When Tilonalli's Crown enters the battlefield, it deals 1 damage to enchanted creature.

Enchanted creature gets +3/+0 and has trample.

metalflame on The Red Terror

1 year ago

seshiro_of_the_orochi, yes it creates a lot of red tokens to deal more instances of damage. This pumps my commander, but they dont pump him more if they are larger so this is a wide voltron with unblockable commander damage. I considered etb exit effects, but the timing can be unpredictable where I may have already cast my tokens in hand when I draw that. I do like Street Urchin to further weaponize an already large field. Pyrohemia however is a crazy good card, and I have to include it. Use my life and mana to wipe the field and supercharge the commander. WOW

Iehovah, I dont have as much trample as I put in a lot of unblockable effects, but Tilonalli's Crown basically gives it +4/+1 for 2cmc. Thats definitely a good enough return to seriously consider it.

Iehovah on The Red Terror

1 year ago

Dinosaurs have a few interesting toys that might help. The two I can remember are Tilonalli's Crown and Rampaging Ferocidon.

TheVectornaut on Red Green Dinos

3 years ago

It's worth noting that when transitioning from standard to modern, a lot of cards that seem like powerful contributors to a tribe end up being worse than non-tribal counterparts. For instance, Thunderherd Migration is probably better than the standard alternative Beneath the Sands , but it's probably worse than Rampant Growth , Cultivate , or maybe Sylvan Scrying with the right nonbasic to fetch. Drover of the Mighty is another that seems strong as a 3/3, but if you're tapping it for mana most of the time anyway, something like Birds of Paradise , Arbor Elf , Joraga Treespeaker , Incubation Druid , Whisperer of the Wilds , or Ilysian Caryatid might be more efficient. The only other suggestion I have is to consider adding ways to recurrently trigger enrage. Forerunner of the Empire is a pretty common option, but I can also see Pyrohemia , Harbinger of the Hunt , Raging Regisaur , Spikeshot Elder , or Power of Fire being used with varying pros and cons. Some enrage lists I see also make use of damage trigger shenanigans on cards like Arcbond and Rite of Passage . A possible cut could be Shifting Ceratops since it's generally more of a sideboard card. Otherwise, I'd cut any enrage trigger that isn't either repeatable or very cheap. Reckless Rage is great, but Tilonalli's Crown could just as easily be Dual Shot or something to that effect. A final note I'd make is that you may be able to take advantage of some of the bigger enrage dinos like Snapping Sailback and Silverclad Ferocidons . I wouldn't normally recommend them, however, Etali and a lot of ramp go a long way toward making them viable.

PookandPie on

4 years ago

No Battle Mastery seems like a weird exclusion. +2/+2 and double strike is huge- taking Uril from a 5 damage dealing chump to 14 in one spell. It's $.15 so it's great for the budget too.

Tilonalli's Crown and Madcap Skills are other ones I recommend. They're very cheap, and only 1R to give Uril +5 power and evasion is pretty great.

These seem better than Iona's Blessing and Scourge of the Nobilis, as they provide higher and more damage boosts. I would run them over Eternal Warrior as well, as I don't value Vigilance highly since it typically doesn't come down to face-beating contests when you have the creature that can kill in 1 hit vs your opponent's (and if all 3 opponents control more creatures, each player losing 1 creature a combat to ensure you don't get another turn will happen whether Uril has vigilance or not if you're the largest threat at the table and all three players decide that you need to be dealt with at once).

PookandPie on Your Average Uril deck

4 years ago

Ah, love Uril. One of my favorites. Here's my Uril deck so you know where my suggestions stem from:

Uril: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yeti

Commander / EDH PookandPie


You have Madcap Skills, but no Tilonalli's Crown . I find Crown to be immensely valuable as it pumps Uril right up to 10 power for only a 1R investment.

Chandra's Ignition is basically Single Combat except nobody but you gets to keep anything. Popping that with a 10 power Uril will typically wipe the field, let alone deal damage directly to your opponent's faces.

Cartouche of Strength is both absurd and good. +3 power, trample, and kills a creature of an opponent's unless its power is greater than 8 is great for 2G.

You run Bear Umbra already, so maybe Aggravated Assault for infinite combat damage from Uril?

Heliod's Pilgrim is a cheap card that can find any aura in the library. I typically use it to find Shield of the Oversoul or Bear Umbra. That seems to be worth considering. That definitely seems more useful than something like Trepanation Blade, in any respect.

Hope this helps!

PookandPie on My name is Uril

4 years ago

Well, given your inclination toward budget, I'll only recommend cheap cards. For reference, here's the Uril list I play in paper if you think this may give you ideas:

Uril: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yeti

Commander / EDH PookandPie


Some cheap auras that really do work with Uril:

Shielded by Faith , Gift of Immortality (gets around pesky decks like Meren or Muldrotha playing/sacrificing Fleshbag Marauder constantly), Cartouche of Strength (it's great to kill an opposing creature and get a +3/+3 trample buff to Uril). Madcap Skills and Tilonalli's Crown are both incredible, because they buff Uril's power by 5 each for only two mana.

Other cards that may help:

Winds of Rath is amazing- it wipes the field like Wrath of God, but leaves your Uril standing free and clear. Hunter's Insight is another card I'll recommend- cast it on a swinging Uril to draw 5-12 cards, it more than pays for itself.

To fit these in, I'd recommend cutting a few cards that literally don't help the Uril strategy at all. Midsummer Revel, Pulse of the Tangle, Rhox, etc.. With more things that give Uril indestructible or bring him back from the graveyard (Gift of Immortality for example), needing secondary win cons like Rhox become less important. If you're really worried about Uril getting killed, run Flickerform , as you can just pay 4 mana to protect him at any given point in time.

Galati on

5 years ago

Another card that could work is Maximize Velocity, this would allow you to swing with Torgaar, Famine Incarnate for lethal assuming they have no creatures. Run Amok could be used as a red Titanic Growth or even Sure Strike. These however don't really guarantee a win. Tilonalli's Crown might be viable also since it gives trample.

PookandPie on

5 years ago

Some cards I find very valuable in my Uril build are:

Cartouche of Strength, which doubles as removal and a solid +3/+3 trample buff to Uril. If there's an annoying creature that's less than 8 toughness, it's dying, lol.

Another card to not sleep on is Tilonalli's Crown, which gives Uril a whopping +5/+2 and trample for only 1R. Similarly, Madcap Skills gives Uril +5/+2 and menace which is pretty reasonable evasion (turning him into a 10 powered beast is pretty huge).

Shielded by Faith is one of my favorites. You can slap it down on something silly before you get to 5 mana in order to cast Uril (I've put it on Birds of Paradise on turn 2, then t3'd Uril and moved the aura to him). It's not as powerful as Shield of the Oversoul but it is still pretty powerful and flexible due to the fact that once Uril becomes hexproof and indestructible, the number of cards that can answer him drops dramatically (requiring things like Cyclonic Rift, Merciless Eviction, Hallowed Burial, etc., instead of just any old Wrath of God clone).

Chandra's Ignition is a card I've found fairly amusing and it may be very powerful in your meta. Dealing 12 to all opponents and their creatures is a fantastic way to open up the field to swing in and attack.

Impending Disaster- this card seems janky, and it probably is a little bit, but it's a great card to windmill slam the turn after casting Uril. This + an aura typically makes opponents scramble, and it either does one of two things: It forces them to spend removal on it, instead of the aura on Uril (or Uril himself by casting a Wrath or something), or it causes all lands to go to the graveyard. Either way, you wind up with a big creature on board and happiness in your heart.

Burgeoning or Exploration- I run both, but one of these would probably be huge as either one could enable t3 Uril which is typically where you want to be.

I recommend removing:

Spectra Ward. I originally ran this too, but it causes a problem: It has to be the last aura you put on Uril, or else you can't target him to put any more auras on him. It's more than a little problematic considering Uril already has reasonable protection with his inherent hexproof, and there's plenty more auras that give evasion for a lower cost.

Serra's Embrace is pretty much worse than Tilonalli's Crown.

Entangler- You want Uril to be attacking, not held back to be a blocker. Unless you give him vigilance, this card isn't worth it as it doesn't help his offensive capabilities as much as other cards (and all you really want to do is smack someone in the face with him until they exit the game lol).

Avacyn, Angel of Hope- She just costs way too much. By the time you can cast her, you should have a couple of dead opponents already.

Faith's Reward- you already run Replenish and Retether. This one is a little bit too much. If you're afraid of board wipes, Boros Charm is substantially more flexible, can be used through graveyard hate, etc., and is much cheaper to boot.

Mayael's Aria- if you have a 20 power creature, you should have won the game already anyway. I find this card incredibly redundant and its first two abilities aren't worth spending the 3 mana for.

Anyway, hope this helps. Uril's one of my favorites.

Here's my list, for reference: Uril: You Ain't Seen Nothing Yeti

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