Thunderscape Familiar

Creature — Kavu

First strike

Black spells and green spells you play cost (1) less to play.

legendofa on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Enlightened Plasmoid

Creature - Ooze Angel

Flying, vigilance

Whenever Enlightened Plasmoid blocks, its power becomes the power of the creature it's blocking minus one and its toughness becomes that creature's toughness plus one.


Whether its wings are feathered or gelatinous, a guardian angel stands strong and faithful.

Create a monocolored card that helps or is helped by another color. Sejiri Merfolk and Thunderscape Familiar inspired this challenge, as a couple of examples.

Triton on Ziatora Burn, Treasure, Repeat

1 year ago

Since you have a substantial amount of dragons, I’d recommend Secluded Courtyard and Unclaimed Territory for lands. Thunderscape Familiar provides redundancy with Goblin Anarchomancer.

smack80 on Here Comes the Boo-m

2 years ago

Hey, I'm working on a minsc list too. Here's waht I have:

Some tricks I've found:

If your commander is a planeswalker that costs 4, you want to be casting him on turn 3 or 2 and have defense up. EDH players just love throwing spare attacks at planeswalker so you need defense. Kodama's reach doesn't let you do this, but 2-mana ramp will. Even better is ramp that also leaves behind a blocker, like Wall of Roots. You have the Lotus cobra already, consider also Thunderscape Familiar. Tinder Wall can cast Minsc on turn 2. Khalni Garden will give you mana and leave behind a blocker as well. Wilson, Refined Grizzly is an ALL-STAR attacker and defender.

I like Gruul for removal that hits lots of things at once so I can just run my opponents out of resources with every 3-for-1 or 4-for-1. Vandalblast, Mizzium Mortars, Chandra's Ignition, Tribute to the Wild, Volcanic Offering, Decimate.

Don't play Fling effects. You don't need to sacrifice your guys to deal damage=power. You can play things like Soul's Fire and Ram Through and Domri's Ambush.

Loxodon Warhammer is straight worse than Shadowspear and your growing creatures can easily wear Belt of Giant Strength for no equip cost.

Livingdead on Riders on the Storm

3 years ago

Thanks for the response! I like the idea of treasure keeper a lot. For the bolasses citadel, I just realized that u don't play Aetherflux Reservoir in your deck, so my mistake. When I was building garna, I thought of a more stormy/aristocrats way and play her with both Bontu's Monument and Hazoret's Monument, Thunderscape Familiar, Nightscape Familiar and Dark-Dweller Oracle it's a lot of fun to play, but in recent time I dumped a lot of weird things in the deck and am now rebuilding it. Ur take on the deck seems like a lot of fun, so i am gonna give it a try with a way more budget version :) Btw love the new commander legends card, hopefully I can get a hand onto one, without paying too much...

Monitor on Welcome to the Junderground

4 years ago

Hey I just wanna say I love this deck! It bears quite a bit of similarity to my own Tana and Reyhan Partner Token Stuff. I'm digging the manland tech in Raging Ravine, that works very well with Reyhan and the like. One thing I'll recommend is to add in a manland like Mishra's Factory or Mutavault so that you can activate them, post-boardwipe, with Reyhan's +1/+1 counter triggers on the stack -- that saves them all and the reason those two are specifically called out is that they can tap for mana, and use that mana to become a creature. Once I drop Mishra's Factory, I basically don't use it as mana if Reyhan is out so that I can always save the counters. Have you thought about Dryad Arbor and Green Sun's Zenith ?

I recently discovered Fallen Ideal myself, that is one sweet piece of spice. Greater Good I ended up cutting, since i so rarely had large creatures, but your list looks like it might avoid that issue better than mine. I didn't even realize Thunderscape Familiar was a thing, that is fantastic.

What are some of the weak points you see in your list during actual gameplay? Mine is always a weakness to board wipes, obviously, but especially when someone turns off my ability to use Dictate of Erebos via Angel of Jubilation , Tajuru Preserver , or Sigarda, Host of Herons . An older version of your list was actually one of the main inspirations for the linked deck above, but I ended up taking it a bit more combo direction. You haven't lived until you get both Prossh, Skyraider of Kher and Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest out to play with Reyhan on board. Purphoros, God of the Forge on board when I hit with Tana, the Bloodsower or chord out an Avenger of Zendikar ? Yes please.

Anyway, great deck! I love its current state.

KayneMarco on Morophon you die now deck(budget)

4 years ago

Here’s a list of cost reducers that are all budget cards that this deck would really benefit from:

There’s 8 others but they can’t really be considered budget. Another card that is amazing in a dragon deck is Sarkhan the Masterless That static ability is amazing because the damage being done to the attacking creatures is dealt before any combat damage. So if you have 6 dragons out they would deal 6 damage to each creature attacking you before they get a chance to deal any damage themselves.

fastzero on Jund Midrange

6 years ago

Loved your deck, but i think use Moldgraf Scavenger and some 3 or 4 Thunderscape Familiar will be great, ccuting some Gurmag Angler. Gurmag angler is rly strong but... i dont know, i have to test if i would use some in mine jund pauper

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