Thunderherd Migration

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Thunderherd Migration


As an additional cost to cast Thunderherd Migration, reveal a Dinosaur card from your hand or pay .

Search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle your library.

Valengeta on Triassic Trample

11 months ago

wallisface and jdogz32 I've decided it's best to drop White for more land consistency, and then made a few changes:

I'm hoping to have made the deck better. What do you think?

NV_1980 on Gishath Spared No Expense!!!

1 year ago

I would probably choose Urza's Incubator over Knight of the Stampede, as artifacts are slightly harder to remove than creatures. It's also CMC3 instead of CMC4. It's an expensive card though, so this might have been your reason to use Knight instead. I would also choose Rampant Growth over Thunderherd Migration. They do the same thing, except Migration costs CMC3 if you don't have a Dinosaur in your hand, whereas Growth does not. Chaos Warp is a bit more expensive to cast than Condemn, but it's also more versatile.

lhetrick13 on Gishath's Jungle

1 year ago

SunoKasai - I like the deck list. Very similar to mine (Gishath Spared No Expense!!!). I like the addition of Song of Freyalise and Overwhelming Stampede. I had not thought of those cards and they pair well with Gishath.

You might consider Commune with Dinosaurs or Thunderherd Migration over Adventurous Impulse. Topiary Stomper is also pretty sweet in terms of establishing a presence on the field and also providing some early ramp.

TheVectornaut on Red Green Dinos

3 years ago

It's worth noting that when transitioning from standard to modern, a lot of cards that seem like powerful contributors to a tribe end up being worse than non-tribal counterparts. For instance, Thunderherd Migration is probably better than the standard alternative Beneath the Sands , but it's probably worse than Rampant Growth , Cultivate , or maybe Sylvan Scrying with the right nonbasic to fetch. Drover of the Mighty is another that seems strong as a 3/3, but if you're tapping it for mana most of the time anyway, something like Birds of Paradise , Arbor Elf , Joraga Treespeaker , Incubation Druid , Whisperer of the Wilds , or Ilysian Caryatid might be more efficient. The only other suggestion I have is to consider adding ways to recurrently trigger enrage. Forerunner of the Empire is a pretty common option, but I can also see Pyrohemia , Harbinger of the Hunt , Raging Regisaur , Spikeshot Elder , or Power of Fire being used with varying pros and cons. Some enrage lists I see also make use of damage trigger shenanigans on cards like Arcbond and Rite of Passage . A possible cut could be Shifting Ceratops since it's generally more of a sideboard card. Otherwise, I'd cut any enrage trigger that isn't either repeatable or very cheap. Reckless Rage is great, but Tilonalli's Crown could just as easily be Dual Shot or something to that effect. A final note I'd make is that you may be able to take advantage of some of the bigger enrage dinos like Snapping Sailback and Silverclad Ferocidons . I wouldn't normally recommend them, however, Etali and a lot of ramp go a long way toward making them viable.

Optimator on 6 year old me would be proud

3 years ago

Everything looks really quite good except you have really low ramp. You have a few cost-reducers and two mana rocks, one of which doesn't necessarily come out early. Personally, I aim for at least eight pieces in all my decks. For an expensive deck like this I might go for ten. Land is queen with Zacama so I'd recommend the classics like Rampant Growth, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Thunderherd Migration, Explosive Vegetation, Migration Path, Nissa's Pilgrimage, Sakura-Tribe Elder, and Vastwood Surge are all good choices that aren't too expensive. Ranger's Path is good too since you have lands with multiple types. Nissa's Renewal might be good in this deck, since it's budget and getting to nine mana is indeed a goal. Frontier Siege is good on a budget too.

You don't have much in the way of card-draw or card-advantage either. Look into Harmonize, Return of the Wildspeaker, Soul's Majesty, Elemental Bond, Colossal Majesty, Lifecrafter's Bestiary, Shamanic Revelation, Bonders' Enclave, and Garruk's Uprising in particular. Adding a few of these will smooth out your games for sure. Draw also helps with land drops.

Keep up the good work and happy planeswalking!

Optimator on Welcome to Gishathic Park

3 years ago

I would recommend more land-based ramp and fewer artifacts. Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Farseek, Rampant Growth, Explosive Vegetation, Migration Path, Harrow, Wayfarer's Bauble, and Thunderherd Migration are all good choices, with several more out there. Wild Growth and Frontier Siege are decent choices too.

Land-based ramp is always safest because of things like Vandalblast and Hour of Revelation, et al. Since you're running Green you may as well take advantage.

Mana dorks are usually fantastic ramp pieces due to their low cost and high speed, but a board full of dinosaurs will tempt wraths like crazy and you don't want to lose your ability to rebuild along with them. Also, you are aiming for the higher CMCs and dorks are better for getting 3-drops on turn 2 or 4-drops on turn 3. That said, I would still run the dinosaur-specific rampers for fun and flavor and Sol Ring for it's power.

I would aim for at least eight pieces of ramp, and probably closer to 10-12 considering how much dinosaurs and your commander cost. My brother has a good budget-ish list (Dig Up Her Bones) and Gishath usually gets whacked immediately due to the existential threat she poses to the table. As such, you should plan on your commander costing 10 mana a good amount of the time.

A fun piece of budget tech for Gishath: Nahiri's Machinations

Malsorn on

3 years ago

My thoughts are that the best improvements could be made to the landbase. Command Tower, Path of Ancestry, Jungle Shrine, Field of Ruin, Krosan Verge, Scavenger Grounds, Rogue's Passage... Sure, the last three are colorless, but you can usually afford a few colorless utility lands in a 3 color deck. I'd also recommend Cinder Glade, Canopy Vista, Sheltered Thicket, and Scattered Groves, as they can be searched up by the verge and count as their respective basic types for your checklands and showlands. Also makes Skyshroud Claim worth considering, which would be a great addition to your ramp package! I'd dump the guildgates, untyped tapped lands, and the bouncelands for them, but the bouncelands might be worth keeping if your group doesn't play much land destruction, in which case I'd dump the lifelands.

Migration Path is a strict upgrade to Explosive Vegetation, and Rampant Growth is a strict upgrade to Thunderherd Migration since it always costs 2. Less flavorful, but more efficient.

Lastly, Sol Ring, it's the most powerful ramp in the format, definitely worth considering.

the__odysseus on Jund Dinosaurs

4 years ago

I think another Ripjaw Raptor would be good in this deck, especially with your Marauding Raptor . I would replace the Otepec Huntmaster s with Thunderherd Migration s, or maybe cut the Attune with Aether s? I think 3 copies of Once Upon a Time are really good in this kind of deck. Rampaging Ferocidon is seriously underrated and a very solid card. I think 2 copies of Regisaur Alpha would be strong. Other than that, I love your deck!!!

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