

You may sacrifice a Mountain rather than pay Thunderclap's mana cost.

Thunderclap deals 3 damage to target creature.

jarncards on All Will Burn

6 months ago

I'd use Faithless Looting, especially if you're using lava-dart. and for burn spells Lava Dart, Thunderclap, or Fireblast are probably better burn spells than your one mana spells. Being able to cast the burn on the turn you have All Will Be One + any combo piece is what you need most. I would main-deck include Pact of Negation even without blue mana and have a sideboard including 4x Pyroblast/4x Red Elemental Blast

other possible rituals include Simian Spirit Guide and Lotus Petal

SufferFromEDHD on Imodangggg that *** SPICY!

9 months ago

Satyr Firedancer the opposite of Imodane.

Fiery Impulse, Fiery Temper, Shard Volley or Reckless Abandon are worth considering.

Thunderclap and Fireblast are free.

flapjackwars on The Jeremy Renner App Experience

1 year ago

Cool deck! I love the concept and some of the more niche cards here.

Mogg Salvage is a slam dunk here. Free spells in general will enable you to tap out for Jeremy Renner more often and still be able to use him in a pinch. Maybe Snuff Out and Thunderclap are worth considering too. I'm not sure I'd go as far as Gut Shot and Pyrokinesis but you could think about it. Corpse Dance and Slaughter give you as many Tor triggers as you can pay for with the buyback. You Are Already Dead can be like a one-time Bladebrand and it cantrips which I feel like is pretty important for your deck. On that note, you might want some more card draw

McToters on $10* Burn

2 years ago

Love this idea and deck!

How about Thunderclap or Fireblast x2 in place of 2 of your Burning Salvos? There is also Mine Collapse.

Thoughts on Light Up the Stage?

Not sure if you're looking for a little graveyard recursion in reusing spells, but thoughts on Faithless Looting, Volcanic Spray, and Firecat Blitz? Faithless usually helps with any gas issues--same goes with Burning Inquiry if you you're looking to go through the deck. I run those in my mono-red deck but utilize a lot of flashback. Your deck is more straight burn, but figured I toss those ideas out there! Again, awesome deck--cheers!

LitchOubliette on Commander Staples Cube

3 years ago

Changelog (22/11/2020)








Mana Fixing

Moxfield_Is_Better on Purphoros, God of the ETB Triggers [cEDH PRIMER]

5 years ago

Hey, I like the idea of this list; but have a lot of problems with how it runs and it being considered cEDH., and the primer as a whole. First of all, your opening spoiler is inaccurate. The average cEDH mana curve does not sit at 2.8-3.5. That is completely ridiculous. On average, a cEDH deck sits around 1.7-2.3, and 2.3 is even a bit high. Second of all, you don't run infinite mana combos, which make your X spells like Firecat Blitz shine. Third, your board interaction and stax pieces are too few and far between. Stranglehold and your land destruction/hate pieces are nice, but Cursed Totem , Grafdigger's Cage , Chalice of the Void , Ricochet Trap , Shattering Spree , Thunderclap , and Mogg Salvage would further improve the stax and interaction of the deck greatly. The three large downsides of mono-red are lack of access to tutors, interaction, and sufficient ramp. That's why you should look to amp both of those up as much as possible, and once you've reached the proverbial ceiling, acknowledge red can only do much on its own, and hunker down into stax. You most likely won't end up being the fastest deck at the table with these changes, but you will be able to slow down others' decks with T1, 2, and 3 stax pieces to the point where you're a contender.

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