

At the beginning of your upkeep, if you have five or more cards in hand, Thumbscrews deals 1 damage to target opponent.

SufferFromEDHD on Pew PEW PEW

1 year ago

Just built and started testing Ghyrson out myself.

Get that Lava Dart into the main board. Too much easy value.

Shower of Sparks hidden gem I found digging thru my collection. Double Lightning Bolt for the same cost!

If your deck goes hellbent Scalding Tongs.

If your deck goes control Thumbscrews.

FormOverFunction on Demon King

2 years ago

shadow63 that’s why Rakdos never leaves home without his Thumbscrews! And neither should any of you. <3

FormOverFunction on UW Sting

2 years ago

griffstick you KNOW I love the tablet, why would you not let me be the one to list it!?! ;p Instead of the tablet, then, I would recommend a different favorite from my Torture! deck: Thumbscrews. I’m assuming you’re going to have a full grip, but if you’ve reliably got an empty hand you can go with Scalding Tongs instead. Check out my Torture! deck for more pingers!

FormOverFunction on Deck Ideas for Multi-Player format

2 years ago

My favorite commander for this type of case, and forgive me for saying this again (as some will recognize that I’ve posted this before), is Nekusar, the Mindrazer. This gives everyone extra cards to play with while putting the game on something of a clock. In my torture deck (it’s all Razor Pendulum, Thumbscrews, Skullcage, and whatnot) you’ve got a perpetual albeit slow drain on everyone, but it still lets them get cards and play. Pretty hard to beat that combination.

FormOverFunction on None

3 years ago

They Didn’t Even Ask Any Questions Scalding Tongs , Thumbscrews , Iron Maiden , Wheel of Torture , and Razor Pendulum . Really cement that line between kids/Pokémon and M:tG/high schoolers+. I’d be interested in what art they would choose (though I love most of those cards already) and I could do without WOT’s corny flavor text.

FormOverFunction on What can a good deck …

3 years ago

Thumbscrews, Yixlid Jailer, Scalding Tongs, and an Isolation Cell. Flavor win on turn five. Every time without fail. ;p

Thegru3some2some on Liquidbeaver

6 years ago

The IB deck is a lot of fun to play. I added Kusari-Gama thinking that it could work but I then found out through play testing that as soon as I sacrifice the creature, the equipment falls off and then damage is delt but I can still trigger it as long as Shared Animosity is pumping my creatures enough to board wipe.

But in my meta there are a lot of Derevi, Empyrial Tactician, Rafiq of the Many, Captain Sisay. Just heavy counter/bounce magic, board wipes, and wheels. IB does kill at least one person in a 4 man pod but I die almost immediately afterwards. My board state (when I kill that one person) usually has Goblin Chirurgeon, Goblin King/Goblin Warchief, Krenko, Mob Boss, Blood Moon, Mana Web, Price of Glory, and Shared Animosity. I am very much still pleased with the deck. Just giving feed back as to what types of meta it has a hard time with (if you don't already know).

I did have a huge favor to ask of you. I love death and taxes style decks. If you swing at me we both lose stuff but you will lose more. I run Shattergang Brothers and it can be mean. I just want a new deck that mimics death and taxes. I have my eyes set on Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker, and Darien, King of Kjeldor. But a Daretti, Scrap Savant deck would be awesome! I know those decks are mono colored but I am not only wanting mono colors, it just happened like that.

I was also thinking that I want to do a artifact heavy, deals damage based off cards target player has in hand over or under a certain amount like...The Rack, Ankh of Mishra, Ebony Owl Netsuke, Jinxed Idol, Jinxed Ring, Mask of Intolerance, Thumbscrews, Scalding Tongs, Iron Maiden, Misers' Cage just to name a few hahaha, massive card draw. No real intent to win through combat damage but maybe taking an extra turn or mass artifact over run. I would like my commander to be someone who can consistantly put out artifacts and so I have picked Muzzio, Visionary Architect or Padeem, Consul of Innovation (unless you know of one better). I am sorry this comment is this long. Thank you for all the help...

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