Thrasios, Triton Hero

Legendary Creature — Merfolk Wizard

: Scry 1, then reveal the top card of your library. If it's a land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped. Otherwise, draw a card.

Partner (You can have two commanders if both have partner.)

DemonDragonJ on Commander Masters Previews and Speculation

1 year ago

Both Tymna the Weaver and Thrasios, Triton Hero are very expensive, so I would like to see them be reprinted in this set.

Jett2112 on Mana Horror

1 year ago

LOL I built this deck because my playgroup called the M.T.G.P.D. now it's here to serve and protect! No really, I made this deck (without sideboard) to play in a very creature heavy battlecruiser style meta with very few control decks and not much interaction. I chose Thrasios, Triton Hero and Vial Smasher the Fierce because I like the playstyle of using thrasios to draw interactions then using vial smasher as a win condition that capitalises off the interactions being cast.

I don't think it's even possible to win turn 5 (without sideboard) with this deck. by turn 5 I just want to have lots of mana and card draw to ensure I can interact with the table on their turn which starts a "clock" with random damage from Vial Smasher the Fierce. Between counterspells and board wipes we actually make games go longer than they normally would have.

(Good Cop) My playgroup has a "no combo" rule so no insta-wins (Thassa's Oracle) and no prison locks (Karn, the Great Creator + Mycosynth Lattice), However we optimize our decks and have no budget limits other than our actual budget. We have aggro decks in our group that can threaten lethal consistently by turn 5. M.T.G.P.D. Good Cop edition (without sideboard) is designed to be as powerful as possible within the playgroup rules and their spirit.

(Bad Cop) When playing for stakes or playing cEDH at the LGS or fest, I can make swaps to go from good cop to bad cop. By slotting in the combos and tutors from the sideboard and changing up the counterspells then taking out more casual battlecruiser cards from the mainboard, Bad Cop edition has potential to be a pure evil s-tier force of nature.

Delphen7 on What Commander Do You Think …

1 year ago

I'd say Thrasios, Triton Hero is a contender, but there'd be a revolt if that happened.

legendofa on Lets Shape the Spell

1 year ago

As a few more thoughts:

If you're set on using , a partner pair with Ravos, Soultender will keep your discarded cards ready to be used. Maybe Thrasios, Triton Hero for the other?

Copying the abilities with cards like Lithoform Engine, Illusionist's Bracers, or Battlemage's Bracers, depending on budget, can improve their efficiency. Since the Spellshapers signature ability involves tapping and discarding, a way to untap them repeatedly and a big pile of draw effects would also help efficiency.

Hexapod on Pisces' aquarium depot

1 year ago


In order to have a Background as your secondary Commander, your main commander needs to have the phrase "Choose a Background" printed on it. Unfortunately, these are all mono-colored, and there would not be a suitable combination for your deck.

I would suggest that you use Thrasios, Triton Hero, which would be on theme, with a white Partner. Maybe Prava of the Steel Legion could be the hungry cat circling the fish tank?

Whether you use Patners or a Background, you can add the tag CMDR on two cards to list them both as your Commander.

enpc on Utopian Prosperity

1 year ago

So as a bit of a follow up from your forum post about tapped lands, I thought I would leave a comment here which will hopefuilly give you some insights into what I was talking about.

Looking at your list, your average CMC is (at the time of writing this) 3.85, which is rather high. But on top of that, if you look at hte shaper of the curve, you'll see that the deck is very light on before 3 CMC. This means that the deck doesn't really have much to do in the first few turns of the game which then means it's slower when you're trying to play bigger threats late game. Not to mention you're running a bunch of counterspells which in turn slows down your plays. Additionally, you have cards like Seedborn Muse and Murkfiend Liege which both thrive on playing as many sources that you can tap for mana as possible.

Then on top of that, you're running enough anthem effects (as well effects that put +1/+1 counters on creatures), meaning that lat game you can actually turn things like mana dorks into quite substantially threatening creatures. Combine this with the fact that you're running 38 lands, you could cut some of the more 'bait cards' from your deck as well as one or two lands (36 will be enough if you can pull your mana curve down) and add a few additional dorks. On top of that, you're using cards like Aura Shards which heavily rely on having lots of creatures to play. With only 25 creatures in your deck (which is not a high number), aura shards wil ldo less work overall than something like Return to Nature as Shards has more chance of being blown up before you even get to use it. Or you sit on it until you draw an additional creature which undermines its function.

Adding cards like Birds of Paradise, Avacyn's Pilgrim, Llanowar Elves and Noble Hierarch will help provide you with turn 1 plays which will in turn give you access to bigger creatures faster, meaning less reliance on playing stall cards while you establish a foothold. Additionally, cards like Rishkar, Peema Renegade will synergise nicely with both untap effects and +1/+1 counter effects. Cards like Thran Dynamo here are a trap - you have a lot of very hard costed cards and honestly this would do much more work as either something like Cultivate or Nature's Lore / Farseek. No, it's not as much mana but it's not colourless mana and again, it's ramp that's not competing with beaters for the same CMC.

Teferi is basically a better Vedalken Orrery as he has flash himself. Replacing Orrery with something like Eladamri's Call will add much more value to the deck, as you can get Teferi if you want flash but can get you a beater if you want something else.

Cards like Bow of Nylea will also do more work here than Elixir of Immortality. It gives you the same life triggers, but also leans into the theme of the deck much more. And unlike Elixir, bow can be used over and over. Don't get me wrong, I really like Elixir, but I find it's much more relevant in decks that want to play combo draw loops (think infinite mana Thrasios, Triton Hero).

If it's within your price range, cards like Dragonlord Dromoka are straight up going to do much more work than Treva, the Renewer. Treva's ability gains life, yes, but it constantly requires mana input and then requires you to have a boardstate, which puts it in the win-more category. Dromoka is just a really hard to stop beater and defends you on your turns. Additionally, if you're going to add non-lifelink lifegain effects, you probably want something you can activate over and over for small chunks of life rather than one big hit, as this synergises better with Archangel of Thune. Remember, lifegain for the sake of ligefain is usually not that good - you want to do something with said life so leaning into synergistic effects will help make the deck stronger overall.

Anyway, that's some thoughts on it. I can talk to the points more if you have questions however this should be a good starting point. As with all this advice as well, you have to build your deck how you want to, however there are some defininte things you can do to amke your deck a lot faster while still holding onto the same spirit of the deck.

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