Thopter Engineer

Creature — Human Artificer

When Thopter Engineer enters the battlefield, create a 1/1 colorless Thopter artifact creature token with flying.

Artifact creatures you control have haste. (They can attack and as soon as they come under your control.)

multimedia on Breya Budget EDH

1 year ago

Hey, well done version on a budget.

If you like Thopters and want to make your deck more competitive then consider adding the budget Sword + Foundry combo? Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry creates Thopters equal to the amount of mana you have available. Foundry sacs Sword, moving Sword to graveyard, Foundry creates a 1/1 Thopter which then returns Sword to the battlefield attached to the Thopter and repeat. Even without Foundry, Sword is a good artifact with Breya for sac fodder because it can return to the battlefield.

If you add Ashnod's Altar to Sword of the Meek + Thopter Foundry then it's a combo to create infinite Thopters. Create infinite Thopters on an opponent's turn and then attack with them on your next turn to win or attack with them you're same turn with Thopter Engineer. Each time you sac a Thopter with Altar you make enough mana to activate Foundry twice. One Thopter is saced to make colorless mana and the other isn't, results in creating infinite Thopters and infinite colorless mana. Altar was just reprinted in the latest set Brothers War (BRO), Retro Artifacts version (BRR), it's down to $5.

Breya and her Thopters can be a wincon with Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle combo. Because Breya can sac herself to do 3 damage to a player then this can enable Deathmantle to repeatedly return her to the battlefield resulting in doing infinite damage to each opponent, 3 damage at a time. Altar sacs a Thopter + Breya which makes 4 mana and when Breya dies it triggers Deathmantle. Pay the 4 to return Breya to the battlefield and repeat. It's great for synergy that all these combo pieces are artifacts making it much easier to assemble them.

Wishclaw Talisman is busted with Breya because it's an artifact, she can sac it along with any other artifact before an opponent gains control of it. When you activate Wishclaw that puts the entire effect on the stack. In response to this, activate Breya and sac Wishclaw. When you resolve the Wishclaw trigger you search for your card, put it into your hand and since Wishclaw is no longer on the battlefield then an opponent doesn't gain control of it, it instead is in your graveyard to be recurred. Wishclaw is great with Emry, Lurker of the Loch and Goblin Welder for a repeatable tutor.

I see Unwinding Clock here which is good with Master Transmuter because it's an artifact and it taps for it's ability. Transmuter has a unique powerful effect because of the way it's worded, it doesn't target, you can return the same artifact you bounce to your hand right back to the battlefield. With Clock + Breya you can create two Thopters on each player's turn equal to the number of players. Transmuter is also great to cheat high CMC artifacts onto the battlefield by bouncing any artifact you control. Especially high CMC artifacts if they have an ETB ability such as Myr Battlesphere to keep creating Myrs, Spine of Ish Sah to keep destroying opponent permanents, Thought Monitor for repeatable draw, etc.

Making some land changes within your budget can make your deck more competitive by cutting some lands that always ETB tapped for lands that don't. The Pain lands and other lands like them are excellent budget lands especially when your Commander can gain life. They ETB untapped to make colorless mana or you take 1 damage to make a colored mana. The Pains have been reprinted in the last two Standard sets making them the least expensive right now. You can also start to find some Pain lands in new Commander precons which is a welcomed manabase upgrade.

Good luck with your deck.

Evool on Jhoira Artifacts

1 year ago

Revision; added more infinite combo potential with Dramatic Reversal just waiting on Isochron Scepter to arrive. Added a few more token generators like Sai, Master Thopterist, Etherium Spinner, and Thopter Engineer. Added Jhoira's arguably better version Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain to swap out commanders if someone so pleased, along with Brudiclad, Telchor Engineer although not as well optimized for Brudi. Do have a few more cards on like way like Memnarch and a few others from my maybe board, will add when they arrive.

multimedia on

3 years ago

Hey, nice budget upgrade so far of the precons.

It looks like you've mixed the Osgir precon with the Breya precon which is interesting. Osgir kind of has some negative synergy with Breya or Silas as Commander because Osgir's best ability is to exile an artifact from your graveyard. With Breya and Silas you want to take advantage of being able to reanimate/recur artifacts meaning you don't want to exile them from your graveyard. Akiri has nice interaction with Osgir because he makes token copies of artifacts that make Akiri bigger. In saying this if you want to better utilize Osgir then play Akiri/Silas as Commanders.

Osgir's exile ability is powerful, but it doesn't go with Breya therefore in my opinion Osgir is out of place. I play budget Breya and not Akiri/Silas thus I may have some bias, but these Commanders seem very different in gameplay. With Akiri/Silas attacking seems important, using Commander damage as a source of winning and value. Breya is less about attacking with her and more about using her ability sacing artifacts for modes for value to control the game. Breya's best strength as Commander is being a win condition combo piece with the two Thopters she creates.

With Breya as Commander I would play Silas in the 99 because he's an artifact, but not Akiri. With Akiri/Silas I would play Breya in the 99 because she's an artifact who's three artifacts for four mana. Akiri/Silas want evasion to be able to do as much combat Commander damage therefore I would include more budget artifacts to give them evasion:

You don't really want these with Breya instead budget combo pieces:

All these Commander choices are better with less creatures and more artifacts. Lots of creatures is not what you want unless they're artifact creatures because all these Commanders abilities are only good with artifacts. 40 creatures is a lot of creatures for any Commander deck that's not tribal like Elves. Consider cutting creatures for more artifacts?

There are some exceptions here for nonartifact creatures:

Whirler Rogue seems very good with Akiri/Silas to make either or both unblockable, but is subpar with Breya. You could cut all the others that I didn't name for artifacts or other cards.

Some cards to consider cutting to get to 99:

I offer more advice. Would you like more advice? Good luck with deck.

keegcb on I Wanna Be a Billionaire, So F***** Bad

3 years ago

darkin10s Excellent question. You're correct in the sense that Warp World is kind of a board wipe but let me paint a picture of the board state (not just my board). Warp World has us "shuffle all permanents he or she owns into his or her library", meaning it sees all those tokens as permanents even though they technically stop existing once they leave the battlefield. Then we reveal from the top of our Library, and in summary, put all permanents revealed onto the battlefield (not including Planeswalkers, hence the "in summary").

Warp World itself isn't putting tokens onto the battlefield but many of the permanents it would hit produce tokens for the extra value (all the creatures that make extra thopters when they enter). This is why cards like Dockside Extortionist , Brass's Bounty , Smothering Tithe , or Revel in Riches are so good before a Warp World cast, because we get extra card flips and potential permanents on the field for only a single card slot in the deck.

Warp World is more of a "hurts everyone, but hurts me the least" type of strategy that we are going for. We're working under the assumption that we have the most tokens onto the battlefield than the rest of the players, otherwise it's not worth casting. The value that we get is that we are making so many tokens because many of our cards put out either an extra treasure token or maybe a couple thopters.

Here is a very basic example that will help paint the picture with some simple math (this exact situation is not a likely scenario for a game but I think it gets across the idea). Lets assume everyone has played the same number of cards by turn seven and they have either tricked out a land or maybe played a mana rock, and maybe everyone has 2 creature and one enchantment. So everyone has 7 lands, 1 rock or extra land, 2 creatures, 1 enchantment = 11 permanents. But the 2 creatures I played are maybe Whirler Rogue and Thopter Engineer so I actually have 14 permanents since I've got 3 extra creature tokens. Now what if the enchantment I played was Smothering Tithe and it went a whole round on the table and wasn't paid for, meaning (in this fake scenario) I have 3 extra treasures. Now my permanent count is at 17 compared to everyone else's 11 count when I cast Warp World; I get to flip 17 cards from the top of my deck and everyone else gets to flip 11. This still wipes all players battlefields, but I'm counting on hitting more permanents when I flip with my extra chances. Plus if one of the cards I flip is a Experimental Aviator or maybe Myr Battlesphere , that single permanent I now gave me extra permanents for my board state, so I am recovering much more quickly from this type of wipe than my opponents.

This is obviously not a hyper optimized strategy because it's highly reliant on board state, it may not even be beneficial for you at times, but it's fun when it does happen.

RambIe on What is the best card …

3 years ago

Minds Aglow would be my choice

doesn't meet the one card requirement but Eldrazi Displacer + any etb would get the job done
Some Examples: Goblin Chainwhirler,Ayara, First of Locthwain,Thopter Engineer,Thought-Knot Seer,Gilded Drake

The_Fallen_Duke on Red/Blue Artifact Deck

4 years ago

Pretty much the same general advice as above. There is some good material in the deck, but I also guess you should find the path you want to follow to secure the win. Going wide with tokens (especially if evasive like flying thopters) is definitely an option, but in this case I would suggest to have some ways to give them haste: you don't want to build your board and then being hit like a board-wipe before doing any damage (which it seems it is what was happening). Thopter Engineer and Bruciclad are good, but as creatures they can easily die to removal, so something like Fervor or Hammer of Purphoros (which also synergize as an artifact) could work.

Everything written by the fellow above regarding answers and card-draw, something at which blue excels and red is not bad, I can do nothing but quote.

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