Thistledown Liege

Creature — Kithkin Knight


Other white creatures you control get +1/+1.

Other blue creatures you control get +1/+1.

ClockworkSwordfish on Mind Over Matter

11 months ago

Sen Triplets is a lot of fun, and it's always good to see the gals still kicking in a world where some might argue better alternatives might exist to fit the same niche.

The control shell definitely fits the Triplets well, but I feel like a good chunk of your deck is gummed up with giant creatures who maybe don't play too well with your strategy! Sure, a number of them can bring home the bacon, but... what's Nemesis of Reason doing? You'll never mill your opponent out, and a number of decks would actually benefit from having ten cards placed in the bin more often than not. Thistledown Liege and Glen Elendra Liege are best in an aggressive deck with lots of cheap multicoloured creatures, not a slower control deck that aims to take its time. Archon of the Triumvirate and Drogskol Reaver have fine abilities, but how often will they be stuck in your hand while you're struggling to hit seven mana? I think cheaper cards that support your main strategy might be wiser in their place.

One thing that's easy to miss about the Triplets is that they stop your opponent from activating any abilities - even mana abilities, so that means your chosen patsy is prevented from tapping lands on your turn! An easy way to capitalize on that is with cheap taxing effects on your own turn, such as Crystal Shard or Erratic Portal - your foe won't be able to resist your cheap bounce effects, and hey presto, the Triplets mean you can play whatever creature you returned to his hand. Nice! Fade Away can be another real killer, ensuring your opponent is ditching a ton of permanents if he has a sizable number of creatures.

Some more classic pairings I think you left out are Exotic Orchard/Fellwar Stone - it's easy to forget that you need to actually be able to pay for the cards you steal from your opponent, including off-colour mana. Taking his lands is definitely a possibility, but the Orchard/Stone guarantees you'll have your opponent's colours on hand (and will more often than not give you a colour you can use anyway since you're running three colours!)

The last wicked piece of tech I had success with was Jester's Mask/Head Games. You can hand-pick a custom shopping list of whatever you like from your opponent's deck to play - or at the very least, pick out some stuff that won't come back to haunt you when their turn rolls around.

Good luck and hope this helps!

redace10 on Raff - Never Tap Down

5 years ago

savagetrooper Day of Destiny while pretty on theme just doesn't feel like it does enough. It compares unfavorably with things like Thistledown Liege, True Conviction, Gideon, Ally of Zendikar, and Marshal's Anthem. Anthem effects need to be either cheap or do something else, a la Spear of Heliod. Thanks for the suggestion though, it has me thinking about tinkering with the deck.

As for bolas's clutches, it's the cost that turns me off mostly. Also, I'm not a huge fan of controlling other people's creatures. Something I can take can just as easily be Swords to Plowshares away. Strong effect though, if the theme here was more using people's resources against them, it would be a great card.

SoapyCilantro on Azorius Aggro/Control

5 years ago

SKXTYD thanks! I really like that combo, card draw plus potential life gain is pretty sweet. Yeah, I'm kinda feeling the same way but I think I'd get more use of them over Thistledown Liege . But thank you for taking the time to look at this!

peckarow on Kithkin Nightmare Modern Competitive

5 years ago

I just made a deck like this so I think I know a little bit about Kithkin cards. First I'm not sure about Figure of Destiny it's not a fast card and Ballyrush Banneret doesn't help it get out faster. Second I feel like Thistledown Liege could be replaced by Honor of the Pure but if it's part of the gimmick of the deck it's good. Also Steel of the Godhead works on two creatures in the deck and is completely unnecessary and you could spend your mana better on your turn. Here is my deck for inspiration Kithkin Militia

OHNOitsLoGo on Modern Devotion to Blue

5 years ago

Silverdrake Thistledown Liege is getting added after running a few playtests, Thanks for the suggestions!

lagotripha on The Knights Who Say "Nyx!"

6 years ago

Springjack Shepherd, Light from Within, Brave the Elements, History of Benalia Thistledown Liege Wilt-Leaf Liege might all be of interest to you.

Crovax, Ascendant Hero Dovescape might also be interesting things to drop with nykthos.

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