The Tarrasque
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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

The Tarrasque

Legendary Creature — Dinosaur

This has haste and ward as long as it was cast. (Whenever this becomes the target of a spell or ability an opponent controls, counter it unless that player pays .)

Whenever this attacks, it fights target creature defending player controls. (Both creatures deal damage equal to their power to each other.)

Recommendations View more recommendations

Lammastide Weave
Mosscoat Goriak
Grapeshot Catapult
Axebane Beast
Pygmy Allosaurus

legendofa on Why Does WotC No Longer …

8 months ago

There are only fifteen cards with some variation of this text. One pops up every few years, with a cluster from 2009-2012 covering Progenitus, the Eldrazi Titans, and Worldspine Wurm. There was then a six-year gap to Nexus of Fate (which may or may not count for the question, since it's not a creature).

I'm not sure it's officially stopped being a mechanic. It's just used infrequently, and usually to denote a creature of apocalyptic power with an equally apocalyptic mana cost. If they have fully stepped away from this text, it's in favor of rewarding the card being cast, like the BFZ/OGW/EMN Eldrazi Titans, Apex Devastator, or The Tarrasque.

Unlife on BBEG Deck Ideas

9 months ago

saluma I like Tiamat, it is 100% a DnD BBEG and dragons are big and nasty.

KBK7101 I like The Tarrasque, but it does feel kinda meh, similar to Ghalta who's very strong, but just doesn't feel as 'world-ending'. I'd forgotten the gods though, maybe some sort of aristocrats-animator thing. The captain is fun, but he has the more 'hit and run' thing going for him as a pirate.

DreadKhan I've played with Kresh the Bloodbraided before, he can be fun but he can also feel a bit clunky which was why I;d dropped him previously. Sauron, the Dark Lord has that traditional world ending feel, and his ward cost means he dodges most removal. I'd forgotten goad was a thing, it brings me back to Queen Marchesa, a more political goaded build to manipulate other decks. In terms of the decks competing against one another, I think they're fairly balanced at the moment, but they're also still being tuned and adjusted.

legendofa Well, gonna start with a massive thank you first, that's a wicked great breakdown. With this massive list, maybe I'll add a second in command deck along with the BBEG one....

I'm not worried about it being directly connected to the forgotten realms, just kinda having a DnD class/BBEG 'vibe' for lack of a better word (I mean, my paladin deck design is knight tribal helmed by Syr Cadian, Knight Owl) Among that massive list, Konda, Lord of Eiganjo, Progenitus, Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, Umbris, Fear Manifest, Momir Vig, Simic Visionary, and Malfegor all stand out. Your dimir list also reminded me of Runo Stromkirk  Flip as a big monster summoner.

TypicalTimmy Dihada is an interesting choice, maybe a deck full of brainwashed missing adventurers. A lot of these suggestions keep leading me back to mardu, so I may take a deeper dive there.

Either way, this has been massively helpful. Course, now I have the opposite problem, so many choices to narrow down.

KBK7101 on BBEG Deck Ideas

9 months ago

I also vote Tiamat. I'd say The Tarrasque but that card is... not the best. Maybe the new Ghalta card from Lost Caverns of Ixalan as a replacement?

Bane, Lord of Darkness, Myrkul, Lord of Bones and Bhaal, Lord of Murder are some more choices that might be interesting.

Maybe Captain N'ghathrod?

legendofa on Help with deck creation for …

10 months ago

Legendary beatdown? It should be easy to get her out on turn three for a turn 4 attack. Load up on cheap legends like Jolrael, Mwonvuli Recluse, Syr Faren, the Hengehammer, maybe Wilson, Refined Grizzly, and you have the start of a stompy deck.

Blackblade Reforged feels like a natural fit, too.

You could also ramp into bigger legendary creatures like Old Gnawbone or The Tarrasque and go for a big creature beatdown. Add some protection like Wrap in Vigor, Heroic Intervention, or Asceticism, depending on budget, and there's a deck.

I would say those are Doric's clearest strengths, ramping and face smashing, with a side of lands matter. I can't come up with anything too tricky or subtle to do with her as the centerpiece, so my suggestion is to dig into the aggro and swing hard.

MaRcTaMaN on A Tarrasque Appears!

1 year ago

Voltron mono green where you pump out a bunch on mana duplicators so you can cast your Commander The Tarrasque for cheaper and have left-over mana to cast equipment and other power ups to punch down your opponents.

Icaruskid on The Wizard of Ooze | The Mimeoplasm [Powered]

1 year ago

Dangerwillrobinson79 hey hey glad to hear you are taking the ooze for a spin!

Yes The Tarrasque must fight a creature the defending player controls. It is not a "may" ability. Usually this is a bonus removal spell. This only is a downside if they somehow have a bigger creature than a 21/21 or one with deathtouch. In that case, attack another player until removal gets rid of the threat or try to get another creature in the graveyard other than The Tarrasque like Gaea's Revenge, Spirit of the Night, or the brand new Tyrranax Rex. Those pair best with Death's Shadow, Impervious Greatwurm, or Lord of Extinction after a board wipe.

Dangerwillrobinson79 on The Wizard of Ooze | The Mimeoplasm [Powered]

1 year ago

I really like this build and I’m working on my own with yours as inspiration.

Your favorite suckerpunch is The Tarrasque and Titanoth Rex. My question about The Mimeoplasm is: when you pull this off, does he have to “fight target creature defending player controls”- per the text on the tarrasque?

JoosetheMuice on Janky Leviathans

1 year ago

I agree with the above comments and I would definitely add more of those low CMC ramps spells from your maybe board.

I also don't love most of your "evacuate" types cards and you seem to be missing the big one that is on flavor which is Crush of Tentacles. I really think Unwind, Rewind, Plasm Capture and the like should go, you don't want to be leaving large amounts of mana up with this deck, you want to be dumping large things. Just keep your 1 and 2 cmc counters and you will be fine. I really also don't love how almost all of your remove replaces itself with another creature especially since a lot of your leviathans can be chump blocked. I would consider finding better options for say, Pongify and Rapid Hybridization. A lot of your creatures seem really random and out of place, like murkfiend liege, sharktocrap, nimbus swimmer, come to mind. Since you don't really have anything forcing the squid, kraken, octopus theme you could add The Tarrasque which is kind of fun. Also why no Lorthos, the Tidemaker

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