The Modern Age

Enchantment — Saga

(As this Saga enters the battlefield and after your draw step, put a lore counter on this and activate and/or enable the ability of the saga tied to the required number of counters.)

/ — Draw a card, then discard a card.

— Exile this Saga, then return this to the battlefield transformed under your control.

Taida on Tom da Bomb - The Saga Continues

1 month ago

The deck looks very cool, love the idea. Maybe you can add some blinking effect, allowing to trigger again the first chapter of whatever saga you control, such as Flickerwisp and Teleportation Circle. Regarding sagas, I personally love The Modern Age  Flip, but I don't think it fits. Regardless, good luck with the deck, it is amazing.

K4nkato on Journey to Nowhere and The …

1 year ago

If my opponent flips The Modern Age  Flip and I exile the creature with Journey to Nowhere, then Journey to Nowhere leaves the battlefield, does The Modern Age  Flip come back as an enchantment or an enchantment creature?

Kazierts on Trigger Blue

2 years ago

I'm not very well versed in Pioneer and haven't played mill in a while, so take what I say with a grain of salt.

First things first, going over 60 cards is almost never a good thing.

About the cards themselves, here's a few things:

  • I would suggest Fabled Passage but I'm not entirely sure that would be within you budget. The more fetchlands the better. Ruin Crab is a house.

  • I really, really don't like Riddleform. It's very conditional and you kinda don't want to even consider winning with combat damage when playing mill. However, as I did in your other deck, I'll try to suggest things that work with your playstyle, even if I disagree. In this case, I have to say Riptide Chimera is better in every aspect. It's always a creature, has a bigger body and synergizes better with the constellation theme, since you can bounce things to redraw and remill every turn.

  • I'm not a huge fan of the cards you added for card draw. I see them as a bit too slow and innefective. From a quick search on Scryfall I have a few cards I believe you should consider. Wizard Class does basically the same as Font of Fortunes, but has better late game potential, especially considering you like having an alternative wincondition. Another thing I'd consider is Hard Cover. I know this seems very suspect, but hear me out. You want cheap enchantments to trigger constelation, which this is. You want card draw to see more cards in your deck, which this does. Additionaly, it increases the toughness of your creatures, enabling better blocks against more aggressive decks. Maybe The Modern Age  Flip would be good, as it draws you cards and blinks itself, triggering constellation again. There are also enchantments that mill your opponents as you draw cards, such as Psychic Corrosion, Sphinx's Tutelage and Teferi's Tutelage, though I don't think that's the route you want to take with this deck. I know this paragraph is huge enough already, but I just have one more suggestion that's not already in the deck, which is Inventive Iteration  Flip. It's interactions against the opponent and, when it flips, can prevent your opponent from casting certain spells.

  • I honestly think you should just max out on Mirrormade given you can use it to copy Drowned Secrets and Fraying Sanity.

  • Lastly, because I'm aware I write things almost the size of an article, Into the Story could be something to have in your mind, but not necessarily run.

To reiterate, I don't have a lot of knowledge when it comes to Pioneer, so a lot of the things I've said can be wrong. This is just my opinion based on a little bit of mill I've played on some quick searches on Scryfall. Hope this proves useful to you.

Degaine on UB-dreadge-Delve

2 years ago

I would never play Otherworldly Gaze, it wastes one card and gives you only a little bit bigger gy.

From things you mentioned - you are not fast enough. Well, if you can not make your deck faster, then you need to slow your opponent down. Put more destroy&sacrifice effects (Diabolic Edict, Chainer's Edict) or mass removal like Pestilence, Crypt Rats, Evincar's Justice, Suffocating Fumes with an actual card draw spells like Accumulated Knowledge (it is dead against decks with bojuka), Think Twice, Behold the Multiverse or Deep Analysis.

Good creatures - Delver of Secrets  Flip (very aggressive), Augur of Bolas (good against aggro decks), it is slow but it fills gy - The Modern Age  Flip

Other things - at this moment I would cut like 5 lands and you can swap some of them with Evolving Wilds or Ash Barrens (additional cards that can fill gy) cause you have so many cantrips. The same as I would cut imps. It is more for gy focused decks, UB is not.

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