Thalakos Dreamsower

Creature — Thalakos Wizard

Shadow (This creature can block or be blocked by only creatures with shadow.)

You may choose not to untap Thalakos Dreamsower during your untap step.

Whenever Thalakos Dreamsower deals damage to an opponent, tap target creature. That creature doesn't untap during its controller's untap step as long as Thalakos Dreamsower remains tapped.

DreadKhan on A Vast Network of Spies

1 year ago

I'm going to suggest a few evasive creatures I use in decks that care about that feature, they're generally higher MV, which I gather is an asset to you! Hope they're not too high budget for your plan! Thieving Skydiver is an evasive creature that can steal a mana rock or Sword, it can even scale up from there. Another I truly love is Sower of Temptation, which steals a body until it dies. If the stolen creature dies you can maybe flicker it (you can also upgrade what it's stolen that way), but it's also a 2/2 flyer. Not necessarily good enough (but strong enough that I feel they're worth a look), Thalakos Deceiver can steal a creature if there is something worrisome (and it's just an evasive 1/1 if not), Thalakos Dreamsower can lock down a problem creature (less useful if people are big on Haste or Craterhoof, very good if they don't), and Thousand-Faced Shadow can copy a creature while offering an evasive attacker in a pinch.

I like Sporefrog a lot, I even run it alongside Dawnstrider in a Meren deck that tends to get targeted. You can easily afford to discard the card in Edric, and the ability can happen each turn.

Edric is a cool deck, interesting choice to build on a budget!

DreadKhan on unthinkable apocalypse

1 year ago

There is Kaervek the Merciless, this might work well with your fairly high MV. Also with the higher MV, you could look at Protection Racket, which is mostly a problem if your deck cares about specific cards, as long as your deck is just a bunch of cards that are all good together it's one of the best cards in Black, it can draw you more cards than Rhystic Study in some metas, or just drain everyone of life if they're really, really responsible and always pay. Finally, Timesifter is hilarious if your opponents have a deck with a noticeably lower MV, or a lot of lands compared to you. You could toss in some really high MV spells like Blasphemous Act and/or Reckless Endeavor, wipes are handy I find, even in a deck that usually is ahead, sometimes you face a faster deck, or a deck that has one sided wipes. I think if your MV is over 3.75 you probably could look at all but Timesifter, for that you might want to go even higher. Another way to raise your average MV is MDFs like Hagra Mauling  Flip, as a spell you would never run it, but in place of a land it is both versatile and has it's MV for any effect that cares about it, the only question is if you can afford a tapped land (or want to pay for the Mythics, can enter untapped in a pinch). Some of these cards are just incredible value IMHO, like Valakut Awakening  Flip, but some seem bad, afaik the best way to rate these is to consider if the effect is valuable period in Commander (is it worth a card in theory), not to worry as much about the cost because the alternative of hitting a land drop is almost never a terrible thing.

If you run a lot of creatures, I like Court of Cunning and Court of Ambition, both are annoying cards that can also draw you cards, and Cunning is a great source of repeated mill vs something like Glimpse. Also if you run a lot of creatures, Bident of Thassa is perhaps the best non-Frostfang version of this effect, the forced attack can be backbreaking to some decks. Another decent one is Reconnaissance Mission, the worst of the lot is Coastal Piracy. Grim Hireling and Professional Face-Breaker are also nice cards. Thalakos Deceiver and Thalakos Dreamsower are nice Blue Shadows, Dauthi Voidwalker is a really good Black one, each of these is really hard to block and comes with a substantial upside. It's a bit janky in Commander, but Sower of Temptation isn't a terrible card, you just can't count on stealing anything too game breaking, as long as you steal something not worth spending another card on you'll get an evasive 2/2 that can sneak damage in for triggers.

If you want a one-sided nearly-Wrath, you might consider Make an Example or Phyrexian Purge. Example is able to pinpoint remove the best creature of each opponent, by any metric, and it's almost impossible to get around with present day cards (it's a chosen, not targeted sacrifice effect), while Purge lets you clear out the best 4 or 5 creatures so you can just take over, Purge likes having access to some life gain, it's especially good with something like Sangromancer, but if you want life gain in Grixis it's hard to do better than Exquisite Blood, but I'm almost never unhappy with Mask of Griselbrand, I think that card is slept on somewhat in Commander.

If you do go with Kraum or some other beefy Commander for your deck, Agitator Ant is a pretty strong card, but you either need the biggest thing on board already or to be able to remove stuff as needed. Kraum having evasion means you'll usually be able to get in against someone, so +2 power is great, and you being Goaded wears off before your next attack step anyways, so it only matters if someone steals it I guess (at which point it can't attack you I suppose??), Agitator Ant also works with any super-evasive creatures, so if your deck has lots of Flying or Shadow it

Hope some of these ideas are helpful!

DreadKhan on Ghyrson Calamity

1 year ago

Not sure if you've got them kicking around, but good old Arc Mage could do some work in here, and could Flame Jab, which can turn extra lands drawn into more damage spells. I always liked the idea of using Flame Jab with Scrying Sheets to keep digging out lands, but you need to run only Snow lands, so you're budget would have to go up, but at least Sheets got reprinted.

If you want evasive attackers in Izzet, the old Thalakos Deceiver and Thalakos Dreamsower are very hard to block usually, maybe good as 1 of, harder to cast but they both do something pretty massive in some games.

DreadKhan on

1 year ago

Soltari Champion and Soltari Visionary are pretty solid Shadows to throw into an evasive deck, Thalakos Deceiver and Thalakos Dreamsower are both utility creatures that have Shadow, and Dauthi Voidwalker is unheard of value for BB. You might care enough about an unblockable pirate for Changeling Outcast to be interesting.

Strixhaven Stadium is pretty good if you expect to sneak in more often than opponents can hit you, synergizes well with stuff like War Tax or Propaganda/Ghostly Prison type stuff. You could even throw in a source of lifelink, Whip of Erebos is low to the ground, Noble Purpose stacks with Lifelink and True Conviction also doubles your power while offering lifelink. I find I love having lifelink on my evasives, as they tend to be smaller. Another payoff might be Grim Hireling, which can generate plenty of treasure, which can either help with your high levels of card draw or remove things if you're desperate. Even obvious Smothering Tithe is a pretty solid card in a deck with this much card draw built in, but it is annoying to play/play against.

Dowsing Dagger  Flip and Sword of the Animist are good ramp with evasives.

Must be nice playing games with this much access to card advantage!

azulryu on Mr. Sandman

4 years ago

triproberts12 thanks for those suggestions!

I had no idea about Mana Skimmer and will definitely put that nightmare in! I have a few of the ones you named but Time of Ice is a solid recommendation. It'd work well in case I don't get much out - really great pairing with Orb of Dreams by bouncing them back at the end too. Dream Tides is tempting but it would slow down my deck more than it already is. I forgot about Thalakos Dreamsower, might consider putting it in for the mid-mana cost. Queen of Ice is also a solid pick. I'll look into all of these, thank you!

Side note, when I first started learning magic, I had half an idea of making a white/green bird deck. Your favorite card just might inspire a black/green/white dredge deck with birds.

triproberts12 on Mr. Sandman

4 years ago

If you're going to devote a deck to your favorite card (Nice choice, mine's Soulcatchers' Aerie), I would go all in. For example, in Dimir, Mana Skimmer is the Timeshifted version of Somnophore.

Time of Ice, Quiet Contemplation, Back to Basics, Dream Tides, Wrath of Marit Lage, Temporal Distortion, Neko-Te Thalakos Dreamsower, Wall of Stolen Identity, Frost Titan, Queen of Ice, Wall of Ice, Niblis of Frost, Guardian of Tazeem, Icefall Regent, Dungeon Geists, Mesmerizing Benthid, House Guildmage, Tidebinder Mage, Watertrap Weaver, Frost Lynx, Stitched Mangler, Fogwalker, and Vertigo Spawn would probably be my picks for "freeze" tribal.

Alternately, if you're not invested in Dimir, so much as in the creature itself, you could build a Derevi, Empyrial Tactician, or Empress Galina deck, since those commanders probably best represent what the card is doing.

teodorofelipe on Extreme Budget Ezuri, Claw of Progress $21

7 years ago

Really liked this deck, only think i don't think is cool is the fact it uses "infect" mechanic, it is kinda silly in commander, you could trade infect cards for blue shadows to keep the "unblockable" archetype and good budget cards that trigger ezure and some protection for him , here are some budget sugestions:

Deep-Sea Kraken => Zameck Guildmage

Hunted Phantasm => Elgaud Shieldmate

Talrand's Invocation => Patagia Viper

Wild Beastmaster => Cultivator of Blades

Blight Mamba => Coiling Oracle

Blighted Agent => Trygon Predator

Cystbearer => Mystic Snake

Glistener Elf => Swiftfoot Boots

Putrefax => Vorel of the Hull Clade

Rot Wolf => Thalakos Dreamsower

Spinebiter => Simic Manipulator

Viridian Corrupter => Reclamation Sage

Fruit of the First Tree => Bident of Thassa

Hunter's Insight => Bred for the Hunt

Life's Legacy => Coastal Piracy

Protective Bubble => Canopy Cover