Tetsuo Umezawa

Legendary Creature — Human Archer

Tetsuo Umezawa can't be the target of Aura spells.

, : Destroy target tapped or blocking creature.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Tetsuo, Imperial Champion
Fire Bowman
Cursed Monstrosity
Auriok Siege Sled
Dread Reaper
Zhang Liao, Hero of Hefei

Asder on Card creation challenge

3 years ago

Bartel Runeaxe

Legendary Creature - Giant Warrior

Haste, Vigilance, Shroud

Whenever Bartel Runeaxe attacks, put a +1/+1 counter on it.

Creatures with power less the number of +1/+1 counters on Bartel Runeaxe can't block during your turn.


Make a legendary creature thats descended from one of the old legendary creatures similar to how Tetsuko Umezawa, Fugitive and Toshiro Umezawa are descended from Tetsuo Umezawa

Idoneity on None

3 years ago

The set of Legends introduced both Legendary creatures and multi-coloured cards into the game. More important is the second for the sake of this comment.

Dakkon Blackblade , of the same set as Halfdane , oddly adheres to what we see today of the ordering, being .

Lady Evangela bears the mana cost of .

More inconsistencies can be seen in Sol'kanar ()and Tetsuo Umezawa (), Xira Arien () and Vaevictis (), and, lastly, Angus () and Ragnar ().

Oddly enough, all of the four Naya legends ( Johan , Jacques , Palladia-Mors , and Hazezon Tamar) have the same colour ordering.

All of the two-colour combinations (except for Rakdos ?) are backwards from what we see today, yet are all constant.

The Dark's Scarwood Gobbo () is similar to Legends' mana costs, an ensample being The Lady of the Mountain () (my favourite card of all time).

The afield system seems to have been rectified in Ice Age, for it had Centaur Archer (), Diabolic Vision (), and Chromatic Armor ().

(Legends had Jedit Ojanen ())

My concensus here is that WOTC did not have much of a grasp as to amounts and mana costs in the debut set, whereupon inconsistencies may be seen about the expansion, yet they righted this two releases later.

Not much is actually in this comment, but others may use this information as they wish to sieve through Magic's multi-coloured monstrosities.

Dromar39 on The most powerful being?

3 years ago

I believe the Ur-dragon was split into 5 dragons (Crosis, Darigaaz, Dromar, Rith, and Treva). It's explained in the invasion block books.

As far as Most powerful one could say Titania. And sticking to green you have Multani and Molimo. Both of which fought in the Invasion of Phyrexians into dominaria.

Then you have Tetsuo Umezawa who defeat Nicol Bolas a long time ago.

To be honest each story or at least the older stories had multiple strong characters.

Mortlocke on [EDH] Old School Tetsuo

4 years ago

My friend, I totally understand - quarantine has me obsessing over my decks like a madman and i'm spending so much on cards it's embarrassing. Tetsuo Umezawa is one seriously unique commander though, i'd like to see more of what you intend on doing with him and elaborate upon that with a fleshed out deck description. I'll talk more on that later, but for now - take my +1.

hejtmane on Suggestions for cards with bitchin' …

4 years ago

triproberts12 first we need to get you a commander ones that I found with old art that look interesting this is just stuff when looking I made sure it had at least blue and black in the colors and went from there but maybe some options for your commander once we get that we can start building around the commander

Merieke Ri Berit Skeleton Ship Tetsuo Umezawa Gwendlyn Di Corci Cromat

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Legendary Creatures, by Plane

5 years ago

This is an awesome idea. I incidentally found two mistakes in your list:

I'm very sure Tetsuo Umezawa is from Dominaria, still you have him listed in your Kamigawa compartment. His ancestor Toshiro was brought to dominaria by Myojin of Night's Reach and founded his own country there.

Also in your Kamigawa part, you didn't mention Kaseto, Orochi Archmage

TheRealSpecialK on A classic debate: Who is …

5 years ago

I think this should be looked at two ways - best swordsman and best magically enhanced swordsman. A lot of the nominees have had to heavily rely on magic (thinking about Tetsuo Umezawa) to augment their natural abilities. In this vein of swordsman, I think Nahiri, the Lithomancer is a good candidate. She has thousands of years of experience, and not only can she wield two swords at once, Nahiri's Wrath depicts her with 5. So while her raw talent as a swordsman (swordswoman?) might be less than other characters from lore, I think she might be able to beat many of them with her enhanced abilities.

legendofa on A classic debate: Who is …

5 years ago

dusterGGG Tetsuo Umezawa is one of very, very few to even challenge Nicol Bolas, let alone survive, let alone come out on top. He did have to use a unique spell, though. Still a strong contender.


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