Tendrils of Agony


Target player loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.

Storm (When you play this spell, copy it for each spell played before it this turn. You may choose new targets for the copies.)

Made_Compleat on Paradoxical Storm

4 months ago

bnhs69a, there's no combo per se. You draw a bunch of cards, ramp a ton, play a bunch of degenerate spells to up your storm count, and win with a Tendrils of Agony. Mind's Desire helps you find Tendrils, and Paradoxical Outcome, when paired with all the moxen and other free/mana positive artifacts, draws you cards and ups your storm count.

sylvannos on Hoax Storm v2

1 year ago

To start with, there's a few cards that have better Vintage equivalents. Overmaster and Spell Pierce should be the 3rd. and 4th. copies of Force of Will. Leftover space from cutting those can be Red Elemental Blast, Pyroblast, or Flusterstorm. You don't need Faithless Looting because we have Paradoxical Outcome, Sensei's Divining Top, Gush, Dig Through Time, Treasure Cruise, and Brainstorm to choose from. Merchant Scroll also belongs in here, because you can use it to grab Ancestral Recall at the very least. Usually you want it to make sure you have protection in hand by grabbing countermagic.

Library of Alexandria isn't good in this deck. And you're not the type that needs 8x sources, so Steam Vents can go, along with a few copies of Volcanic Island (1 or 2). Replace all of these with four copies of Scalding Tarn and basic lands. Or even just play 6x fetches. You need to be able to shuffle after using Brainstorm, Ponder,and Sensei's Divining Top.

From here, you have a solid U/R Storm shell. However, I wouldn't play straight "Modern U/R Storm, but Power 9" dot dec. 2 mana is a lot for Goblin Electromancer, there are easier ways of winning than Grapeshot, and so on. The question then becomes "Where to go from here?"

Hope this helps! Welcome to MtG's oldest and greatest format.

sylvannos on How to take losses better …

1 year ago

You don't make many choices while playing Burn, but the choices you do make are some of the hardest decisions in Magic. Remember: you're a combo deck where the combo is three Mountains and seven Lightning Bolts. And just like other combo decks, knowing when to "go off" is important. Yeah, sometimes Storm has to use Grapeshot as removal, but no, it's not ideal.

You're playing by a similar set of rules as Burn. Sometimes, you have to Lightning Bolt a threat, but realize you have to make up for it. You have to determine whether or not your "combo" still works. It's like each Rift Bolt is a Dark Ritual and your last burn spell is the Tendrils of Agony. If you waste a "Dark Ritual" dealing with something, ask yourself if you still have a good enough hand to continue the combo?

Senserazer on K'rrik cEDH

1 year ago

Tendrils of Agony and Mox Amber seem like solid inclusions to me? Tendrils can just gain you a bunch more life to keep the chain going, and Mox Amber will always be active with Krrik out.

Lycheex on The Spanish Inquisition

2 years ago

@ArtPunch: Thanks! Glad to see someone with lot's of experience comment on the sideboard. Are there any cards you would recommend for going broad? I thought that a cheeky Dark Ritual into Rotting Regisaur might catch opponent's off guard, but that isn't exactly going wide... Perhaps Bitterblossom?

I don't, however, see what the value of Aeve, Progenitor Ooze would be in the sideboard? I might be overlooking something, but except for Flusterstorm I believe that most storm-hate cards would also stop Tendrils of Agony or Goblin Charbelcher. I agree that Aeve is a big nonbo with Summoner's Pact, but you never want to pact for it. I also agree that you want to maximise your T1 win rate. But for just 1 slot, Aeve basically guarantees a T2 win on a low storm count.

Consider a mulligan to 5 and you get the following hand: Dark Ritual, Infernal Tutor, Cabal Ritual, Bayou and Lion's Eye Diamond. This is a good hand. The play would be:

  • Play Bayou
  • Cast LED (storm 1)
  • Cast Dark Ritual (BBB) (storm 2)
  • Cast Cabal Ritual (BBBB) (storm 3)
  • Cast Infernal Tutor holding priority and sacrificing the LED for green (BBGGG) (storm 4)
  • Get and cast Aeve with the Infernal Tutor for storm 5

The line above is a win on T2, short of an Entreat the Angels of the top of the deck, or an opponent that turbo's out Ensnaring Bridge on T1/2. It's (nearly always) a T2 win. I find this preferable to grabbing a Draw 4 spell, hoping to continue building the storm count. You might get there, but might also not. In this regard, I view Aeve to be similar to Wild Cantor. You don't often cast the cards, but they're in the deck for the few times you need them.

Having said all this, I don't use Aeve that often to win (I usually have a high enough storm count for Tendrills). So, you could argue Aeve doesn't merit it's spot based on the frequency you cast it. Despite this, I still want to have an Aeve in my mainboard.

legendofa on Cormela Deck

2 years ago

If you need another finisher, this line also gets infinite storm count for Grapeshot or Tendrils of Agony.

DreadKhan on Meren EDH deck help

2 years ago

If you can go infinite with Haakon's ability, usually via a 1 or 2 drop you can recast either for mana to cast it or have extra for infinite mana, any aristocrat payoff will win the game, as will Tendrils of Agony since Haakon lets you cast from graveyard a knight infinite times. It's card intensive, but using Haakon lets me use Liliana's Standard Bearer in the deck, a card that has drawn me more than 10 cards some games, and can go infinite with Haakon's ability potentially (until you deck yourself I guess), using a 1 drop to generate mana to recur the bigger knight a few times. It's a pretty easy combo to tutor out with Protean Hulk, but now that I finally got the right art for Gravecrawler, I added that with Protean Hulk to make infinite sacrifice wins really easy to pull off. It's easy to interact with, but I can hopefully rebuild if I need to via my recursion. Protean Hulk can find Gravecrawler, Carrion Feeder, and Pitiless Plunderer to get infinite death triggers, so at end of turn you use Meren to bring back Protean Hulk to sac it to find payoff creatures to win on the spot. This is better than Haakon, but the OG Gravecrawler art is unsettling!

I do agree though, you don't really need to go infinite with Meren to win or have fun. Meren can win grindy games with Mazirek, Kraul Death Priest and Sheoldred, Whispering One. I still find space for Visara the Dreadful for situations like that, where I need repeated targeted removal to win, and to swing if there is nothing better to do she's still a 5/5 Flying. Not sure I'd recommend that card to anyone else, but I usually like seeing it.

macdeath on Vintage PO

2 years ago

-1 Underground Sea is asking for trouble to cast the key black cards. This type of deck can struggle against Wasteland + Null Rod decks, relying on Mox Opal and 1 Underground Sea is not where you want to be.

-Thassa's Oracle does not belong in the deck whatsoever and neither does Noxious Revival. You are already packing Tendrils of Agony and Time Vault which are much more suited to the deck. Noxious Revival is just worse than Snapcaster Mage especially in a deck with Paradoxical Outcome

-Seat of the Synod is usually only played to make Thoughtcast / Thought Monitor viable. It makes the deck super soft to Null Rod effects.

-Urza, Lord High Artificier is okayish but worse than Monastery Mentor or Tinker>Sphinx of the Steel Wind. Also, Urza's Bauble is pretty bad in Vintage.

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