Temple of Enlightenment

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Temple of Enlightenment


Temple of Enlightenment enters the battlefield tapped.

When Temple of Enlightenment enters the battlefield, scry 1. (Look at the top card of your library. You may put that card on the bottom of your library.)

: Add or .

GangstaFranksta on Arcades, the Strategist's Army

3 months ago

You should think about adding The Pride of Hull Clade because he is good but also cool. But I think you would benefit a lot from improving your mana base. I suggest it should look more like this:



8x Plains, 8 Island, 4 Forest


Adarkar Wastes, Brushland, Yavimaya Coast

Scry Lands

Temple of Mystery, Temple of Enlightenment, Temple of Plenty

Tri Color

Brokers Hideout, Seaside Citadel, Bant Panorama

Any Color

Command Tower, Exotic Orchard

If you wanted you could also add the gain 1 life lands: Tranquil Cove, Blossoming Sands, and Thornwood Falls. You may also consider adding Krosan Verge or Myriad Landscape just to help ramp.

It would also be really beneficial to have at least a Sol Ring and an Arcane Signet.


Remove Verity Circle. Seems like there are a lot of possibilities where it is just sitting on the field not providing any value. And it isn't even a creature so it can't block. You could replace this with one of the mana artifacts I mentioned earlier or like a Swords to Plowshares, Pongify, Rapid Hybridization, Path to Exile (I kind of think you need some more removal lol, but you could replace Verity Circle with whatever you wanted.)

Remove Alive / Well. Just straight up not worth. Replace with one of the cards I have mentioned.

Other than that I think this is a really good deck. I think you could use most of my suggestions and keep it close to $100.

Balaam__ on Azorius aggro spirits

6 months ago

As far as I’m aware, Drogskol Captain isn’t Pioneer legal so that will need to be swapped out. Otherwise, you may want to reconsider running Temple of Enlightenment. Scry, while useful, comes at the cost of the land entering tapped which puts you at a disadvantage regarding speed. Ideally you want to tap the land for use the very turn it enters play.

Since fetchlands or shocklands aren’t legal in Pioneer, I’d recommend doubling down on Glacial Fortress-type lands, such as Prairie Stream or maybe Seachrome Coast. The requirements to enter play untapped can be easily met (minor adjustments to your mana base may be necessary), and you’ll gain the benefit of a dual land without putting yourself behind the curve.

eliakimras on Menacing Aura

1 year ago

Hello! May I step in to give you some recommendations? Since you're on a budget, all cards suggested are 2 dollars or less.

Part 1: Ramp

In: You probably want aura ramp and cost reducers over standard land ramp: Wild Growth, Transcendent Envoy, Hero of Iroas, Jukai Naturalist and Stenn, Paranoid Partisan (choosing Enchantment). These will allow you to storm through your deck casting Auras ad nauseam.

Out: Elvish Mystic, Farhaven Elf, Arcane Signet, Nature's Lore and Cultivate are all great ramp cards, but you can do better (and more thematically) with the cards I mentioned above.

Part 2: Card draw

Just as important as ramp is card draw: Galea won't always be available to you.

In: Sage's Reverie, Enchantress's Presence, Satyr Enchanter, Mesa Enchantress.

Out: Coiling Oracle, Curious Obsession (unreliable), Curse of Verbosity (unreliable), Eel Umbra.

Part 3: Removal

Swords to Plowshares is GREAT, no doubt. But, in this kind of deck, you can spice it up with the great Auras that has for removal.

The objective is, then, to use the cheapest Auras that can hit more than one permanent type, with emphasis on "loses its abilities" in the text box.

In: Mortal Obstinacy, Ossification (synergy with your basic land fetchers).

Out: Reclamation Sage, Swords to Plowshares.

Part 4: Boardwipes

In: I believe you should run more boardwipes that leave your board mostly untouched. Austere Command is one such example. You almost always will clean all artifacts and the half of creatures that are more dangerous to you. Curse of the Swine is another selective wipe.

Out: Time Wipe (not one-sided), Plains.

Part 5: Protection and Evasion

In Voltron, tempo is crucial.

Now to the Auras:

Following the same logic as with removal, I'm using auras over instants to protect the Voltron.

Part 6: Tutors

Without Hammer of Nazahn, Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith is just a more expensive Open the Armory.

In: Open the Armory, Heliod's Pilgrim, Moon-Blessed Cleric, Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice and Invasion of Theros  Flip (bonus that all those tutors also change your library's top card).

Out: Nazahn, Revered Bladesmith, Celestial Archon, Heliod's Emissary, Hypnotic Siren, Curse of Unbinding (7 mana is a lot for an Aura).

Part 7: Win Conditions

In: Since you're going all-in with auras, All That Glitters and Ethereal Armor do wonders.

Out: Bruna, Light of Alabaster is slow and telegraphed in this build. People won't let her stick to the field. Nissa, Steward of Elements is tough to protect in a Voltron build, while she only offers scry, which your lands can already do.

Part 8: Lands



  • Thriving Grove, Thriving Heath and Thriving Isle are neat fixing, but the Temples are superior since they play into Galea's strategy.
  • Path of Ancestry is great if you're in a 5-color deck or in a tribal-heavy creature deck. This build is neither.
  • Lumbering Falls is good for suiting Equipments on, but Auras will just go to the graveyard when this land stops being a creature.
  • Azorius Chancery, because you don't run the other two bouncelands.
  • Razorverge Thicket. You'll soon realize that the later turns are more important than the early ones in EDH. This land is a beast in Modern, but it is far from worth it in Commander unless you're playing a turn-3 win deck.
  • Forest and Forest to give room for the two remaining Panoramas. (With all the land searching above, you're probably more likely now to have a target for Utopia Sprawl than before.)
  • Seaside Citadel. I know, I know: tri-lands are great and all, but, in this build, I'm trying to bake the top-of-library manipulation into the manabase so you have more free spell slots for your Auras, similar to what I did with Yennett, Cryptic Oddity (to a great success): each land in it has to either enter untapped somehow or change the top card of the library.

If you read this far, congratulations! Here is the list of the deck with all the suggested alterations, in case you want to test it: Galea, Menacing Aura. Good luck and have fun!

Maccano1 on Urza's Artifact Buddies

1 year ago


REMOVED: Temple of Deceit, Temple of Enlightenment, Temple of Silence, Tempered Steel, Liquimetal Torque, Scholar of New Horizons, Thopter Shop, Sphinx's Revelation, Bident of Thassa, Alela, Artful Provocateur, Etched Champion, Armix, Filigree Thrasher, Myr Battlesphere, Filigree Attendant, Vedalken Humiliator, Tawnos, Solemn Survivor, Losheel, Clockwork Scholar, Marionette Master, Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle, Ethersworn Adjudicator, Indomitable Archangel

ADDED: Glimmervoid, Power Depot, Forsaken Monument, Mind Stone, Darksteel Ingot, Hedron Archive, Dance of the Mance, Thoughtcast, Thirst for Knowledge, Master Transmuter, Lodestone Golem, Research Thief, Treasure Keeper, Mycosynth Golem, Myr Retriever, Sculpting Steel, Mechtitan Core, Mystic Forge, Dispeller's Capsule, Dispatch, Burnished Hart

COMMENTS: Deck feels powerful, but one dimensional in that it's just trying to pump out big dumb creatures asap; kinda cool. I've played 3-4 times with the current iteration and I'm looking to speed the deck up a little bit; lands coming in tapped, not quite enough draw, and too many non-artifact creatures being the two major areas of focus. I've actually reduced the amount of creatures with this round of changes so I need to check that this is OK.

Lands probably need more work, still too many tapped lands by far. Scholar of New horisons is fine, just doesn't fit in the deck, same with Tawnos (who likely needs his own deck, but I have done a few cool things with him). Tempered Steel, Indomitably Archangel and Ethersworn Adjudicator were hard cuts. But I've added removal, ramp in so I want to see if that's better. Tempered Steel with the thopters was particularly good and may get added in.

multimedia on Urza, CEO of Machines

1 year ago

Hey, good upgrades to the precon, what you've done so far.

How do you want to win? Determining the main strategy you want to play can help to keep good cards for that strategy and cut unnecessary cards. If you're wanting to keep precon level budget then doing combat damage with Constructs and Commander damage with Urza are directions to consider. Research Thief and Bident of Thassa are excellent budget cards if you want to be attacking with Constructs. Making Urza an artifact makes him a reliable source of Commander damage, but this means including effects to make Urza an artifact.

You have Urza, Lord High Artificer, he's a combo wincon, but to use him as a wincon you'll want to add other cards and more ways to assemble the combo. Drawing cards from Constructs doing combat damage to opponents is a good alternative to playing expensive price tutors to get combo pieces in your hand.

You have Tezzeret, Master of the Bridge, you don't really need Mycosynth Golem especially not for it's price tag. You don't need this Tezzeret either, but if you have it might as well play it. The first cuts to consider are lands since 41 lands is a lot when the strategy here are artifacts. Consider cutting 6 lands? Lands that always ETB tapped and are worse then others that also do this. If you feel you need more mana then add mana sources (rocks, dorks) not lands.

The Bounce lands and Scry lands are worse always ETB tapped lands then Tri lands, Bridges, etc.

Some advice for more cuts is choose the top 20 creatures here, top 10 artifacts and top 10 other nonland cards. By choosing the best cards then you can cut a huge chunk away of lesser cards.




For upgrading it's easier to get an established list that's not 99 cards then have a list that's way over 99 cards. Really any 0-3 drop artifact creature who can make some value to take advantage of Urza artifact creature affinity or any 0-2 drop mana rock for more ramp can fill unfilled deck spots.

Good luck with your deck.

Arrzarrina on Roon Shenanigans

1 year ago

19/01/2023 changes: There have been a few rounds of changes. Removed counterspells to attempt to make the deck to make more fun to play against, sold the Mox Diamond because it's become worth a mint in the last 7 years, added more draw and refocused the deck on creature ETB based interaction instead of something like Oblivion Ring. It's a good card but I don't get the value that I could get out of a Fiend Hunter. You know where I'm going with this. I've also added more mana fixing to the land base and adjusted colours for the new balance.



BringerOTBD on Breya, Etherium Shaper

1 year ago

Update: -Marionette Master / +Cyberdrive Awakener -Machine God's Effigy / +Imotekh the Stormlord -Blasphemous Act / +Their Name is Death -Disciple of the Vault / +Steel Overseer -Reverse Engineer / +Losheel, Clockwork Scholar -Bedevil / +Void Rend -Temple of Malice / +Cryptothrall -Temple of Enlightenment / +Optimus Prime, Hero  Flip -Temple of Deceit / +Thirst for Knowledge -Temple of Epiphany / +Shivan Reef

Notes: I chose Cryptothrall over Spellskite because they serve the same function, to protect your stuff, but Cryptothrall requires less effort. I put in Optimus because I wanted to experiment with him. Lastly, I'm keeping Austere Command in the deck since I like to have a board wipe that hits enchantments and artifacts.

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