
Artifact Creature — Necron Wizard

When Technomancer enters the battlefield, mill three cards, then return any number of artifact creature cards with total converted mana cost/mana value 6 or less from your graveyard to the battlefield. (To mill a card, put the top card of your library into your graveyard.)

Delphen7 on Nekrons Dismembered

1 year ago

Illuminor Szeras seems very strong.

You can upgrade your way to big threats really fast, especially if you include Technomancer.

My inclination would be use cheap mana like Dark Ritual and Sol Ring to ramp out a t1, t2 Szeras. Next is a card like Cathodion to net postive if you immediately sacrifice it, all of which culminates in high mana threats and X spells like Torment of Hailfire

Trazyn the Infinite also seems powerful.

Chromatic Orrery and Basalt Monolith in the graveyard go infinite with him (generating infinite colorless mana and infinite card draw), and Buried Alive/Entomb/Unmarked Grave/Final Parting all get you there fairly easily. Prismite makes infinite colored, and I'm sure something could be pieced together there. Torment of Hailfire perhaps?

multimedia on Necros

1 year ago

Hey, good upgrades to the precon on a semi budget.

Ashnod's Altar + Nim Deathmantle are excellent upgrades. If you add Myr Battlesphere it's an infinite combo to create infinite Myrs and infinite Necrons with Imotekh.

Staff of Domination in your graveyard is a card that breaks Trazyn the Infinite because it allows to repeatedly untap Trazyn for only 1 mana each time. Use this with any mana rock in your graveyard that can tap for more than one mana: Sol Ring, Basalt Monolith, Thran Dynamo, Worn Powerstone to make infinite mana. With infinite mana then use Staff to draw as much of your library as you want. Sceptre of Eternal Glory if you control three basic Swamps allows for infinite black mana + draw from Staff to draw and cast as many cards as you want.

Scarecrone is another excellent upgrade, you can take advantage of it with Imotekh + Wingrattle Scarecrow for repeatable draw + Necrons because Wingrattle is an artifact and a Scarecrow. It has persist, when it dies it returns to the battlefield after first entering the graveyard. A returned persist creature gets a -1/-1 counter, but you can remove the counter with a +1/+1 counter allowing the creature to persist again.

Thran Vigil enablers repeatable persist and it has other uses too because outside of the combo other artifacts are leaving your graveyard to trigger Imotekh. Steel Overseer can remove -1/-1 counter while also putting a +1/+1 on all other artifact creatures you control which can be a helpful repeatable effect with 2/2 Necrons.

Some changes to consider:

Technomancer is subpar for 7 mana, can only return artifact creatures and they all return at the same time only triggering Imotekh once. Plasmancer only gets a basic Swamp and it's only put into your hand not onto the battlefield, thats not very good for 4 mana.

Necron Overlord, for 4 mana and have to tap artifacts you would think it would hit all opponents, but it doesn't only one opponent makes this effect not worth it. Haunting Voyage, there's a lot of nonNecron creatures here making this inconsistent in what it can reanimate for 6 or 7 mana.

Thought Vessel gives you no max hand size, but that effect doesn't help you, you want to be able to discard hand down to 7 cards, that helps to get artifacts into your graveyard for Imotekh. Temple of the False God is a terrible land especially when you have none or very few land ramp effects, you don't need it. A land that can't tap for mana in the early game or even mid game is unplayable.

Good luck with your deck.

Housegheist on Imotekhs eternal Artifacts

1 year ago


First off: thank you for your upvote and in depth analysis. It really helped to trim some cards

I agree, that the cmc has to be a lil bit lower. My thought was, if I reanimate them I do not have to pay the cost. But sure, 3.5 is a bit high.

I cuttet Phyrexian Triniform as I think, once in a million I can trigger it’s encore. Triplicate Titan on the other hand fits the whole strategy, provides enormous evasion and evasive artifact creatures if it dies. I will give it a try, Hexmark Destroyer connects hard or creates room for other creatures… and is a necron… it’s sooo hard… but doesn’t fit that well.

But I admit that Darksteel Juggernaut is just a resilient but not always big threat… like a “win more” option. Hasn’t made the cut, as well as Diamond Mare, Phyrexian Fleshgorger and Technomancer. The last one was hard, but I do not think that I can abuse it’s ETB often enough. You where also right with Szarekh and Scarecrone, they are new to the list. I like Ugin and thought 1/3 of my spells would be enough, maybe he doesn’t make it… otherwise he provides support in pseudo-card-draw, removal and cost reduction,… have to think about it. Unfortunately Tortured Existence is not in my collection, therefore I didn’t choose it. I made also room for War Room and Phyrexia's Core (and Darksteel Citadel as well… what was I thinking :D

Mind’s Eye should provide a lot of (needed) continuous card-draw. Sculpting Steel was already in the list… but I have to ask… you would cut Mirrorworks? It is an Bramble Sovereign for ANY artifact… creatures as usual artifacts as well… it’s a bomb! :O

multimedia on Imotekhs eternal Artifacts

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far. I agree, Szarekh is less good as Commander. Imotekh can be a combo piece for infinite Necrons, that makes it better as Commander.

Szarekh seems good in the 99 though when playing Imotekh as Commander, could put artifacts in your graveyard and if you return an artifact to your hand that you milled it triggers Imotekh. Szarekh flying in combination with Imotekh's menace pump making it 5/6 and playing so many other artifacts it can consistently trigger to create Necrons.

For some cuts to get to 100 cards consider streamline the high CMC cards? The avg. CMC is high at rounded up 3.5, reducing this average can help gameplay. The best here are Wurmcoil Engine, Marionette Master, Bolas's Citadel, Their Name is Death, Noxious Gearhulk. Honestly, you could cut the others, 6 CMC or more, to reduce the mana curve.

Wurmcoil, Marionette, Triplicate Titan and Phyrexian Triniform all combo with Altar + Deathmantle. I don't think you need four huge creatures who do this. Cutting Triniform and Triplicate will not change strategy much as they're the weaknest of the four.

Some cards to consider cutting:

Some improvements within your budget, consider more lower mana cost repeatable ways to trigger Imotekh?

Tortured Existence, if you have two artifact creatures in hand you can alternate discarding and putting into hand each time triggering Imotekh for . Scarecrone can reanimate an artifact creature at instant speed.

Others to consider.

Good luck with your deck.