Tangled Florahedron

Creature — Elemental

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loricatuslupus on It's the Mold that Killed Him

1 year ago

Nice, as well as the other additions you've got planned I'd definitely consider Bane of Progress - by the time you cast it this deck probably doesn't care about losing its enchantments or artifacts (honestly not sure you even need a Sol Ring, you're better getting more mana dorks like Tangled Florahedron  Flip) but it will annihilate some other strategies. Plus you ARE in green which is full of Regrowth effects that are pretty on-theme of you're desperate to get stuff back! The deck is maybe a little lacking in non-creature removal for me, simply as without blue you may struggle to interact with combo pieces. Thankfully Golgari has this in spades with cards such as Abrupt Decay, Binding the Old Gods, Putrefy and Culling Ritual/Maelstrom Pulse. Those last two are also ways to wipe all your saprolings if you don't have a sac outlet, something the deck might want more of it you're planning on them all dying to kill with drain effects - free ones with upside like Viscera Seer are obviously the best! Either would be better than Mandate for you here - that's really for when you are sure you'll have a big dude and need him to get in. All too often I think you'll find it only blows up Saprolings and if you're lucky some other small tokens opponents have, and if you don't have a creature to target it does nothing. Willowdusk is really worth considering if you're gaining life BTW, she'll quickly create big threats to distract people from what's actually going to win you the game. Also Vraska is a way better planeswalker than Ob Nixilis, I'd probably go with her Golgari Queen iteration but The Unseen is ok too. Finally you can always upgrade the lands but TBH basics will probably be fine here for the most part, especially given your ramp choices (could include Kodama's Reach in that package too?).

Epicurus on ¿Mono green control?

1 year ago

Awesome build!

Personally, I would take Gyre Sage over Manaweft Sliver, and Leafkin Druid over Tangled Florahedron  Flip. But they're all pretty close in power level, so that's a matter of opinion.

I'd also take Predator Ooze over Managorger Hydra.

wallisface on Simic Mutate Scute Swarm

2 years ago


The problem with Neoform here is the general lack of good 2cmc creatures to sacrifice. I would recommend against running either Lotus Cobra Tangled Florahedron  Flip, as while they accelerate mana, they don't accelerate your landbase, which is what you actually care about. While paying 4 mana to Summoner's Pact may seem daunting, it's actually not really an issue - as with sufficient ramp you'll easily be able to pay for it and the Swarm. Its a staple of Prime Titan decks for a good reason.

Never go over 60 cards. The current cards I think are questionable/droppable are:

  • Vastwood Surge, Eureka Moment, Migratory Greathorn and Quandrix Cultivator: 3-or-4 mana is a lot for this kind of effect, and generally quite slow. By the time you have the mana to cast these, you should be already at a point of not needing them. Aim for the cheaper ramp I'd suggested. In addition to what I'd suggest above, Sakura-Tribe Elder is stronger than all these cards, and a good potential replacement.

  • Prosperous Innkeeper, Lotus Cobra, Tangled Florahedron  Flip: Your goal should be putting a lot of lands into play quickly, not just making a lot of mana. Mana on its own doesn't actually help you get anywhere, as your Swarm needs land drops, and a lot of existing lands in play.

  • Mana Leak feels like a sideboard card at-best. I'm not sure it works particularly well here, especially as by the time your engine is running, your opponent might also have enough lands to pay the cost.

If I were building this list with budget in-mind, it'd probably look something like:

Kamashed on Simic Mutate Scute Swarm

2 years ago


Saccox and wallisface, thank you guys for great suggestions!

My thoughts on creature fetching:

About the land drops:

I just have to wonder, if I want to include all those cards, and more lands, should I remove some cards from the deck, or just go over 60 cards? I mean, Mana Leak feels out of place a bit, but everything else seems useful. I have never drawn a card and thought ''damn, that´s useless'' (except for when I need Scute Swarm :D) I guess going over 60 isnt exactly a sin, but I always like to hang around that, so that I dont have to wait for too long for important cards. But I suppose that all that extra drawing and searching would fetch me Scute Swarm anyway? I'm not sure at all here, what do you think?

Anyway, thanks for help!

Omniscience_is_life on Edgardxcore

2 years ago

Hey there! Thanks for reaching out.

My main suggestions for making any deck smooth are to run at least 10 sources of cheap ramp (stuff like Rampant Growth, Birds of Paradise, Farseek, etc.), at least 10 sources of strong draw (stuff like Pull from Tomorrow, Harmonize, Return of the Wildspeaker, etc.), around 10 sources of interaction for your opponents' scary stuff (Beast Within, Path to Exile, Austere Command, etc.) and around 37 lands (try and keep the amount of lands that enter tapped 100% of the time to a minimum, like 5. Stuff like Game Trail, Prairie Stream, Haunted Ridge, etc. plus the Zendikar Rising MDFCs like Tangled Florahedron  Flip, Valakut Awakening  Flip, and Sejiri Shelter  Flip). Of course, trying to make your removal and card draw have as much synergy as possible is ideal, but that can be hard. Don't worry if you need to throw in a few cards that are just good on their own. And the rest of the cards can just be scary Eldrazi and fun ways to break them!

Let me know if I can help with anything else!

Omniscience_is_life on None

2 years ago

I'd he happy to help! I'd recommend starting with around 10 cards that ramp your mana (Llanowar Elves, Rampant Growth, Arcane Signet, and more), 10 that draw you more cards (Armorcraft Judge, Bred for the Hunt, Benthic Biomancer, Fathom Mage, Inspiring Call, Towashi Guide-Bot, and stuff like that). After that, around 10 more cards should be dedicated to dealing with scary things your opponents play (like Beast Within, Ravenform, Resculpt, You Find a Cursed Idol, Oversimplify, plus others like those), 37ish lands (this one is a little more flexible, just see how many makes it so you're getting enough each game. You can also use the MDFC land/spells from Zendikar Rising, such as Glasspool Mimic  Flip, Tangled Florahedron  Flip, and Vastwood Fortification  Flip.

Once you have all that, the rest can really just be whatever you want. A bunch of cool creatures with strong activated abilities for your commander (I can give some suggestions if you want, but it sounds like you already have some ideas), some ways to untap those creatures with cards like Kiora's Follower, Kelpie Guide, and Clever Conjurer, and some ways to get counters on your creatures like Bow of Nylea, Burst of Strength, Ecologist's Terrarium, Jiang Yanggu, Wildcrafter, Hadana's Climb  Flip, and Ivy Lane Denizen.

Have fun, and let me know if there's anything else at all I can help with!

nbarry223 on Glittering Company

2 years ago

Came across Agadeem's Awakening  Flip which would almost work as a clunky recursion combo assembler if flooded, so I definitely think that is worth considering. Field of Ruin like I mentioned earlier, is solid land hate that replaces itself with a colored manasource. Kazandu Mammoth  Flip / Blackbloom Rogue  Flip / Tangled Florahedron  Flip would be a 'land' that could be found with Collected Company, just be careful of how many tapped lands are included if you decide to include any of those.

Mistveil Plains could help with the mill matchup, and it works to give you a Chord of Calling target if needed, plus it is findable with fetches. Oran-Rief, the Vastwood lets you get a lot out of Kitchen Finks, so it may be worth an inclusion. It would also help if you transition to an aggro strategy during the match.

I've personally always liked Reflecting Pool as a singleton psuedo-mana fixer and one or two of the filter lands (Wooded Bastion / Fetid Heath / Twilight Mire) in 3+ colored decks to alleviate the burden of all the life loss cards (shocks + fetches).

Castle Garenbrig would work as some slow ramp, probably not worth it, but figured I would mention it. Turntimber Grove / Llanowar Reborn would help to get more out of Devoted Druid and the like, although it probably isn't worth coming in tapped (the Grove would sort of be a combat trick when found with Elvish Reclaimer as well). Turntimber Symbiosis  Flip / Emeria's Call  Flip would be some other clunky options, that I just don't think are worth it.

Omniscience_is_life on Budget - Marisi, Breaker of the Coil - EDH

2 years ago

I always try and recommend the stats 10 ramp (things like Llanowar Elves, Selesnya Signet, and Rampant Growth are best), 10 draw, and 10 removal (things like Swords to Plowshares, Beast Within, and Blasphemous Act are best)--as well as 36-ish lands (the Zendikar Rising MDFCs should help with getting more lands in; you don't really lose a slot by adding Tangled Florahedron  Flip as you might with a Forest).

Getting close to those metrics, with the remaining 34 cards being dedicated to your strategy--hopefully there's some overlap of synergy with the rest of categories, but y'know--should help get you on your way painlessly. Welcome to EDH!

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