Talruum Piper

Creature — Minotaur

All creatures with flying able to block Talruum Piper do so.

ashby4 on Zaffai, Thunder Conductor

7 months ago

These cards both fit the theme and have at least some synergy with the deck- Muse Vortex, Spellbinding Soprano, Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel, Fires of Victory, Victory Chimes, Entrancing Melody, Maelstrom Muse

Talruum Piper is a bad card, but it is a musical Minotaur.

These cards don't quite fit the theme but are powerful in this sort of deck- Volcanic Vision, Immolating Gyre, Tzaangor Shaman, Omnispell Adept, Galvanoth, Epic Experiment, Summons of Saruman, Aminatou's Augury, Commence the Endgame

Also some cheap land upgrades- Fiery Islet, Frostboil Snarl, and Command Tower.

You should also consider running more lands than 35, with a mana curve this high it can be easy to stumble on lands. Alternatively you could play more ramp spells like Worn Powerstone and Coldsteel Heart.

majorappliance on MTG: Behind the Music

5 years ago

You should run Talruum Piper since you can Didgeridoo it, do the doo~

Snacrifice on Zedruu, the EmptyPocketed(<15$)

6 years ago

andbartwo Witch Hunt won't really ever return to Zedruu, allowing you to pass it to others without harming yourself even if randomly selected. Sure you won't gain life off passed items, but making it so other decks can't gain life can be way more important for a budget list like this, especially since Zedruu still gives card draw.(which is the way more important ability IMO.) If it ever becomes burdensome to not be gaining life, the deck has enough nonland removal of it's own to simply banish witch hunt and gain life again.

I've also found in playtesting that passing off creatures isn't very effective. Sure Rust Elemental and Thought Nibbler are very good if they stay on the board, but they'll usually die to removal/board clear/sacrifice effects far more often, and draw the sort of aggro a budget deck like this one wants to avoid at a full table. It's much better to deal with a threat with something like Cast Out, and then donate the enchantment to someone else, who won't really care about getting rid of it since it's not actively harming them. Creatures like Humble Defector have a much more immediate payout because opponents tend to want to keep them around(at least for their turn)

Talruum Piper I simply misread, I had thought it was an effect like Lure that fit into a Minotaur theme, and didn't realize it only effected flying creatures. I'll replace it with something else shortly. Dragon's Eye Sentry is non-threatening, low cost(mana-wise), and late-game easily passed off since it cannot attack or tilt board presence enough to make another player angry at seeing someone else get a free creature.(Also, it fits flavor wise into Zedruu's Jeskai-colored monk/minotaur typing which was nice)

Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer is too expensive for the deck in terms of budget restriction, but would be fun to put in and I might tentatively suggest it for anyone looking to expand the list to a non-budget build.

andbartwo on Zedruu, the EmptyPocketed(<15$)

6 years ago

Witch Hunt will probably hurt you more than help you. I don't understand the point of some of your creatures like Talruum Piper or Dragon's Eye Sentry. I understand that you are trying to give your opponent junk cards but why not give them a Rust Elemental or Thought Nibbler. You might add Gwafa Hazid, Profiteer just for fun. I understand that you want the deck to be simple to understand but it is nice for the new player to be able to see some card interaction or "combos" to see the cool stuff you can build.

badgermaster on RB Minotaurs

7 years ago

Thanks for the suggestions guys, much appreciated.I completely missed that Mogis, God of Slaughter looks like a Minotaur.This isn't a particularly strong deck so No Mercy and Coat of Arms are great for buffing our creatures and deterring attacks.Didgeridoo is by far one of the better cards in this deck now. Thanks for the AMAZING suggestion.Adaptive Automaton is similar to the Coat of Arms pick. Thanks again!I passed on Talruum Piper and Warmonger because my playgroup doesn't play much aerial assault and I am scared of any player being able to board wipe.

Trained_Orggasm on RB Minotaurs

7 years ago

Didgeridoo is a must!

Other random suggestions:Adaptive Automaton A tribal tribal lordTalruum Piper Pesky flyersWarmonger Spread some chaos

libraryjoy on Ideas for musician cards

8 years ago

There are actually already a few musician cards in the game: Yisan, the Wanderer Bard, Elvish Piper, Piper's Melody, Satyr Piper, Talruum Piper, Elvish Bard, Joraga Bard, Druid Lyrist, Elvish Lyrist, Warbreak Trumpeter & my personal favorite: Devout Harpist. (Guess which instrument I play ;) ) Some of them seem similar to ideas you already have, but maybe you'll find some ideas from these.