Tainted Pact


Exile the top card of your library. You may put that card into your hand unless it has the same name as another card exiled this way. Repeat this process until you put a card into your hand or you exile two cards with the same name, whichever comes first.

Nalgaeryn on EDH - Dralnu, Lord of Exile

5 months ago

Whoops, here are the most expensive cards in the deck and rough prices currently.

Spirits on Kaalia, Mirror Breaker EDH

7 months ago


The Snow-Covered Swamp and Snow-Covered Plains are protection against Blood Moon. We don't need Mountain because most of the lands will be mountains in that case.

They also cannot be Swamp or Plains because then you have a potential of countering our own Tainted Pact when looking for a Razaketh, the Foulblooded or a Master of Cruelties with Kaalia of the Vast triggered ability on the stack, or when looking for that last combo piece, or a Counterspell to stop someone from winning the game. It doubles our options for basic lands but also means that they don't conflict with our intstant tutor.

Mox Diamond could replace an interaction piece like Praetor's Grasp but it is nice to pull the opponents Thassa's Oracle and then win the game with a Tainted Pact. It could also pull a more control oriented card like Hellkite Tyrant that doesn't necessarily win the game, but he can devestate some players boards, could replace a Grand Abolisher but probably Everybody Lives! because well Everybody Lives (except the player trying to Fish-Consul win that is). Chrome Mox has a low activation rate in the turns that matter (I have a tab with the calculations but I haven't update my combine rates based on new artifacts, although Mox Diamond actually improves it's rate. Rakdos Signet isn't great becuase it's a MV3 (2 to cast, 1 to activate), so probably just easy to replace that! Thrill of Possibility is good to get a Worldgorger Dragon or Razaketh, the Foulblooded if for some reason we draw it, but isn't necessary. Thoughtseize might even be better (just target yourself), but even when used on an opponent it creates card disadvantage for you and one opponent, leaving the two others with card advantage now.

Probably Rakdos Signet goes, but we have different options for sure.

nbarry223 on Modern Horizons 3 Predictions/Wishlist

10 months ago

Honestly, I could see cards like Swords to Plowshares, Back to Basics, Toxic Deluge, Archaeomancer's Map, Tainted Pact and Animar, Soul of Elements being downshifted to modern. Anything that either: 1. Empowers control, 2. Encourages deck diversity instead of 4 copies of everything, or 3. Encourages go wide creature strategies would be a positive for the format in my opinion. Right now, the format is far too many tempo aggro type decks, with combo coming in as a close second (usually with tempo/control elements to back up the combo).

Control is near non-existant if it isn't there to slow you down enough for them to get their combo off. I'm not asking for something like Celestial Colonnade to become the all star finisher of a control deck again, but I would like to see an uptick in control to rebalance the current meta. Honestly Animar, Soul of Elements is probably too slow for the format, but you should get my point.

kremsers on Yuriko's Invisible War

1 year ago

Type-changing in Yuriko always ends up feeling like a dead slot to me because you're bouncing the non-ninjas anyway. Definitely give Meekstone a try; it's really nice in mid-powered pods, which seems to be what you're going for here. I'm not sure why include snow-covered Islands without Tainted Pact--for the aesthetics, I imagine? Kozilek is an interesting choice; you probably have the mana base to cast it if the game gets dragged out, but I'm guessing it's mostly there for mill protection. I'd be tempted to drop it either for Draco or for something you'll actually cast, unless you're seeing an unusual amount of mill.

legendofa on Cube idea, good or bad? …

1 year ago

Delphen7 Good point about losing combo pieces. I would try to keep this casual and friendly, but letting people know of the risks is a good idea.

I thought about Jace, Wielder of Mysteries + Tainted Pact, but Pact will stop at basic lands. If someone builds a draft deck with no more than one of each basic land and wins, they deserve that win. Demonic Consultation is better, but it slips under my desired 6+ mana. The Malignus one is great, and I had Door to Nothingness and Coalition Victory on the list, so good ideas there.

Sunbird's Invocation triggers on cast, not resolution, so I guess it won't work with Approach of the Second Sun...

Delphen7 on Cube idea, good or bad? …

1 year ago


I think it's an interesting idea, I'd just make sure the people you're playing with are emotionally ready to potentially lose a bomb or combo piece. Otherwise (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻) might happen

You touched on mana fixing, but another way to solve Caerwyn's issue would be to have high quantity of colorless cards, so that everyone can play them regardless of what colors they're actually on.

Additional Combos

I don't think Sunbird Invocation combos with a single Second Sun.

Lanzo493 on Oona, Queen of the Fae ::: cEDH Primer

1 year ago

Goldberserkerdragon, the combo still works. You’re thinking of Tainted Pact which isn’t included in the deck precisely because of the number of basics in the deck. I’d still think it’s worth it to run Tainted Pact and change the land base, though.

Jett2112 on Rog / Si Grixis Spellbook cEDH Refined

1 year ago

For redundancy, complete the playset of Forks by adding Twincast. You could add a combo potential by running Burning Inquiry with your Underworld Breach and Storm-Kiln Artist. It looks like you need to fix your land base to work with Tainted Pact. In my experience Wheel of Misfortune and Primal Amulet  Flip are overrated, consider taking them out to lower the mana curve. Otherworldly Gaze is a cool pick, I might try that in my Kess deck Pox Diamond.

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