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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Land — Mountain Forest

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ThassaUpYo@ssa on Chasm and Depths Protection

4 months ago

Nice list, khuyler! A couple of suggestions that may be helpful:

You have no way to remove The One Ring should you ever need to when it accumulates too many burden counters. It may make sense to run Chaos Warp, Deglamer, and/or Demand Answers to give you an out if you're in a bind with The Precious, but if you don't have a pressing issue with The One Ring these cards are also very useful on their own.

With all of the landfall and ramp including Scapeshift it could be beneficial to add Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle as well as some additional mountains like Blood Crypt & Stomping Ground (maybe run proxies of Badlands & Taiga). This would allow you to deal a massive amount of damage when Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle and a bunch of additional mountains come into play from Scapeshift, plus Valakut would enable additional landfall damage triggers whenever more mountain(s) ETB while it's out.

Overgrown Tomb and Bayou would be solid additions, too. Have you considered running any of the fetchlands?

Ignoble Hierarch is a great mana dork for Jund.

Crucible of Worlds and Zuran Orb synergize well with Lord Windgrace.

Harrow costs the same and is slightly better than Roiling Regrowth imo since the lands wouldn't enter tapped, though you could run both.

phatkattz7 on Xenegos, God of Revels 2000 …

7 months ago

So I was playing Xenagos, God of Revels the other day, when things got out of hand VERY VERY fast. I am interested to hear any experiences others may have had with a non Cedh, power 9/10 deck without an infinite loop, that got out of hand quickly. Secondly, if I am wrong about my damage somewhere, let me know, I am doing this off the top of my head and during the game, I was shaking with excitement and was struggling to think lol.

T1) Mana Crypt, Taiga, Combat Celebrant.

T2) Mountain, Jeweled Lotus, Sneak Attack.

T3) Mountain, Sacrifice Jeweled Lotus, Cast Xenagos, God of Revels, Leaving Mana Crypt and a Mountain untapped to cast Wheel of Fortune.

T4) Play Kessig Wolf Run.

legendofa on Any cheap mana permanent with …

7 months ago

Yeah, it's good to get out and play in person if you can. Stay safe, meet good people, and enjoy it.

First thought is, as long as there's no proxy limit, use the original dual lands. Tundra, Taiga, and all the rest have all the upside of the shocklands with none of the downside. If you can, the fetchlands (Wooded Foothills, Windswept Heath, etc.) will give you more consistency and precision in your land base as well.

Basically, proxy up the best possible version of the card you have. Another couple of switches could be Idyllic Tutor -> Enlightened Tutor, or Doomskar -> Supreme Verdict, and even these could probably be improved. The goal is to go as fast and hard as possible. If you want to stick with the Shrine core, then maximize the support and land base. Find ways to play two or three Shrines each turn. Skim through the Legacy meta and pull ideas from there. If everyone's allowed to proxy everything, then you have free reign to go wild.

Above all, have fun!

redeyeswizard on Lucea Kane's Hydra Farm

11 months ago

I've made maybe 10-15 changes from the original build to include more mana from artifacts and a couple lands like :Gruul Signet; Mana Crypt; Simic Signet; Taiga; Tropical Island; Volcanic Island. Came to include Benefactor's Draught. For 2 mana I can UN-tap my commander and any other creatures that may have abilities that can also UN-tap her for when you really want to get nasty numbers in copies off one specific spell while also drawing at least one card. The small downfall is the creature UN-tap for everyone, but this deck benefits so much more as long as a counter spell doesn't catch your target X spell in the end. Can't remember everything ive swapped out and in as a lot of it happened while i was tired but i tried to remove anything that would slow down the deck while trying to get faster access to Magus Lucea Kane and more pop off directed towards her spell/ability copy.

Entity_178 on Gimbal, Don’t Get Wet or Feed After Midnight

11 months ago

Replaced -> Replaced with

Yavimaya Coast -> Tropical Island

Shivan Reef -> Volcanic Island

Karplusan Forest -> Taiga

Perplexing Test -> Alchemist's Gambit

Shamanic Revelation -> Acquire

Myr Battlesphere -> Tezzeret the Seeker

The changes I would personally make, though I don't tend to look at a deck with a budget since I don't play with real cards

ThassaUpYo@ssa on Expensive dinosaur stampede

11 months ago

Love the list, CrashBreakdown! Have you considered the fast lands (i.e., Copperline Gorge, Razorverge Thicket, and Battlefield Forge)? Also, I personally like the pain lands Karplusan Forest, Brushland, and Battlefield Forge especially since you have multiple ways of gaining life. I would also get proxies of the original dual lands Taiga, Savannah, and Plateau.

Triumph of the Hordes may be worth an add as well given how powerful the Dinosaur tribe is and would give you another wincon.

Grends27 on What is Your Opinion of …

1 year ago

Grubbernaut that’s a fair point. I guess I look at proxies as a slippery slope - one guy proxies a Taiga, so I proxy a Badlands, then someone else proxies an Imperial Seal to upgrade their Diabolic Tutor and all the sudden our decks are filled with lined-notebook paper proxies instead actual cards.

Every group uses their own rules - the requirement of owning a proxy in my playgroup helps make sure that we’re still actually playing with cards instead of lined notebook paper.

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