Tahngarth, Talruum Hero

Legendary Creature — Minotaur Warrior


{{1,R}}, Tap: Tahngarth, Talruum Hero deals damage equal to its power to target creature. That creature deals damage equal to its power to Tahngarth.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Roc of Kher Ridges
Karplusan Yeti
Ogre Enforcer
Lava Hounds
Stalking Yeti
Zerapa Minotaur

Belfore on Street Fighter MTG EDH

6 months ago

Silent Arbiter and/or Dueling Grounds, also Ulvenwald Tracker to make the fights one on one per say. Along with the fighting theme you could look at Tahngarth, Talruum Hero. If you want to lean into some of your fighters I would look at Feather, the Redeemed when leaning into blanka and Ken. For some more ideas you might consider looking at the gatherer with a text of name search for Fight, duel, and/or brawl since those should help fit your theme idea.

LeonSpires on

4 years ago

Spell_Slam there's no such thing as too many Nehebs. Yeah I would like to add Neheb, the Eternal and Tahngarth, Talruum Hero to the deck when I can pick them up (they are not the cheapest foils out there). But that begs the question should I be running Aggravated Assault for the infinite combat potential with Neheb, the Eternal?

As far as cuts, I think I would want to cut Kragma Butcher and Pitiless Vizier as I feel like they are the weakest link in the deck. I would say some of the other discard Minotaur but I have a sort of self discard matters sub theme. I'm just hoping we get more cards like Faith of the Devoted and Glint-Horn Buccaneer down the road as well as better Minotaurs.

I saw Karplusan Minotaur when building the deck. He's really not for me. He feels too chaotic and I'm not a fan of letting opponents make decisions as most of the time I have found they are never in my favor. But that might be the cEDH player in me talking.

Citanul Flute in an interesting thought. I used to run it in cEDH Arcum Dagsson before the Paradox Engine banning, R.I.P. I'm not sure it works well here as there isn't a way to cheat it in and only tutors the Minotaurs to hand. Honestly I would rather run Diabolic Tutor if I felt I needed another tutor for the deck.

Thanks for taking a look at the deck and for the suggestions. I'm glad you like the concept, build, and the alters. The alters certainly took some time to do. But I think they were well worth the effort.

Spell_Slam on

4 years ago

Would it be too much Neheb to also have Neheb, the Eternal in there? It certainly is a cut above the others. Tahngarth, Talruum Hero also has decent stats for a minotaur and pretty good abilities.

If you're playing this in multiplayer, Karplusan Minotaur is a great political choice. No matter what the result of the coin is, you will be pretty likely to hit whatever you want to kill.

Citanul Flute could be a good way to tutor up some key minotaurs and is a great late game engine.

In terms of cuts, your discard-themed minotaurs seem like the first things to cut, other than maybe the javelineer. Something like Pitiless Vizier just doesn't seem to be good enough, even by minotaur standards.

Sweet deck! Nice alters! Good concept and building.

bushido_man96 on I'm the Capashen Now | Gerrard Hero EDH

4 years ago

Looks like a good start! I just saw this card today, and I love it! I started playing during the Weatherlight cycle, and I love the story line and characters. I hope the most of them get some new printings, Tahngarth, Talruum Hero being my favorite character of all.

Great to see the work on this one! I figured you'd have something up and running already.

kingjol on Go to Sleep - Esper Casual

5 years ago

Ah, what a rookie mistake!

That's some good advice, thanks.

I don't want to drop too much cash on this, but Gideon's Avenger and Sunblast Angel from your deck look like they'd be useful.

Deathbringer Liege may work if I chuck in a couple of cheap black instants to support it, like Midnight Charm and Rathi Trapper , or simply Terror . It might be wise to ditch the 2x Frost Titan for the sake of the mana curve and to accommodate black / white creatures instead.

I guess if I wanted to make something based on the Scythe then Deathtouch and forced blocking would be the way to go, and/or creatures that have abilities to deal damage like Jagged-Scar Archers , Femeref Archers , or Tahngarth, Talruum Hero (or any number of red creatures). Totally different deck, but it's something to work on.

bushido_man96 on Hurloon Brothers - Heat and Treat

6 years ago

If you're running lifegain, Congregate is solid. Should easily net 10 life in a turn.

The Immortal Sun would work double-duty for you, card draw and slight mana acceleration in cheapening your spells. In Boros, you absolutely need this. The tax on planeswalkers is a solid bonus. I'd second the inclusion of Book of Rass, and Mind's Eye is more card draw you need. You have two copies of Radiate listed, so there's one cut ;). I also think you are running way too few lands, especially in colors that can't afford to miss a land drop.

On a flavor note, I'm guessing these two minotaurs are descendants of my favorite MTG character of all time, Tahngarth, Talruum Hero, and if that's case, then I'll need to get a copy of this card, too!

TheRedGoat on The Deckwatch [Home Base]

6 years ago

Now that is a real T-Rex right there.

Also, this likely will lead to the Rivals of Ixalan being about "the old gods" coming back to light. This dino would be up against Gishath for instance, and the vampires are clearly getting an Elder Bat now to deal with either monstrosity. The pirates themselves won't have some elder god to look for, but I suspect there will be a mutiny to deal with and a new pirate lord will try to establish dominance (could even be this mystery minotaur that I suspect is from the same plane as Tahngarth, Talruum Hero). The Merfolk may undergo a similar upheaval from one of their own trying to steal the secret power/treasure away and becoming a god-like entity (planeswalker?) in the process.

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