Symmetry Sage

Creature — Human Wizard


Magecraft — Whenever you cast or copy an instant or sorcery spell, target creature you control has base power 2 until end of turn.

Clyde96 on Harmonic Prodigy and triggered abilities

2 years ago

Nice. Thanks for the answer! It seems like a good card to use even if it's just for giving double prowess and Adeliz.

So, I assume that if I had Symmetry Sage and Harmonic Prodigy and I cast a sorcery/instant, Sage will trigger twice as it's a trigger ability (Whenever) and she can give base power 2 to herself and also to Prodigy, so they will end up being: Symmetry a 2/2 and Prodigy a 3/4 (because of her own Prowess). Right?

TristanTaylorsVoice on

2 years ago

ChrisHansonBiomancin Thanks for feedback! I have similar thoughts on Symmetry Sage, and I'm going to switch to a different threat. I also completely forgot about Snakeskin Veil, will definitely throw that in.

Since I don't care about cheap instants or sorceries as much anymore without Symmetry Sage, and Decisive Denial is also removal, I'll also cut Concerted Defense.

One thing I'm staying adamant on is the spell lands however. One never intends to cast them, their purpose is strictly to artificially increase the instant and sorcery count for delver. That being said, I also can't afford to run more dual lands with Vineglimmer Snarl and I'm not running tap lands, thus no Werewolf Pack Leader. It may be possible green stompy is just better though.