Sylvan Scrying

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sylvan Scrying


Search your library for a land card, reveal it, put it into your hand, then shuffle your library.

legendofa on Fun Deck/Builds to try

3 months ago

Niko9 My thought here, as a very non-competitive Commander player, is that the deck building and game play rules lend themselves to early ramp -> drawing a bunch of cards -> jockeying for board advantage and resources -> combo win. It's a lot harder to deal 120 damage or mill 240 cards than it is to deal 20/mill 50. A Craterhoof Behemoth + Triumph of the Hordes or Demonic Consultation into Thassa's Oracle ends the game on the spot. They're relatively low-risk ways to win a match without too much calculation or preparation. And the best way to get to those game-winning spells is to draw, tutor, and ramp. So when cards are designed for or expected to be used in Commander, they're going to hit one of those facets.

It's really hard (for me, at least) to just bring in a deck and start playing, and I consider a pre-match discussion pretty much essential for casual play now. "About a 7, no tutors" is almost meaningless if nobody agrees on how the numerical standards work or whether Sylvan Scrying counts as a tutor. When I'm playing casually with different people, I outline my deck in broad strokes and ask for everyone to do the same.

"Off-meta" is meaningless in non-competitive play, but too many people (and I expand this to pretty much every competitive activity) are in a camp of "meta or bust." And I get it, the meta exists for a reason, many strategies are more effective than others, and winning is the goal of a competitive game. The side effect of that mindset is that they can end up seeing winning as the only possible priority, and assume that everyone else is trying to use the best strategies perfectly as much as they are. The other side is that casual brewers can end up more focused on innovation than on success, and insist that they're just ahead of the curve because they're trying things that haven't been shown to work, or have been shown to not work. I'm not suggesting anyone here is like that, but these people are out there.

Basically, people have different priorities and approaches to gameplay, and when two people don't agree on goals and desires, conflict happens. The problem comes when people start claiming their viewpoint is the only correct viewpoint.

Kcfob on list of green ramp sorceries

5 months ago

Thank you very much for this list!

I would just like to point out that Sylvan Scrying is not exactly ramp.

Just because i've seen some confusion before.

Again, thanks, man!

IndulgingPatrician on Sisay's Horny Spaceship

11 months ago

Hi FolkOccult !

Thank you for your suggestion! Sylvan Scrying looks gorgeous and is definitely in theme with what I'm going for ☺️

To clarify, I am interested in making this Sisay deck as strong as it can be under the conditions I set, so if you have any other cards in mind, I'd appreciate hearing your choices.

IndulgingPatrician on Sisay's Horny Spaceship

11 months ago

Hi FolkOccult!

I sincerely appreciate you reaching out to help improve my deck, and am really encouraged by your kind words, as well as your Sylvan Scrying recommendation. I'll be adding that one to the pile to sort through later ??

To clarify, I intend to make the best Sisay deck possible under this condition, I take my theme decks very seriously!

I tried messaging you as it seemed to work, but have since not been able to load your profile. I apologise if I was too forward in my contact. Thank you again!

FolkOccult on Sisay's Horny Spaceship

11 months ago

I've nothing to add but my respect to looking like you're trying to make a proper deck out of this concept. Here's my contribution to the maybe list you have. Sylvan Scrying.

legendofa on

1 year ago

If you're running the Tron lands in EDH, cards like Crop Rotation, Sylvan Scrying, Elvish Reclaimer, and other land search cards will help pull them out. I'd almost recommend taking them out and replacing them with other lands, so you don't have 7+ cards ultimately dedicated to providing 7 colorless mana.

Pestilence is a repeatable source of life loss that can double as a small board wipes once you get some big creatures out.

How useful are the Sanctums? Sanctum of Stone Fangs is good with your commander, but Sanctum of Fruitful Harvest doesn't seem to add much.

I would also suggest adding some more cheap (2-3 mana) removal.

legendofa on infinite rats

1 year ago

debuf If I came across as accusatory, that wasn't my intent. Stress happens to everyone. It's all good.

The swampwalk trick is a good thing to keep in mind. I would use it in a deck, with maybe a third color, that has good graveyard availability for Filth and some land-specific searches like Expedition Map or Sylvan Scrying. It's a good strategy for picking up an unexpected win, but this deck does that very well already.

For Maze of Ith, if a creature is attacking, you can tap Maze to make that creature not be attacking. It's useful to save one of your creatures after your opponent uses a combat trick that would kill it, or to prevent an opponent's big smashy creature from hurting you. If your opponent attacks with Atarka, World Render, you can tap Maze to nullify the attack.

TheOfficialCreator on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago

Yeah, in every deck I've tried to put Far Wanderings in it doesn't do very well (except a Mimeoplasm deck I made once). I think Sylvan Scrying is a fitting replacement.

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