

Change the target of target spell with a single target.

legendofa on New hubs to be added

1 year ago

My current proposal is to split the Aikido hub into two. The current Aikido hub will become Redirection, which will include Deflecting Palm and Swerve effects. The new hub will be Theft, which will broadly cover both Threaten and Control Magic effects. If nobody objects (and please share your opinion, if you have one on either side), I will get this done tomorrow. This will be a trial run to see how these hubs get used. If they seem to be intuitive and popular, then they'll be locked in. If they seem to be causing confusion, I'll mess around with them some more.

pswet75 on Miirym Current Deck

1 year ago

Thanks for the feedback. For lands, there's quite a bit of token creation and dragon cost reduction, so I feel it might be fine missing land drops here and there. I see what you're saying about free interaction, I've removed deflecting swat and force of vigor. I like the redirecting effect, but 4 mana wild ricochet is too much to hold up imo, and I couldn't afford 2 blue mana in with my color distribution. Would Bolt Bend still be too strong? There's also Swerve if so. I'll keep an eye out for egg and sprite dragon replacements, they're mostly early game bodies. I quite like Gadrak, its like slumbering dragon in a sense: cheap early game deterrent that may be a threat later on.

Icbrgr on

2 years ago

oh and Swerve is in your colors too for the theme!

legendofa on New hubs to be added

2 years ago

The Tactical Appropriation hub was originally called Aikido, intending to cover all strategies that used your opponent's cards against them, including effects like Deflecting Palm, Clone, Swerve, or Act of Treason. That name seemed to be insufficiently descriptive, so it changed. The new name looks like it's not capturing the idea. My objection to the Theft name is that it doesn't cover the Clone or Deflecting Palm ideas. Should Theft and Redirection be separate hubs?

Polaris on Does Swerve Work Against Cyclonic …

2 years ago

An overloaded spell no longer has targets, so Swerve would not work.

Swerve also wouldn't work on Hex, since it doesn't have "a single target."

TriaxialFleas on None

2 years ago

If someone casts an overloaded Cyclonic Rift, and I cast Swerve targeting it, would I be able to make it not bounce everything on the board?

Or does it only work if the 'casted' version of the card says target on it like Hex

SilentPlague on Cheap Grixis Deck

4 years ago

Definitely a multiplayer deck since turn 4 is most likely where anything will happen for you as it stands now. Wouldn't try one on one with this one unless you play another slow deck.

Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge, Mairsil, the Pretender, and Kess, Dissident Mage are all better alternatives to Spellbound Dragon. I feel they fit your disruption technique better and are very cheap ($). To help with getting quicker spells out, there is Dismember that can be paid with life to get out sooner or Sign in Blood. Not cheap, but a really good early game player, is Baleful Strix.

This looks really fun in multiplayer. So I don't blame you if you keep it as is. I feel like it would make everyone so annoyed. I also like Swerve a lot. I have 4 in my Izzet deck.

dingusdingo on Best Counterspells in Commander?

4 years ago


Your very top tier auto-include for lists is going to look like

Your situational includes are going to look like

Other blue stuff is usually just too expensive. Paying over 2 mana for a counterspell just doesn't cut it when there are so many threats for so cheap. Don't pay more than 2 for a counterspell unless it does something wild on top. Counterspells with fewer restrictions on what it can counter are going to be better.

Other Colors

This is where it gets saucy boys

  • Red Elemental Blast Pyroblast are VERY good. In a pod, there is almost definitely blue at the table. Every single red deck can slot these for commander without fear. Do note that REB works against any spell that includes blue (multicolor), while pyro only works against spells that are ONLY blue (monocolor).
  • Fork Reverberate (Twincast) these allow you to copy a counterspell to create a counterspell. More access for red to counterspells. They also conveniently work very well against tutors, ramp, big draw spells, and extra turn spells.
  • Guttural Response Weird hybrid color and somewhat restricted but still a good include in most RG decks.
  • Burnout a bit worse then the elemental blasts as it costs 2 mana and it is limited. The cantrip is nice though
  • Mana Tithe not that good in EDH but give it a whirl I guess
  • Lapse of Certainty costing 3 hurts, but this is more a tempo card than anything.
  • Dash Hopes Don't play this card in EDH lol
  • Withering Boon on the chunkier end at 2 CMC, but in a color that doesn't get much of this. The 3 life and the restriction hurt, but definitely EDH playable. Every deck runs a commander, 99% of which are creatures
  • Imp's Mischief can counter a spell by having it target Mischief, as can Misdirection Shunt Swerve and Ricochet Trap.
  • Veil of Summer 1 mana green Cryptic Command
  • Autumn's Veil Counterspell + silence against UB
  • Bind I bet you didn't even know this card existed. Cantrips. GOOD IN THE YISAN MIRROR MATCH?
  • Avoid Fate Weird protection oriented counterspell
  • Nether Void Mostly ran in stax builds, brutal lockout card
  • Planar Chaos One of my new favorite cards. Brutal with recursion like Hall of Heliod's Generosity. Play when you're ahead
  • Deathgrip Lifeforce These are based if you have any method of color shifting. Realistically, you could run Lifeforce in Momir Hackball. These cards can cause scoops on casual tables lol.
  • Vexing Shusher can render counterspells useless. Similarly, Dosan the Falling Leaf Grand Abolisher Prowling Serpopard Gaea's Herald can all protect against counterspells. Far more marginal but still worthwhile are Hall of Gemstone and Ritual of Subdual for turning off counterspells for opponents.
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