Swans of Bryn Argoll

Creature — Bird Spirit


If a source would deal damage to Swans of Bryn Argoll, prevent that damage. The source's controller draws cards equal to the damage prevented this way.

ShieldOfHolyShadows on Angry Lizards - Naya Enrage Ping

5 months ago

Heads-up, Swans of Bryn Argoll and Indoraptor, the Perfect Hybrid aren't legal with your current commander. They include colors that aren't represented in your commander's color identity.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on I am rubber, you are glue

1 year ago

Thanks for the comment Poly_raptor. I completely understand that life happens. Glad to have you back!

This version of the deck is pretty outdated at this point. I've moved into the Bant color shard so I can play Swans of Bryn Argoll and a number clones to increase the Phyrexian Vindicator and Swan amount in the deck. With that being said, more creature tutors is probably a good idea. The deck currently transitions well into commander beats (I run Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker as one of the commanders), but it's a lot more fun when I get Vindicator or Swans out and start cloning them.

Gidgetimer on Swans of Bryn Argoll and …

1 year ago

Assuming that there is nothing stopping damage from being prevented, the damage will be prevented, the Swans will survive, and you will draw 4 cards.

Small nitpick Swans of Bryn Argoll has a replacement effect, not a triggered ability. It does not use the stack and can not be responded to. If damage would be dealt to the Swans it will be prevented and the controller of the source the damage is prevented from will draw cards before anyone receives priority.

9-lives on Swans of Bryn Argoll and …

1 year ago

If i have Swans of Bryn Argoll on the battlefield, and wish to cause its ability to trigger, could I use Justice Strike to do so without killing Swans of Bryn Argoll?

9-lives on Swans of Bryn Argoll and …

1 year ago

If I have Swans of Bryn Argoll and I use Gideon's Sacrifice, would that make Swans of Bryn Argoll give me the ability to draw cards from the damage received by Swans of Bryn Argoll through Gideon's Sacrifice? Basically I am the controller whom controls Gideon's Sacrifice as a source of damage, no?

lagotripha on BOROS BURN AIKIDO

2 years ago

If you want to play Braid of Fire you want to set up something like grandmaster to cast multiple 'return to hand' instant/ X cost spells, backed up by a second ramp engine, and it needs to win the game. This would be easiest with setting up a Time Warp loop or similar, but there are combo options with red/white that are similar, if a little less reliable.

To do this you'd need to respec the list into a grind/control setup -Path to Exiles and Lightning Helixes with the goal of getting a winning field where you just have better topdecks and a braid that keeps ticking up. This doesn't match the rest of your list.

I'm most used to seeing Boros Reckoner alongside Swans of Bryn Argoll as part of a combo engine, but the deck here doesn't have the parts to do that (wraths/land damage). It will work fine as a 3 drop choice for boros, but it will eat up slots that could be draw engines. You could go a little higher on the curve, run some more removal and try for Light from Within or Acolyte's Reward value, but it will take tuning and likely never quite reach competitive levels.

I've seen mono red tron where you try to cast wraths and burn people out with reckoner damage/ Fireball, but it hasn't been great in a long while.

I have seen combos using Hallow+Plunge into Darkness, a long time ago. It was a janky mess leaning hard on Children of Korlis. Hallow can definitely work for getting a high life total, letting you set up something like Aetherflux Reservoir or symetric burn, but every damage spell for it has big question marks above it.

The rest of your deck outside of braid is an aggressive 'get to low life totals then exploit that' list. This is where deflecting palm shines, but also where risk factor is great. It will, over time morph into boros burn if you keep pushing the power level - the curse of competitive is that you tend to get a generic deck with 6-7 cards that are your own twist on it.

You might get something unique if you focus on cards like Timely Reinforcements, which has been a traditional control staple, to win mirror burn matchups, or figure out Molten Psyche alongside delayed symetric draw - Howling Mine or similar could power a very aggressive list.

I hope this provides ideas and options at least - I don't have any great answers.

nbarry223 on best draw cards for modern …

2 years ago

I mean from the title of the thread, I would definitely go with Swans of Bryn Argoll as the best card draw available to Boros burn. However, if the game is going long enough that you actually benefit from such a card, I would think you are failing as a burn deck.

You could maybe have a transitional sideboard that lets you go from burn to more controlling, and utilize such a card, to render their Leyline of Sanctity and such useless. Nonetheless, I don't think burn is generally interested in card draw, since time is more essential to their game plan, so every mana spent drawing cards is a mana they cannot use to burn their opponent's faces.

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