Surge of Salvation


You and permanents you control gain hexproof until end of turn. Prevent all damage that black and/or red sources would deal to creatures you control this turn.

IHATENAMES on Angelic Spiritual Soul Sisters

5 months ago

A few things.

1st off. I think a soul sisters deck and angel deck are not compatible. Soul sisters make and want as many lifegain triggers as possible. Maximizing cards like Voice of the Blessed . Angels i believe want to maintain x life above your starting life and gain in chunks of 5 for probably the best angel Resplendent Angel. These seem simular but that creates tough choices in deck design.

Book of Exalted Deeds with creature lands is a combo with Mutavault some decks just can't beat this.

I think you want the card draw off of Shelter but I personally think that card sux. You would likely be better with a green splash for just Collected Company or run a cheaper protection spell like Brave the Elements or a better card draw engine Welcoming Vampire perhaps.

Speaker of the Heavens is a suprise op card i have a angel deck on mtga for historic and it is a great agro card angels needed.

You are light in 1 key piece of any deck. Interaction.

March of Otherworldly Light is a favorite of mine.

Path to Exile could be decent

Dawn Charm niche counterspell/ protect a creature

Surge of Salvation protection vs opposing aggro

I'd suggest looking at another decks sideboard to help build a better one Check out decks like modern d&t or soul sister or angels and see what you want. But be sure to cover a few things.

Graveyard hate like Soul-Guide Lantern Something to fight control many different approachesCavern of Souls Thalia, Guardian of Thraben Artifact/enchantment hate Disenchant

And something for decks that you think you need more help with and expect to face. Perhaps a boardwipe for decks that go wide Doomskar or any other archetype/problem that needs fixing.

Worrad75 on Pia-tiful Impulse Control

5 months ago

Keeping a record of the changes I make here.

took out Surge of Salvation for Island Sanctuary

This deck can take some time to assemble a lethal board, and we need a way to dissuade attackers. Surge is a fantastic 'gotcha' combat trick, but it doesn't do much for us if we exile it at sorcery speed. Island sanctuary allows us to trade our card for turn for security; it blocks ground creatures, we print fliers like crazy so flying attackers dont typically scare us, and islandwalk will never matter for us. The card disadvantage isn't nothing, but this deck has plenty of ways to generate advantage from exile.

took out Faithless Looting for Dragon's Rage Channeler

This is simply too much value to ignore. We have 50(!!) noncreature spells in our deck. FL is in there to help generate velocity when we get stuck with our hand, but DRC simply blows it out of the water in terms of card selection. Filling our graveyard is also semi-relevant, as we run Reconstruct History, and having an extra 3/3 flier certainly contributes to our gameplan of smacking our opponents repeatedly.

took out Cursed Mirror for Loran of the Third Path

This swap is somewhat based on goldfishing impressions, which means there's a chance it gets reverted with more reps in a real pod. Cursed Mirror gives us velocity as a ramp piece (albiet at 3 mana), while offering incredible upside to copy something like a Professional Face-Breaker, not to mention your opponents creatures. The issue lies in the makeup of our deck; as currently constructed, we have only 18 creatures, and 10 of them are legendary. This makes the Mirror's upside more of a "hope your opponents have something cool to copy" rather than it's more powerful use of "get one of your effects doubled temporarily" due to the lack of available targets on our own board. While Loran doesn't ramp us, she gives us both interaction and non-exile card draw, both areas that this deck is a bit light on.

took out Cosmic Intervention for Boros Charm

Cosmic intervention was initially included due to Pia's natural synergy with fortell cards. However, the closer you look at situations in which you are likely to need Intervention, you start to realize how next-to-useless that extra Thopter is. Additionally, one of the massive upsides to Intervention is re-enabling ETB effects, which we currently only have 2 of in the deck. Boros Charm on the other hand actually manages to save our board from damage/destroy effects, while also giving us more flexibility. We have a handful of large creatures/effects that benefit from double strike (14 points of lifegain off Sephara, Sky's Blade, anyone?), and if all else fails the 4 life can be meaningful, as this deck tends to deal death by 1000 cuts. Exiling CI off the top at sorcery speed feels like a whiff; exiling BC feels the world is your oyster.

Dropping a Mountain for Land Tax

This is a bit of an experimental swap, as it's possible we actually want to leave more lands in the deck so they can be exiled off the top. This will mean in games where we have LT in our openning hand (the ideal start), we will exile fewer lands and more nonland cards. We'll be playing the lands every turn to be able to play the extra spells, but we'll also miss out on the value of playing lands from exile. That being said, there is undeniable value to be had by being a bit greedy here.

legendofa on Ways to STOP T0 GRIEF/FURY …

7 months ago

Veil of Summer is a decent candidate for an anti-Grief. There are several MV 1 ways to prevent Fury damage; Surge of Salvation is probably the best, but Ethereal Haze is another option.

I'm pulling from my turbo fog days for inspiration, so these suggestions are definitely reactive, rather than proactive.

sergiodelrio on Ways to STOP T0 GRIEF/FURY …

7 months ago

nbarry223 fine contributions, thank you!

Silence and Surge of Salvation are indeed interesting options. As you mentioned with Elesh Norn, there are multiple of those Hushbringer style cards that actually shut down a plethora of nonsense flying around in the meta.

nbarry223 on Ways to STOP T0 GRIEF/FURY …

7 months ago

While not a t1 or t0 answer, I’ve always liked copy creatures like Phyrexian Metamorph to answer Fury, letting us 2 for 1 on the backend essentially.

As far as answers, the best I’ve got is Surge of Salvation or Sanctifier en-Vec/Defense Grid/Void Mirror/Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines if we can ignore the turn premises.

As far as other cards, there’s things like Silence that stops them from casting further spells if played before they resolve, otherwise the reanimate effects can just be used in response.

There’s also all the various 1 mana counters. I don’t really know of a good answer to the turn 1 double Grief - it is pretty suppressive honestly.

BlobHobbit on

1 year ago

In terms of your maybeboard Shalai, Voice of Plenty is a worse version of Sigarda, Font of Blessings at this point so I wouldn't bother with it. Surge of Salvation is cool but it would be a mostly dead draw if you already have Sigarda and you're probably going to be sidedecking Shapers' Sanctuary anyway as an Angels deck.

Metropolis Reformer is cool but it doesn't do enough for you compared to putting in Skyclave Apparition. Personally, I would swap alll copies of Metropolis Angel for copies of Skyclave Apparition. That way you get a more broadly targeting removal than Fateful Absence while putting another creature on the board to make the most of Righteous Valkyrie.

Errant and Giada doesn't do anything for you that Sigarda isn't already doing and you can get away with adding at least one more copy of Sigarda since it's such a high priority removal target for your opponenent that getting two in one game is okay in most match-ups. Also it let's you play Bishop of Wings from the top of your deck which Errant and Giada doesn't.

Aside from that I would say that putting in a fourth copy of of Kayla's Reconstruction and another copy of Nykthos definitely needs to be done. Additionally, if you're taking my advice and getting rid of Errant and Giada then you no longer need the blue mana and so you should really play some combination of fast/pain lands along with at least one copy of Mutavault to help kill your opponent. Emeria's Call  Flip is another possibility mana wise as it has good late-game utility while expanding your land base a little.

I feel I may be a bit harsh but that would be my advice for improving this deck.

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago

Guerric Perilous_Percival

Now that the full card list is up and searchable I figured this is the current breakdown.

Invasion of Gobakhan  Flip flips to Lightshield Array  Flip

The front side of this battle card doesn't do much except maybe slow down the strongest player. We wouldn't necessarily play it on curve but flipping the battle would be pretty easy and its effects would happen the same turn we flip it. Not only does it grow the entire angel army with continued aggro it serves as a protection piece against single target removal or damage spells which is great. Also, when we sacrifice it the battle goes into graveyard which can then be recurred with Serra Paragon or Emeria Shepherd.

Firemane Commando

I fully suspect this card to be double digits on release as it does so much for white aggro decks. Getting card draw on an angel stick is great and it curves out perfectly. It also encourages others to aggro your opponents, usually the combo players.

Guardian of Ghirapur

There aren't many 3CMC angels and this one has a pretty useful ability. Unfortunately we don't have too many ETB targets for it. Typical targets would be Inspiring Overseer or Sanctuary Warden for the draw or a mana rock to drop more threats.

Chivalric Alliance

This enchantment has the same effect as Firemane Commando but lacks any other useful effects. It fits into the same category as Folk Hero as it'll essentially be a draw a card per turn. While Hero would require Giada to be out, Alliance would require 2 creatures to attack. I figure after a board wipe it would be faster to draw with Hero as you could drop Giada and another angel and draw. If you have Alliance then you could do the same but then need to wait a full turn to attack in order to draw.

Conjurer's Mantle

This equipment is great for tribal decks and can serve as additional card draw for 3CMC total. I'd say it serves a better purpose than Rogue's Gloves as the total cost is 1 less and it provides a slight buff, provides vigilance, triggers on attack instead of combat damage and can pull threats from the deck. On the off-chance that it whiffs then it's obviously worse but with 29 Angels in the deck statistically there's 1.75 Angels out of 6 cards.

Surge of Salvation

This was mentioned in an article as the best white card of the set. I think it serves as a decent protection spell for 1 but I'm not sure how many we'd actually want in the deck.

Invasion of Dominaria flips to Serra Faithkeeper

Apparently this card isn't in the database yet but gaining 4 life and drawing a card is OK for 3CMC. It'll help trigger the lifegain payouts when there's no lifelinker on board. It also flips into a Serra Angel which is decent although you need 5 damage to flip it. I also like how it's recurrable like Invasion of Gobakhan  Flip.

Boon Bringer Valkyrie

5CMC for its effects just aren't that great.

Archangel Elspeth

No specific angel buffs :(

Have (2) SirFowler , oyianakis
Want (2) qao50 , TechNoble