Supreme Verdict

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Supreme Verdict


Supreme Verdict can't be countered.

Destroy all creatures.

Swing4Lethal on Esper Control 3.0

4 months ago

The Reef would replace one of the Vents if it did come in. It's twice the power and hurts their library as well, but I don't know if it will make it in or not. I will do some testing with it and see how it does. Glad to hear the deck is working well for you! I also feel the deck is in a nice spot and it may just not need the shark land, but I do love the card lol.

What are your sideboard swaps when playing against Rakdos Vampires?

I like:

Out 3xFatal Push, 1xJwari Disruption  Flip, 3xTeferi, Hero of Dominaria

In 1xDovin's Veto, 1xVoid Rend, 2xStarnheim Unleashed, 1xSupreme Verdict, 1xThe End, 1xLyra Dawnbringer

Shark Typhoon works really with The End to hit a Vein Ripper and pay the ward cost. cycle on 3, end on 4. My sideboard swaps maximize ways to stop Sorin from hitting board, ways to non-target remove Ripper or get around ward, and gives you more top end power to close out the game, since the Rakdos matchup actually favors them the longer the game goes. Teferi is pretty low impact overall in the rakdos matchup, especially since it cant cleanly deal with a ripper by itself.

wallisface on Sheoldred Control

4 months ago

Some thoughts:

wallisface on Azorius Aggro-Control deck

4 months ago

If I were building a deck with your colour and budget restraints, it’d be this. I’d suggest your list look very close to this, if you’re wanting to end up with an ”Azorius Aggro-Control deck”.

If you’re going down the route of specifically wanting to build around Ethersworn Canonist, it’s a completely different deck - neither aggro nor control, but instead some kind of artifact-based tempo build.

wallisface on

4 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • i don’t think you want Supreme Verdict when your path to victory appears to be go-wide creatures.

  • you have very few ways to deal with a threat once an opponent plays it (and any savvy opponent will always find ways to get some stuff onto the board). I think you need more ways to remove those threats that inevitably resolve.

  • control decks normally rely on being able to maintain a card-advantage engine over the opponent (if a game ever comes down to topdecking, they’ll always lose). Without any ways to refill your hand or draw additional cards, I’m not convinced you’ll be able to control the game for as long as you’ll need to. Something like Archmage's Charm and/or Memory Deluge would help you a lot here.

CommanderNeyo on

7 months ago

Howdy! I love the sword/foundry combo - it was the second deck I ever built!

I was wondering if you could explain your Sai, Sword, and Foundry combo. I understand the Sword/Foundry combo, but I don't see how Sai fits in, since you never cast the sword and therefore never create a 1/1.

Also, I would recommend adding targeted removal, such as Path to Exile or Fatal Push, and board wipes, such as Supreme Verdict and Wrath of God.

Since you the deck is really a combo deck, you need something to slow down your opponents as you assemble your pieces. You can easily rebuild after wiping the board, so board wipes are very one-sided.

Also, it is very important to find your pieces - otherwise, you are dead in the water. I recommend adding pieces such as Whir of Invention to find your combo.

Lastly, I would consider a couple Ensnaring Bridges - if the opponent has no answer, then you can easily set it up so you are the only one attacking.

legendofa on Any cheap mana permanent with …

7 months ago

Yeah, it's good to get out and play in person if you can. Stay safe, meet good people, and enjoy it.

First thought is, as long as there's no proxy limit, use the original dual lands. Tundra, Taiga, and all the rest have all the upside of the shocklands with none of the downside. If you can, the fetchlands (Wooded Foothills, Windswept Heath, etc.) will give you more consistency and precision in your land base as well.

Basically, proxy up the best possible version of the card you have. Another couple of switches could be Idyllic Tutor -> Enlightened Tutor, or Doomskar -> Supreme Verdict, and even these could probably be improved. The goal is to go as fast and hard as possible. If you want to stick with the Shrine core, then maximize the support and land base. Find ways to play two or three Shrines each turn. Skim through the Legacy meta and pull ideas from there. If everyone's allowed to proxy everything, then you have free reign to go wild.

Above all, have fun!

Swing4Lethal on Esper Control 3.0

8 months ago

@R3l04d: Thanks for your feedback! I haven not updated since WoE. However, I did move a Supreme Verdict to the sideboard in place of 1 copy of Rest in Peace and cut the Censor. I added Cling to Dust and Jwari Disruption  Flip to the main. I looked up The End. It certainly is powerful, and could easily replace the Vanishing Verse in the sideboard. I don't know about cutting Saw it Coming though, as you need a protected way to counter things in Thoughtseize decks that this list is susceptible too, such as Mayhem Devil, Omnath, Locus of Creation, Niv-Mizzet, Supreme, etc. Esper control has always been my go-to archetype and I believe it is much better positioned than UW control because of the premium removal black brings and of course Sheoldred, the Apocalypse. Also, Reckoner Bankbuster is probably the most valuable card in the deck. I have a 100% win rate in games that I have cast it.

Aiyoki on Sliver Overlord EDH

10 months ago

This is my Sliver Overlord EDH deck as of 8/29/2023.

Improvements or other Feedback about this deck that can help me improve success in competitive play is welcomed and appreciated!

Options for cheating out Sliver Overlord onto the battlefield ASAP would be best. Some commander decks I usually have to play against are:

Codie, Vociferous Codex

Urza, Lord High Artificer

Removal: Global & Targeted Options

  1. Damnation Destroys all creatures for only four mana and prevents them from regenerating!
  2. Supreme Verdict This one also destroys all creatures for only four mana! While it doesn't prevent regeneration, countermeasures like Counterspell won't work!
  3. Harsh Mercy Is a cheap global removal option that can keep all of our slivers safe while simultaneously wiping out most of our opponent's non-tribal creatures!
  4. Terminate A cheap targeted removal that prevents regeneration
  5. Swords to Plowshares A great targeted removal, perfect for eliminating an otherwise pesky creature that would keep coming back if just destroyed.
  6. Essence Scatter Targeted creature removal, before it even gets the chance to hit the battlefield >:D
  7. Aura Shards Play a creature, get a free targeted artifact or enchantment removal as a result! We use this enchantment instead of Harmonic Sliver because the sliver variant doesn't give us a choice in the matter and can end up forcing us to destroy our own artifacts and enchantments. We don't want that!

Graveyard Hate:

  1. Leyline of the Void. This enchantment exiles anything our opponents put into their graveyards and can even come up as a pregame play in your opening hand, making it an extremely efficient play against graveyard based commanders!

Mana Fixing:

  1. As long as you've got the green mana to spend Manaweft Sliver and Gemhide Sliver work wonderfully. If you've already got one of these babies on the board it's best to keep the other in reserve in case of a board wipe or targeted removal.

  2. The World Tree, and Chromatic Lantern both provide non-sliver options to fix mana colors.

Mana cost reduction:

  1. Herald's Horn costs only to play and also reduces the generic mana costs of all our slivers by . Save for the Legendary five slivers we're using here, basically every other sliver will cost 1 less to play with this thing on the battlefield!
  2. Morophon, the Boundless With slivers as the named creature type, when this this thing hits the battlefield it reduces the cost to play any sliver by ! It might be the most costly to get out but it's indispensable for certain combos this deck is capable of pulling off.

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