Sunfrill Imitator

Creature — Dinosaur

Whenever Sunfrill Imitator attacks, you may have it become a copy of another target Dinosaur you control, except its name is Sunfrill Imitator and it has this ability.

lhetrick13 on Dinosaurs go Rawr!

5 months ago

Lordeh- First off, I love the build. There is a lot of similarities between your deck and mine (Gishath Spared No Expense!!!). Personally one of my favorite combos is dropping Apex Altisaur + Flawless Maneuver for essentially a board wipe. That with Wrathful Raptors on the board is also pretty much game over for at least one opponent.

I did want to ask about why you included a couple cards. Burning Sun's Avatar has always seemed very lackluster to me and I noticed you included that. You could easily drop it for something like Sunfrill Imitator to potentially swing with a 2nd Gishath for double the dino drops! Another odd inclusion was Hour of Promise. Considering you are not running any deserts, this was an odd inclusion over something like Skyshroud Claim.

Otherwise, nice decklist and glad to see another dino enthusiast!