Stormchaser Drake

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Stormchaser Drake

Creature — Drake


Whenever this becomes the target of a spell you control, draw a card.

KBK7101 on Your Cheap Obscure Overperformers?

1 year ago

I really love Stormchaser Drake. I have an Explorer auras deck and the Drake is a monster with Sram and a bunch of 1-2MV auras.

I took that deck all the way up to mid-platinum rank (which is really high for me because I don't play ranked often) in Historic before Explorer was a format.

Thespel on

1 year ago

Also! Especially if you include Giada, Font of Hope, Inspiring Overseer is a great addition. I'd play it over Stormchaser Drake because the card draw is on etb, rather than when you hit it with a spell, so it should trigger more often.

Crazy_Bomb on

1 year ago

I like the deck. The Mana-base struggles without many pain-lands or slow-lands. Also if you remove the enchantment synergy creatures you could add Illuminator Virtuoso, Dorothea, Vengeful Victim  Flip, Slip Out the Back, Homestead Courage and more Timely Interference (keeping Combat Research). Also, March of Swirling Mist while not always being a single target spell, triggers multiple Illuminator Virtuosos and Stormchaser Drakes and can phase out Dorothea's Retribution  Flip tokens after damage for cheap 4/4 tokens the next turn.

LePantsShaw on Bant Heroic Tempo

2 years ago

wallisface that's actually a change I just made, after doing some playtesting I learned that while this deck does thrive early game, it absolutely struggles extending to the late game because of how low the land count is. My idea when originally making the deck was a turn 3/4 kill with Illuminator Virtuoso + Scale Up + (any +2/+2 spell here), and with games ending that fast, less lands means more virtuoso hits and more slots for other cards, but while the deck has tons of ways to get that turn 3/4 kill, there's always a chance it just doesn't assemble the combo early game(Stormchaser Drake is there to try and draw into it if we don't start with a virtuoso/hero). I made a few cuts, the big cut being the Rancor copies since playing Mutagenic Growth for essentially free is a better option to close the game right on that turn(both mutagenic growth and rancor fit the +2 power slot in the above mentioned combo, but mutagenic > rancor since you can pay 2 life instead of G, saving mana for a scale up or Snakeskin Veil to protect virtuoso). All in all, it now has 18 lands and 2 MDFC lands, I did a bit of online playtesting with that change and it seems to now perform just as good in the late game! However, writing this long-ass paragraph has taught me I need to actually write a valid description for the deck and not shrug it off... guess I'll do that real quick ;-;

paintman37 on Son of Sprite Dragon

2 years ago

Fun Deck! Been using it on arena for a bit and I love how it plays. A few things that I've been tweaking that might be helpful. Sea Gate Stormcaller on your maybeboard; I've been running an azorius deck that uses Stormchaser Drake in the same way, and honestly it does not help as much as it looks like it should. It can do some crazy combo stuff with Orvar, but it's very rare, plus you need a ton of mana to keep it going for good results. Things I added to the deck to help it were Geistflame Reservoir and Voltaic Visionary  Flip because the card draw they give you is great if you've got nothing but lands or creatures in your hand. Also I added some Den of the Bugbear's because it's a cheap manland that a lot of people don't expect.

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