Storm Crow

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Storm Crow

Creature — Bird

Flying (This creature can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.)

TehGrief on Trigger ability resolve after source …

2 months ago

Player A's Storm Crow is equipped with Mage Slayer and attacks, on the attack trigger, Player A casts Unleash Fury on the Storm Crow. Horrified of the consequences, Player B casts Unexpectedly Absent targetting the Storm Crow after the Unleash Fury resolves.

With the Storm Crow no longer on the battlefield, how much damage (if any) does the Mage Slayer trigger cause?

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge

3 months ago

Crow Tempest


Whenever a creature with flying enters the battlefield under your control, it gains Haste until end of turn.

Whenever a Bird enters the battlefield under your control, instant and sorcery spells you cast cost less to cast this turn.

Tempest Crow

Creature - Bird

Flying, Prowess


Still worse than Storm Crow.

Create a commander that creates Storm Crow tokens.

proterran98 on The Cyber-Controller

3 months ago

I have played The Cyber-Controller. I’ve milled 5 Squire from my opponents and I have milled a Storm Crow. My storm crow opponent loves playing Unsummon. My opponents see them become cyber men, they can note what cyber man is what. Can I rearrange the cyber men in an attempt to confuse? Wotc has printed morph tokens, can I use some other sort of indicator for the cyber men as to not have all the different squires and storm crows be recognized by each opponent’s unique sleeves?

Rhadamanthus on Can I order triggered abilities …

4 months ago

You can't get the full result you're going for here. Yes, you can choose the order of triggers you control that are trying to go onto the stack at the same time, but the problem is that Barbed Foliage doesn't trigger in this situation.

When your opponent declares Storm Crow as an attacker, both Gravity Well and Raking Canopy trigger because it's a flying creature. You put those triggers on the stack in the order of your choice and they resolve. After Gravity Well causes it to lose flying, you don't back up the game and "re-check" for Barbed Foliage's trigger. The moment when it could have triggered (your opponent declaring attackers) has already passed.

TehGrief on Can I order triggered abilities …

4 months ago

I control Gravity Well, Raking Canopy and Barbed Foliage.

My opponent attacks me with a Storm Crow that has been pumped with a Giant Growth (fearsome, I know).

Am I able to order each of the triggers so that Raking Canopy triggers first (dealing 4 damage to an attacking creature with flying), Gravity Well triggering second (forcing the Storm Crow to walk like a peasant), and finally triggering Barbed Foliage to deal the remaining damage to the massive threat that is attempting to end my miserable existence?

Stardragon on If you could run any …

6 months ago

Storm Crow it would the most broken deck most likely banned

Jimmithee on Playtester

10 months ago

Wait, it may just be the playtester and cards in the deck. I think cards in comments are fine

test: Storm Crow

i can't see it in preview.

Crow_Umbra on Turn yourself into a Commander!

1 year ago

I'm not sure what I would be as a commander. The stuff I've played is kinda all over the place. But if Crow Umbra was a card......

Crow Umbra


Enchant creature.

Enchanted creature gets flying and "Whenever this creature deals combat damage to a player, draw a card then discard a card."

Totem Armor

I'm sure this needs to be balanced a bit more by maybe requiring the discard to happen before the draw, or maybe making the CMC more color intensive. I figured the Looting/Rummaging style draw on combat damage could also tie into crows/corvids being scavengers.

I wanted to add a +1/+2 buff as a nod to Storm Crow, but that seemed a bit too far for what I already have up there.

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