Stealth Mission


Put two +1/+1 counters on target creature you control. That creature can't be blocked this turn.

wallisface on "My Limbs Are Your Limbs"

10 months ago

Some thoughts:

  • your mana curve feels extremely slow/clumsy. I’d really suggest working on drastically lowering this. You should be aiming for a deck to be in a winning position by turn 5 at the absolute latest (your current brew appears to only just be starting to do things around this turn).

  • Vesuvan Duplimancy seems really weak here, as only Stealth Mission triggers it.

  • Stealth Mission feels pointless here, as you’re not even remotely an aggressive deck (and this card has a very high mana cost for what it does).

  • Your deck has no interaction, which puts you at the mercy of the opponent. This is a massive problem, as a single flyer or creature with trample probably just beats your entire deck. You really should have some way to mess with the opponents plans.

thefiresoflurve on 2/1 Voltron? Sure, why not?

1 year ago

Nice build! What do you think of Ruinous Intrusion? Stealth Mission could also be good to push some damage through.

I'm not sure if Irenicus's Vile Duplication is worth it here - most of your creatures don't even cost that much.

iammute on Octavia Infect Spellslinger

2 years ago

Stealth Mission and an Octavia trigger on an infect creature gives you a lethal amount of unblockable infect. Grafted Exoskeleton and an Octo trigger gets you the right power but you need to find a way to connect.

Flux Channeler is another option too to make up the last few points of infect.

iammute on Octavia Infect

2 years ago

Stealth Mission plus the Octavia trigger make lethal, unblockable infect damage

Grafted Exoskeleton plus an Octavia trigger on an unblockable creature works too

razelfark on

3 years ago

Hello rog0325. Sorry for taking a while to respond.

It looks like you made some adjustments to your deck already and it is looking better. I Would try to add another copy of Nissa, Who Shakes the World to your deck and maybe 1 more Cultivate . The reason for these additions is they will help your Hydroid Krasis become a much stronger payoff if you play it after resolving the previously mentioned cards.

To make room for the cards, I would personally cut Courage in Crisis or Stealth Mission .

I hope the deck is working out for you if you have had a chance to try it with the changes.

marciothehero on Ravnica Cube v12

3 years ago


Simic Charm -> Quandrix Command

Immolating Gyre -> Draconic Intervention

Lightning Helix -> Rip Apart

Launch the Fleet -> Venerable Warsinger

Shifting Ceratops -> Battle Mammoth

Shrine of Loyal Legions -> Mimic Vat

Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord -> Daemogoth Woe-Eater

Polukranos, Unchained -> Daemogoth Titan

Mindwrack Demon -> Rank Officer

Winding Way -> Brawn

Abrupt Decay -> Drown in Filth

Grapple with the Past -> Llanowar Mentor

Archetype of Courage -> Selfless Squire

Unburial Rites -> Incarnation Technique

Stealth Mission -> Benthic Biomancer

Thrummingbird - > Fuel for the Cause

Assure / Assemble -> Selesnya Charm

Knight of Autumn -> Battle for Bretagard

Druid's Deliverance -> Pest Infestation

Wilt-Leaf Liege -> Glare of Subdual

Jeleva, Nephalia's Scourge -> Veyran, Voice of Duality

Legion Warboss -> Laelia, the Blade Reforged

Ral, Storm Conduit -> Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver

Experiment One -> Gyre Sage

Jadelight Ranger -> Managorger Hydra

Merfolk Branchwalker -> Incubation Druid

Sweet-Gum Recluse -> Forgotten Ancient

Sharktocrab -> Zegana, Utopian Speaker

Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath -> Prime Speaker Zegana

Roalesk, Apex Hybrid -> Tanazir Quandrix

Herald of Secret Streams -> Deepglow Skate

Nightpack Ambusher -> Arachnogenesis

Life / Death -> Tivash, Gloom Summoner

Cry of the Carnarium -> Essence Pulse

Filter Lands -> Thriving Lands + 5 Color Lands

Falta G para balancear


Quandrix Command , Draconic Intervention , Rip Apart , Venerable Warsinger , Daemogoth Woe-Eater , Daemogoth Titan , Incarnation Technique , Pest Infestation , Veyran, Voice of Duality , Laelia, the Blade Reforged , Tivash, Gloom Summoner , Essence Pulse

jakeelephant006 on its too late they are already under your bed

4 years ago

This deck performs very well with some decently large deficiencies. I think you need to cut some weaker cards (sorceries and creatures mostly) and add in more Ninjas and ninja synergies.

Cards to Cut: Creatures: Definite cuts are Jeskai Infiltrator, but I'd also heavily consider trimming Dark Impostor, Deathcult Rogue, Etrata, the Silencer, and Nezumi Cutthroat.

Sorceries: Definitely cut Hour of Eternity, Kefnet's Last Word, Paranoid Delusions and consider trimming Ghostform, Slip Through Space, or Stealth Mission.

Artifacts, Enchantments, Instants, Planeswalkers, and Lands: I would definitely cut Briber's Purse, Fatal Push, and Vraska, Scheming Gorgon while also giving thought to the merits of including Skygames, Bontu's Monument, Forge of Heroes, Unclaimed Territory, and of, or at least the Amonkhet, cycling lands.

The cards I have recommended are either slow, have low to zero synergy with the rest of the deck, or are typically weak in commander.

Cards to Add Creatures: Ninjas, ninjas, and more ninjas (plus some cheaper unblockables for good measure). There are 19 Ninjas in mtg history (excluding changelings). You have 11 in this deck. I think you ought to have more. The cheapest are Mistblade Shinobi, Okiba-Gang Shinobi, Skullsnatcher, Throat Slitter, and Walker of Secret Ways. Higure, the Still Wind and Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni are both reasonable splurges in terms of powerful Ninjas to acquire. Now for other creatures to enable Ninjitsu. First off, I could have included Changeling Outcast in the last section since it is also a Ninja and you should absolutely be running it in here. Other small unblockables for you to Ninjitsu into are Gudul Lurker, Slither Blade, Tormented Soul, Faerie Seer, Mothdust Changeling, Gingerbrute, Dimir Infiltrator, Baleful Strix, Invisible Stalker, Augury Owl, Sage Owl, Spire Owl, and Cloud of Faeries. All of these cards are less than 3 cmc, and are either entirely unblockable or have good etb/ltb or dealing combat damage synergy (and are mostly pretty cheap too). I'd recommend adding at least 3 or 4 of them in addition to the above ninjas.

Other cards: This section is mostly for general things that you could do to make this deck more consistent and enjoyable to pilot, but there are a couple specific synergies I think you're missing out on. They're both pretty intertwined so I'll just address them together. I think you could be putting in a few more cards that are good to reveal off of Yuriko's trigger and ways to manipulate the top of your library so you get those card when they are most impactful. I am referring to cards like Treasure Cruise, Sibsig Muckdraggers, Temporal Trespass, Dig Through Time, Draco, Consign / Oblivion, Murderous Cut, Far / Away, Curtains' Call, Into the Story, Submerge, Commandeer, Commit / Memory, Discovery / Dispersal, Rags / Riches, In Garruk's Wake, and any other high cost card that has an alternate mana cost, mana reducing ability, split card, or is a high impact card. Then you could also throw in a few ways to manipulate the top of your library like Brainstorm, Ponder, Serum Visions, Tamiyo's Epiphany, and Crystal Ball. The only other synegystic thing you could put in here is making your other creatures Ninjas as well with Conspiracy, Xenograft, Arcane Adaptation, and Amorphous Axe.

Otherwise, you could probably add in some more ramp (Sol Ring, Mind Stone, Star Compass, etc.), card draw (see cantrips above and Last Thoughts), board wipes (could probably replace Bontu's Last Reckoning with some of the ones from the last section or just add those ones or some other good boardwipes) and spot removal or counterspells (I don't see a lot of good ways to deal w/ non-creature permanents in here).

DolanDark on Budget U/R Prowess

4 years ago

Thanks for the suggestion Epicurus. Bloodwater Entityseems pretty powerful, but you're right about my curve being throw off kilter. Also, Stealth Mission would be cool, if cards like Abrupt Decay, Fatal Push, Path to Exile and Assassin's Trophy weren't so prevalent in the format. Electrolyze snuck in as the only 3-drop mostly because it was quintessential against decks that went wide and it also helped with gaining card advantage. Many Prowess builds run Serum Visions but I honestly I didn't wanna be overloaded with card draw and no limited action.

As for your suggestion on Smash to Smithereens I'll most likely be keeping it as 2x copies in the sideboard. I build based on the modern meta, so I can't main-board artifact hate. I'm guessing your local metal runs a lot of artifact builds?

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