Stave Off


Target creature gains protection from the color of your choice until end of turn.

lil_cheez on If I control Zada, can …

2 months ago

Good evening everyone,

Zada, Hedron Grinder is an all star in my Feather, the Redeemed deck. I've been playtesting it and found a RW interaction I could not have a clear answer. Please help me if you can.

When I target Zada with a "protection from color" granting spell, like Shelter and Stave Off, the spell will be copied to each other creature I control.

Question: do I get to pick a color for each creature?

Zada's rulling says the following:
If the spell that's copied is modal (that is, it says "Choose one —" or the like), the copies will have the same mode. You can't choose a different one.

But these spells are not modal, as far as I know, so I'd like to know if they are the "or the like" or if they work diffently.

Thanks in advance and have a good one.

Tyrant-Thanatos on Your Cheap Obscure Overperformers?

1 year ago

Stave Off - This card just does everything. It's so easy to miss that this can target creatures other than just the ones you control, and it makes a world of difference. Prevent buffs, debuffs, swing the tide of combat, the shear number of options this affords me feels nuts. I have a very hard time saying no to this in any deck with white.

Supreme Will - Choose between Mana Leak or Impulse for just 1 more. When I'm holding up untapped Islands in blue, there are two options I want: Interaction, or Card Advantage. This gives me both in a single card.

Priest of the Blood Rite - Setting aside my love of the way the mechanics and flavor tie together in this card; this thing is really easy to abuse. Sac and reanimate, flicker or blink, you can lay down a lot of 5/5 flyers with this faster than people expect.

Unravel the Aether/Deglamer - Shuffling things back into my opponents deck is often worse for them than destroying. By now there are a fair handful of "better than Naturalize" cards, but these two are my favorites, and are often met with sighs from opponents that would rather have been Krosan Grip'd than this.

Hawksfield on Burn It All V2

2 years ago

Velomachus is very important to your strategy, so a few more ways to protect him would not go amiss. Some options like: Brave the Elements, Stave Off, Valorous Stance, Adamant Will, Blacksmith's Skill

Unlife on Feather - Low to the Ground

2 years ago

I'd cut Ancestral Anger, Sentinel Tower, Stave Off and Reckless Rage. Across your deck, those 4 seem to be the most 'meh' cards you've got remaining.

Sorin_Markov_1947 on Feather - Righteous Strike

2 years ago

With Feather, you need to lean one way or the other, pump or burn. Cards like Firebrand Archer won't do much of anything in a deck that wins by Commander damage, whereas the pump is best replaced in a burn deck. This deck leans more toward pump, so I'll suggest cards for that.

Ajani's Presence is strictly better than some of the protection spells in here. Inquisitor's Flail is a repeatable way to double Feather's damage, it also stacks with both double strike and Unleash Fury. Kediss, Emberclaw Familiar turns a one=person kill into a full win. Blacksmith's Skill is just about the best protection spell you could ever want. Sejiri Shelter  Flip is a relevant MDFC. Intimidation Bolt can save you games. Impact Resonance can help you deal with problems too, and speaking of removal, you need some boardwipes. Austere Command is a very flexible sweeper, Blasphemous Act is a quality cheap one that you can frequently protect your own stuff from, and Slaughter the Strong is also cheap and mostly doesn't affect you. If you're running Sunforger, you really need to run Magnetic Theft to fetch on the first activation. It's a very effective combo. And then Storm-Kiln Artist is just a must in every Feather deck. It turns your engine from good to game-ending in seconds. Show of Confidence is also a game-ender, pairs very well with the storm aspect of the deck and the counters are permanent and it's hard to counter.

Generally higher-quality spells to have that are in my deck include Infuriate, Light of Hope, Stave Off, and Rile (it may be a sorcery, but trample is very relevant).

If you find your stuff is getting countered, or you need to use spells but Feather can't stay out, recursion like Dreadhorde Arcanist, Mavinda, Students' Advocate, and Past in Flames might be worth looking into.

In general, remove two-cost spells if possible, remove burn, and think about what color your mana production is. In my experience, most of the spells you want to cast multiple times are white, so red-mana production is less valuable. And Remote Farm will backfire very quickly without a way to increase its counters or blink it. There are a few other cards in here that just aren't quite good enough if you need advice on more things to take out.

If your playgroup starts to adapt, like mine did, and runs cards that don't care about your protection like Sakashima's Will, Out of Time, Extinction Event, etc., think about Eerie Interlude. It's three mana and one-time protection, but it can get you out of a rough spot that no other card can.

Dual-lands are very important in my experience. Consider Alpine Meadow, Command Tower (a must in every EDH deck), Stone Quarry, Thriving Heath, Thriving Bluff, and Wind-Scarred Crag.

StopShot on Why Has Damage Redirection Been …

3 years ago

Personally, I love the card Harm's Way , but I can see why it is being phased out. The mechanic is similar to preventing damage in which both effects only work so long as there’s a damage source your opponent controls. This means the mechanic is 100% dependent on what your opponent is doing. Of course the odds of your opponent using damaging effects is a more likelier trigger than other white keywords, such as protection as protection to black or any other stated color which is also another effect that is highly dependent on what your opponent does. And even so the damage redirection can be hard to implement as well. Most damage effects happen on the enemy’s turn or through a spell on the stack during your turn which means this mechanic always needs to be utilized at instant speed. This also creates a problem when this sort of effect is attached to a creature as it eliminates the surpise factor and gives your opponent the insight to make plays around it. Damage redirection I would say is also weaker than protection in some ways, because it’s already hard to remove a Mother of Runes , a Stave Off on a stick, than it would to remove a Harm's Way on a stick which says a lot about the effect’s practically since both effects have been getting diminished more and more over time. I personally enjoy running reactive cards, but Magic meta of today seems to be much more focused on making proactive decks and it seems like Wizards would rather phase out reactive effects like regeneration, protection, damage redirection, damage prevention for more and more white wheenie shenanigans regarding white. Personally, I would love to see a white evergreen keyword be implemented into the game that’s a water-down version of Spitemare ’s ability.

ambitiouspuddle on $15 RW Heroic

4 years ago

The combo between Favored Hoplite and Rile is really good. Also, Ephemerate and Center Soul or Stave Off protect your creatures and provide more triggers. I have a weird love for Artful Maneuver, but Idk if it's objectively worth it. Unfortunately, Zada won't trigger everyone else's Heroic abilities, but it's still a very good card. Combo with Defiant Strike, Samut's Sprint, or Titan's Strength for big card advantage. Seeker of the Way is a popular include in Boros Feather, and it could probably make it's way into here. Monastery Swiftspear Monastery Mentor, Dreadhorde Arcanist, Boros Charm, Temur Battle Rage and Feather, the Redeemed are all good options to upgrade with if you have the money for them.

MokraMrkva on Kitten Crusades

4 years ago

I would go with Arahbo, Roar of the World and with a tactic of always having one or two cats on the field trying to hit people. Go tall. Alms Collector , Enlightened Ascetic , Kinjalli's Sunwing , Lost Leonin , Skyhunter Skirmisher , Stalking Leonin , Temur Sabertooth , Whitemane Lion , some ramp, removals, protection, a board wipe or two and some equipment. would take out Jareth, Leonine Titan because too much mana, Jazal Goldmane, Nacatl War-Pride , Qasali Slingers and Jedit Ojanen of Efrava for the same reason. Also cool are Heroic Intervention and Selesnya Charm. Stave Off has a cat on it.

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