Spore Cloud


Tap all blocking creatures. Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt this turn. Each attacking creature and each blocking creature doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.

ClockworkSwordfish on selesnya shadow!

3 years ago

Having run a couple Shadow-centric decks in the past, I find it's best to supplement your attackers with fog effects. Yes, chances are your opponent won't be able to block any of your guys - but chances are you won't be able to block, either, and you'd be hard-pressed to outmuscle something like a sliver deck.

Fog effects are what help tip that balance. You can send your army at your foe unopposed, then drop something like Fog or Holy Day when he tries to counterattack. The best options available would be things like Moment's Peace, Tangle and Spore Cloud, that function two turns in a row. You can likewise get a similar utility out of cards like Respite or Riot Control that gain you life while they're at it.

TheVectornaut on Can spore cloud be played …

5 years ago

Yes. If player B was trying to cast a spell that targets a blocking creature (like Aliban's Tower ), then they wouldn't be able to do so. However, Spore Cloud doesn't target anything. It can be cast and will resolve whether there are hundreds of blocking creatures or zero.

Nuubi on Can spore cloud be played …

5 years ago

So, the scenario goes player A is a attacking, player B is blocking. Player B has no blockers and plays Spore Cloud in response to player A attacking. Can player B play spore cloud if they have no blockers to tap?

ThallionDarkshine on Tokans 4 Life v0.8

6 years ago

To speed up the deck, I'd try fitting in some more cheap mana dorks, as well as some that scale off of the amount of creatures/elves you have. Fyndhorn Elves, Elvish Mystic, Priest of Titania, and Elvish Archdruid are some great cards for this purpose. You've got a lot of slower mana rocks in your deck, I would replace them with faster variants. Selesnya Signet, Talisman of Unity, and Fellwar Stone all are really cheap mana rocks, and coming down a turn sooner is very impactful.

To protect against massive tramplers, I'd consider running some fog effects. Arachnogenesis is a great fog that also produces an army of spiders, while Teferi's Protection is basically a catch all to defend against anything. Both of these are kind of expensive though, so I'd suggest Tangle and Spore Cloud as replacements. They can essentially fog someone for 2 turns by preventing their army from untapping, potentially giving the entire table 2 turns to kill them.

Besides that, I really like your take on Rhys! Using lifegain as your wincon of choice is really neat.

GobboE on Radha or die

6 years ago

I like your take on the land destruction theme: you seek to ramp, bring out biggies and then destroy land so your opponents are at a severe disadvantage. If our two deck should ever meet: nobody will ever have land in play (you've already seen my The Destroyer of Lands (Radha, Heir to Keld) deck) ;) .

In your deck though, I think you should be wary of cards that have triple mana symbols in their manacost, such as Butcher Orgg. With land destruction you never know you will have that available and it will be a dead card.

Likewise, Flameblast Dragon, as much as I like it, costs you mana to activate...and mana will be in short supply.

Lastly : I think Spore Cloud with all your destruction is redundant.

For some suggestions (considering that you are trying to run a budget deck):

Ankh of Mishra: yes you'll get damage, but it'll hurt your opponents more (especially if you play it after you've ramped)

Dingus Egg: If only for the flavour :)

Rite of Ruin: you get to decide, so it'll always hit your opponent harder

And I really suggest: Reclamation Sage small, but it'll take away a nasty enchantment of artifact (like a Crucible of Worlds which would be lethal against your deck)

ClockworkSwordfish on Squirreling Mine

7 years ago

Fog and Respite are pretty good but you can do better. I'd consider upgrading them to Tangle and Spore Cloud.

Force_of_Willb on UG TURBOFOG mill

7 years ago

some better Fog variants

Lull option to Cycle if you have redundant fog effects or want to activate Sphinx's Tutelage.

Arachnogenesis could help kill some of the attackng creatures and slow the opponent down until more fog cards are available

Constant Mists has buyback

Moment's Peace has flashback

Snag has alternate cost (free)

Tangle or Spore Cloud creatures don't untap

Unfortunately I couldn't find any that fog with card draw..

Blue Considerations

AEtherize might have a spot in this deck having to recast their creatures could slow them down considerably. Has a negative effect with ETB creatures... Maybe more sideboard or meta

Ensnare taps all creatures + alternate cost (Free)

1 x Reins of Power Alternate win con - if they have lethal (20+) on the board you can steal all their creatures and kill them with their own.

Being budget I would assume Cryptic Command is out of the questions, but is Mystic Confluence?

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