Spirit-Sister's Call


At the beginning of your end step, choose target permanent card in your graveyard. You may sacrifice a permanent that shares a card type with the chosen card. If you do, return the chosen card from your graveyard to the battlefield and it gains "If this permanent would leave the battlefield, exile it instead of putting it anywhere else."

GorramScoundrel on Urborg Legend

1 year ago

Love this deck! I think Hidden Stockpile would be a good fit, and if you can find place for a 5 cmc enchantment Spirit-Sister's Call would be on theme. Also… Sheoldred, Whispering One!!! Aaaaaggghhh!!!

Masterful on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

2 years ago

Housegheist It's interesting you bring up artifact/land recursion as I actually didn't realize it did that. This makes it a fine value/grindy piece, but I still feel its too slow for its mana cost. At 4-6 mana, we have huge bombs that accelerate us ahead like Bolas's Citadel, Living Death, or Yawgmoth, Thran Physician. The turn Spirit-Sister's Call comes down, it's often going bring back one cheap creature, since that's what we're likely to have in the yard by turn 4-6. We also need to sac a creature which isn't difficult but another stipulation we have to keep in mind. In some specific circumstances we could get back other permanents like fetchlands or Bastion of Remembrance, but we already have a lot of redundancy for those pieces, so we don't rely on needing to recur them. Once we have 5 or more mana to play a card like SSC, we don't need ramp or slow recursion as much as we want to be turbo-ing out a win. There's also a huge problem with its exile clause. If we bring back a creature with a death trigger, which is what our deck wants to bring back most, then it'll exile instead of dying, denying us any triggers.

Eloniel In more reactive decks, I can see Inkshield as a nice "gotcha," but we're looking to spend all of our mana on our turn to develop creatures. We don't play enough instants to give us alternatives if we hold up mana for casting inkshield but don't. Teferi's Protection already acts as a great fog and has more versatility, stopping boardwipes, non-combat damage, etc. for 2-less mana. Even though we'd get a huge board of tokens, that's a pretty narrow situation for a card that's dead in our hand most of the time.

Housegheist on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

2 years ago

Masterful I’m not sure if your missing the options which Spirit-Sister's Call offer. It’s not just creatures. You could sac a land to get your fetch back… or a treasure for artifact recursion… or a no more needed Land Tax to get back Meathook Massacre or Bastion of Remembrance I know, you’re avoiding 5cmc and up more than the devil holy water, but you may miss a extremely versatile piece over here. ;o)

Masterful on Necronomicon | Teysa Karlov | Primer

2 years ago

Housegheist Spirit-Sister's Call is too slow unfortunately. At 5-mana with a sac-stipulation, only getting one creature back per turn isn't great. It also requires we already have creatures in the yard. It might be fine in grindy metas, but it's not fast enough for our current gameplan.

Foster_I_Am I'd say Dark Ritual, Mox Diamond, and Mind Stone are the best of these acceleration cards. They can help you out if your meta is very fast and you find yourself needing even more early ramp. The reason I don't play rituals and Mana Vault is because they have an opportunity cost of denying us card advantage when games get grindier, which they more often can in casual metas. Commander's Sphere and Chromatic Lantern are too slow at 3 mana, and Jeweled Lotus finds less value in our deck since Teysa is not a great early/accelerated play. It's also a dead draw if we already have Teysa out. Mox Diamond however, if you can afford it, is probably worth it. I don't play it here since it's very expensive and won't improve the deck's power by very much, but if you want to buy one/already have one, it's correct to play it.

kirbysan I agree with most everything you said. Chrome Mox is a great card that I've had in at various times. My desire to play it and Mox Diamond goes up or down depending on how fast/grindy my meta is at any given time. I might put it/them in again soon. I don't think we have enough artifacts for Mox Opal to be good. If we played more cheap stax pieces and other 0-mana artifacts, opal would fit, but right now it seems too situational. Mox Amber seems even more situational as we don't play very mana legendary creatures, especially not cheap ones. Not being able to play it until after we spend 4 mana on Teysa kinda defeats the purpose of being a fast and free mana rock.

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Advertise your COMMANDER deck!

2 years ago

seshiro_of_the_orochi - Love the deck name, comment incoming shortly!

A little backstory on this deck. I've been wanting to build a deck that loops cards like Triplicate Titan in and out of the graveyard, as well as create huge construct tokens. I've tried mono-red with Feldon, mono-blue with Urza (too strong) and Boros with Zirda but none of them really felt right. Then Spirit-Sister's Call was spoiled and I thought...how about Esper? So here is this build which pairs blink effects with reanimation. I'd like to get some feedback on the deck, as well as some suggestions on final cuts (it's about 6 card's over). Thanks in advance!

Esper Iron Giants

Commander / EDH* Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor


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