
Artifact — Equipment

Imprint - When Spellbinder enters the battlefield, you may remove an instant card in your hand from the game.

Whenever equipped creature deals combat damage to a player, you may copy the imprinted instant card. If you do, you may play the copy without paying its mana cost.

Equip (4)

Azoth2099 on Bwatsizzle Maelstrom

6 months ago

Kalamax! Tight. Here's some recs:

Wandering Archaic  Flip, Flusterstorm, Flux Channeler, Twincast, Fork, Reverberate, Reiterate, Radstorm & Spellbinder.

I'd also recommend running some synergistic combos like Isochron Scepter + Dramatic Reversal & Dualcaster Mage + Ghostly Flicker.

Good luck refining your list! Great commander choice.

Nixcron on Scepter Shenanigans

7 months ago

P.S. look into a Spellbinder to attach to one of my fav sneaks the all mighty Invisible Stalker and really get those free spell's firing.

Coward_Token on I'm Blue (da ba dee da ba daa)

7 months ago

More modal counterspells: Confounding Riddle, Supreme Will (also Blue Elemental Blast/Hydroblast, depends on your meta though)

Discover the Impossible

Merchant Scroll

Spellbinder doesn't work with Rebound, but since Pakpatiq has flying and curves directly from this, I think It's worth considering (also, Nexus of Fate)

GrimlockVIII on Kron - King of the Oathbreakers

1 year ago

Psst, yo, Wretched Confluence is pretty sweet if you manage to combo it with Spellbinder

Wait, now I'm curious about Hanged Executioner. If you phase it out after activating its exile effect, would you be able to prevent the executioner from exiling himself while still exiling your intended target creature? If so, that's some sneaky tech I haven't thought of before.

carpecanum on The First Rule of Fight Club is...

1 year ago

Isochron Scepter and/or Spellbinder would let you reuse Instants if Feather is dead. Not quite card draw but it ameliorates the need for it a little.

Loran's Escape and Sheltering Light et al could be cast every turn and allow you to protect your creatures or nuke you smaller guys with impunity. Lots of 1-2 mana Indestructible Instants.

My favorite Red card draw is Stolen Strategy. Other than that maybe a few artifacts that let you draw for mana or Arch of Orazca?

I'm not sure of specifics but weren't there a lot of older cards that say "draw a card during your next upkeep"? I bet a few are Instants that would fit here. Some Red ones are in Zada, Hedron Grinder decks for massive card draw.

alecks on Tovolar's Wild Hunt

1 year ago

+1, your deck is amazing and I've definitely used it as a sounding board for my own version. Just want to pass on a cool combo I learned about recently, Savage Beating + Spellbinder . Or really Spellbinder and any removal instant, especially with all the double strike in the deck, getting two free removals per combat is crazy.

thefiresoflurve on

2 years ago

You're in color for it, so: Harmonize / Colossal Majesty -> Rhystic Study. It's cheaper/equal cost, and usually nets at least three cards before getting blown up, or taxes 3 cards' worth of casting prevention.

Palladium Myr -> Growth Spiral Yes, your mana curve is a little high. It's still not advisable to run colorless mana sources in a 3-color deck without good reason (e.g. Ghost Quarter).

Your ramp, overall, is really weak, so there are some cuts we can make: The Magic Mirror -> Arcane Signet. Yes, Magic Mirror is kinda fun, especially when that once in a blue moon hits and you can cast it for free. But that's so unlikely... Also, you should remove 3 islands for: Gruul Signet, Simic Signet, and Izzet Signet. Tuktuk Rubblefort can come out for Farseek. (There are better sources of haste in red we can add in later).

There are a couple kind of unique interesting cards that I want to address the math of: First, Rishkar's Expertise. Right now, your deck has 48 valid targets for it. Of those, you're hopefully going to cast at least 3 by the time you get to have 6 mana up, leaving 45. Of those, you have 2 sorceries which are uncastable (not sure about Ancestral Vision - I'll give it the benefit of the doubt for now). You also have 2 uncastable instants, leaving 41. Of those, 5 are some kind of counter/change target spell, which you can't really use at sorcery speed in a sane manner. Leaves 36 usable cards, so honestly I think it's fine. Now, Rishkar's expertise itself is going to be a dead card a lot of the time because you only have 18 creatures, soooo there's that. I wouldn't run it with less than 25, personally.

In a similar vein: Spellbinder. Super interesting, fun card. However, you have a few cards that are unusable with it: anything with X in its cost (3) and any counters/change target spells (5), leaves 19 valid targets, and you really don't want to bank on not getting your ramp spells (5) early.

those are just the changes I see at a glance that I'd make. I may think of more/better ones later. Happy building!

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