Spectra Ward

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature gets +2/+2 and has protection from all colours. This effect doesn't remove Auras. (It can't be blocked, targeted or dealt damage by anything that's white, blue, black, red or green.)

Profet93 on "Wake Up, Wasteland! It's Me, Three Dog!"

4 months ago

Last_Laugh +1

Crystal Chimes - Recursion

Replenish - Recursion (I have a regular and several foil ones for sale/trade, lol)

Grand Abolisher - Prevent interaction/response to aura cast. Also see Conqueror's Flail.

Flickering Ward - Trigger enchantment cast triggers and for protection

Spectra Ward - Protection

Hall of the Bandit Lord - Unsure about this one given lifeloss but you do have some lifegain to mitigate this.

Bravado - You don't go wide enough

Born to Drive - See above

Angelic Gift - Nice cantrip with evasion but not impactful enough IMO to warrant an inclusion

Squire's Devotion - Not impactful enough IMO

Regarding king-saproling's comment, Gift of immortality is amazing, highly recommended.

Enchantments are not in my wheelhouse, but I've always wanted to make an enchantment deck. Interesting boros enchantments definitely piques my curiosity. What do you feel your deck is lacking at the moment? From my limited perspective, you don't have much draw unless you have a bunch of enchantments on board to trigger one of your burst draw effects. A risky but effective strategy given you are in boros. I hope these comments helped. Let me know what you think, looking forward to your response.

Gidgetimer on Spectra Ward

4 months ago

I am going to add a scenario 6 and 7 and then answer all of them. I am also going to use an explanation for 3 and 4 that is different from 5-7 despite both reasons being valid explanations just in case there is still contention.

6 Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice on battlefield. Cast Spectra Ward targeting Lightpaws. Fetch Holy Strength and attach it to Lightpaws. What happens?

7 Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice enchanted with Spectra Ward and All That Glitters on battlefield. Cast Spirit Mantle targeting Eager Cadet. Fetch Holy Strength and attach it to Lightpaws. What happens?

  1. Can not cast spell because protection prevents Holy Strength from targeting.

  2. Can not cast spell because protection prevents Aura Finesse from targeting.

  3. Auras are attached at same time, so Spectra Ward's protection doesn't matter. And both auras stay attached.

  4. Auras are attached at same time, so Spectra Ward's protection doesn't matter. And both auras stay attached.

  5. Because the protection from Spectra Ward doesn't remove auras and you are not targeting, you are able to move both auras in that order and both stay attached.

  6. Because the protection from Spectra Ward doesn't remove auras and you are not targeting, you are able to attach Holy Strength and it stay attached.

  7. Because the protection from Spectra Ward doesn't remove auras and you are not targeting, you are able to attach Holy Strength and it stay attached.

legendofa on Spectra Ward

4 months ago

5.Same setup as #3. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward, Glory Seeker enchanted with Holy Strength, and Bruna, Light of Alabaster. I attack with Bruna, and move only Spectra Ward onto her. Next turn, I attack with her again, and move Holy Strength onto her. What happens?

legendofa on Spectra Ward

4 months ago

How about some specific scenarios? From basic to advanced:

  1. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward. I cast Holy Strength targeting Eager Cadet. What happens?

  2. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward and Glory Seeker enchanted with Holy Strength. I cast Aura Finesse to move the Holy Strength to Eager Cadet. What happens?

  3. I have Eager Cadet enchanted with Spectra Ward, Glory Seeker enchanted with Holy Strength, and Bruna, Light of Alabaster. I attack with Bruna, and move Spectra Ward and Holy Strength onto her. What happens?

  4. Opponent casts Warp World. I reveal Eager Cadet, Spectra Ward, and Holy Strength. I put down the Eager Cadet, then put Spectra Ward and Holy Strength on it as Warp World resolves. What happens?

Gidgetimer on Spectra Ward

4 months ago

You CAN add auras to a creature enchanted with Spectra Ward provided those auras are not cast as spells and therefore do not target.

Tabak said in 2014 "S(pectra)W(ard) doesn't remove Auras, so as long as you're getting the Aura on w/o targeting, that's fine."

Dunks said in 2022 when asked about this ruling "looks right to me"

Neotrup on Spectra Ward

4 months ago

Spectra Ward specifies "this effect does not remove" it says nothing about allowing new objects to become attached. Rule 702.16n clearly states what that text means, and only states that it applies to the state based action. There is no reason to assume it would secretly mean that the creature can receive further enchantments.

Benevolent Blessing was printed 6 years later and required a new rule to be written, so it's not surprising they would add superfluous text to make the card clearer, even if the rules didn't need that text. You'll notice that 702.16n only applies to not removing auras, and must either apply to just the source of the protection or all auras. 702.16p applies to equipment as well as auras, and applies only to ones you control. Those differences were enough to require a new rule, so it makes sense they included the clarifying text when writing the rule. You're suggesting we read intent as if the rules were written one after another by the same author when in fact they were written decades apart by completely different people. We must read the rules as written, and as written they do not allow for new enchantments, regardless of that clause.

Gidgetimer on Spectra Ward

4 months ago

Now that I'm not on lunch and have time to do a deep dive into the rules in order to better illustrate my point, the case you are describing is found on a card and it is worded differently than Spectra Ward is. Benevolent Blessing states "this effect doesn’t remove Auras and Equipment you control that are already attached to it" and we can deduce that this is the wording used if the exception to 702.16c (and in this case 702.16d) only applies to a certain subset of auras/equipment. There is even a rule applying to this one card (702.16p) and it, unlike 702.16n, specifies "Other permanents with the stated quality can’t become attached to the creature".

702.16p One Aura (Benevolent Blessing) gives the enchanted creature protection from a quality and says the effect doesn’t remove certain permanents that are “already attached to” that creature. This means that, when the protection effect starts to apply, any objects with the stated quality that are already attached to that creature (including the Aura giving that creature protection) will not be put into their owners’ graveyards as a state-based action. Other permanents with the stated quality can’t become attached to the creature. If the creature has other instances of protection from the same quality, those instances affect attached permanents as normal.

Gidgetimer on Spectra Ward

4 months ago

It does make it legal for new auras to enchant the creature. Because the protection offered by Spectra Ward doesn't remove auras, there is no effect making it illegal for the aura to be attached. The clause is saying that 702.16c doesn't apply to auras, not carving out a narrow exception to 704.5m.

702.16c A permanent or player with protection can’t be enchanted by Auras that have the stated quality. Such Auras attached to the permanent or player with protection will be put into their owners’ graveyards as a state-based action.

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