Soul's Majesty

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Soul's Majesty


Draw cards equal to the power of target creature you control.

Tic12 on Bant Exalted Alara

1 month ago

nuperokaso Thanks for your comment. 1. I'll cut the borderposts and include Druid of the Anima and Arcane Sanctum soon.

  1. Elspeth, Knight-Errant always seemed to be too slow. But maybe i'll give it a try and cut 1 Rafiq of the Many and 1 Battlegrace Angel.

  2. I oftend use Call to Heel to protect one of my dudes from mass removal, but maybe a direct Cancel is a better option.

  3. Year, the lack of draw is one of the biggest problems of the deck. Sages of the Anima or Soul's Majesty are two slow. Maybe Vedalken Heretic can solve it?

I also think about Wall of Reverence or Jhessian Infiltrator.

Headers13 on Cheaty sneaky

4 months ago

I've recently put a similar deck together Flippin'drazi and found Return of the Wildspeaker and Soul's Majesty to be quite effective at refilling you hand once you've flickered a large creature, quite useful mid-game.

Headers13 on Vannifir, Cheating Enigma

4 months ago

I've recently put a similar deck together Flippin'drazi, might I suggest a few more heavy hitting creatures to increase the likelihood of using Vannifar's ability to put out a threat and then Return of the Wildspeaker and Soul's Majesty to leverage those threats for mass card draw.

Headers13 on vannifar

4 months ago

I've recently put a similar deck together Flippin'drazi and found Return of the Wildspeaker and Soul's Majesty to be quite effective at refilling you hand mid-game once you've cheated a large creature out.

Headers13 on vannifar evolved enigma

4 months ago

I've recently put a similar deck together Flippin'drazi, might I suggest Return of the Wildspeaker and or Soul's Majesty instead of Hunter's Prowess to take away the need to get damage through to draw cards.

Headers13 on Simic Surprise

4 months ago

I've recently put a similar deck together Flippin'drazi and found Return of the Wildspeaker and Soul's Majesty to be quite effective at refilling you hand once you've flickered a large creature, quite useful mid-game and budget friendly.

Profet93 on Godzilla, King of Monsters Budget Build

5 months ago

x1AlphaWolf36 +1

What is your budget per card?

Why run a signet in a 2 color deck with green? Rampant Growth/Nature's Lore are budget friendly swaps

Elemental Bond - Should budget allow, better than colossal majesty

Soul's Majesty - Budget friendly draw

Harmonize - Regula, reliable draw

Life's Legacy/Momentous Fall - Super draw, beware of the blue player however

Traverse the Outlands - ???? Or do you not have enough basics?

Sakura-Tribe Elder/Wood Elves/Nissa's Pilgrimage/Farhaven Elf - Solid ramp

Eternal Witness - Recursion

Fierce Empath - Tutor

Inferno Titan - Damage

Terastodon - Removal (that can hit pesky lands)

Decimate - 4 in 1!

Would love to hear your thoughts on each suggestion, hope this helps!

zandl on

8 months ago

Return of the Wildspeaker > Soul's Majesty

Nature's Embrace > Gift of Paradise

Not a fan of Burgeoning with only 34 lands. I'd probably rather play Explore or Nature's Lore, or probably just another land aura.

I also think Reliquary Tower is very overrated. If you aren't winning with a full grip of 7 cards after discarding down to hand size, then 8 or more probably isn't any different. I know you have some "Forests matter" cards, but you're missing out on a lot of utility in your land base here. Okina, Temple to the Grandfathers, Boseiju, Who Endures, and Castle Garenbrig are all great, to name a few. Centaur Garden and Hashep Oasis are also really cool in green Voltron decks.

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