Soul of Eternity

Creature — Avatar

Soul of Eternity's power and toughness are each equal to your life total.

Encore (, Exile this card from your graveyard: For each opponent, create a token copy that attacks that opponent this turn if able. They gain haste. Sacrifice them at the beginning of the next end step. Encore only as a sorcery.)

DemonDragonJ on Selesnya's Voice

3 days ago

I like this deck, very much, but I would choose Nature's Chant over Disenchant, since it is strictly better than its predecessor, and I also would recommend Archangel of Thune over Ageless Entity, unless having a single very powerful creature is more important than making all of your creatures more powerful.

I recommend Eternal Witness over Revive, unless you wish to keep the mana curve of your deck low, and Soul of Eternity is superior to Serra Avatar in the majority of situations.

Also, do you have a limited monetary budget for your lands? You have many lands that enter the battlefield tapped, so I would recommend that you replace them with lands such as Temple Garden or Wooded Bastion, and I also think that Saltcrusted Steppe is simply too slow, unless you have proliferation in your deck.

austintayshus on My 3-headed baby girl

1 week ago

Belfore thanks for the suggestions! I like Soul of Eternity as it's an arguably better Serra Avatar. Haven't seen any Ajani's that I thought were good enough for the lifegain strategy, but I also haven't played much in the past few years. Otherwise, I'm not looking for much in the way of token support at the moment.

Thanks again!

Belfore on My 3-headed baby girl

2 weeks ago

Token wise Seance can be interesting in the deck along with Song of the Worldsoul. Also a little surprised at no Ajani planeswalkers. Also might like Soul of Eternity, Serra's Emissary, and Archon of Valor's Reach. Just a couple of thoughts.

zretrareo27 on RW EDH Brion 2022

1 year ago

My 2016 EDH deck - revamped for 2022! use commander Brion Stoutarm to Fling your opponents creatures with cards like Act of Treason, and if you're lucky - use Bazaar Trader to keep them!

I've tried to keep this deck nearly 50% White and 50% Red.

I've narrowed the premise of this deck down to the following categories, 50 Cards to the first, and 10 cards to each other category, give or take.

50% of the Deck is the Commander, Land, Mana rocks, and Draw.
10% is Steal/Keep
10% is Removal/Wipe
10% is Bringing Cards Back
10% is Brion Fodder and Fetch cards
10% is Double Damage and Powerful Flyers

Your comments and suggestions are greatly appreciated. That being said, I will probably not be able to afford the more expensive cards Land Tax, Smothering Tithe, Lifeline, Smuggler's Share etc. that are not already in this deck. However - It's still fun to check them out! If you like it, up vote!

With this revision, I've cut many of the fancier, slower dual lands to opt for faster basic lands. I've also added Weathered Wayfarer.

I've removed cards that target artifacts and enchantments like Kami of Ancient Law, instead opting for better utility cards like Quarantine Field that target "nonland permanent".

I've made some recent changes to this deck, hopefully to address that mid game I am struggling with tempo, as well as running out of mana to cast the creature or steal spell and have enough to activate Brion's ability. Some cards like Deathrender and Thornbite Staff have been removed (even though they were good in concept) to add more playability.

I also found that after all the sacrificing, mid game I was running out of defense, so some additional creatures have been added with dual purpose, such as Angel of Sanctions and Emeria Shepherd.


Double Damage:
Fiery Emancipation gives me triple damage. Calamity Bearer works specifically to Brion's sac ability. Angrath's Marauders, Gisela, Blade of Goldnight, Gratuitous Violence all make the damage I do twice as effective.
When creatures I steal die, Stalking Vengeance beefs them. When I summon large creatures into play Warstorm Surge deals damage to my opponent, and when I sac those, Stalking Vengeance hits them on the way out.


Malignus, Serra Avatar, and Soul of Eternity all act as giant bombs to throw at the opponent.
Hofri Ghostforge allows for me to steal an opponents creature, fling it at them with brion, and then keep a spirit copy of that creature.

Magus of the Wheel and Reforge the Soul provide the opportunity to get a fresh hand at my whim. Humble Defector is an easy and fun, card that helps me forge alliances with other players in multiplayer while getting me TWO extra cards per turn.
Skullclamp works perfect with the sacrifice ability and is easy to cast.
Well of Lost Dreams is insane when played late game for Brion's lifelink ability and can be fetched with Hoarding Dragon or Open the Armory Sin Prodder gives me a potential extra card per turn, or the chance for an opponent to take damage to the face... and then I can pull it out of my graveyard later with my other cards! Basically a win/win. Mangara, the Diplomat and Mila, Crafty Companion  Flip serve to deter attacks and draw.

Hoarding Dragon serves as a flyer, a sacrifice, and can grab any rocks, Skullclamp, or Well of Lost Dreams.
Open the Armory helps grab Skullclamp, Well of Lost Dreams, or Gift of Immortality.
Recruiter of the Guard is specifically to get Bazaar Trader for the huge advantage of keeping my opponents things, but can also grab Duergar Hedge-Mage for removal or Sin Prodder (amongst a few others). Weathered Wayfarer can grab any land, such as Buried Ruin or Arcane Lighthouse.

Mana Rocks:

Boros Cluestone, Commander's Sphere, and Mind Stone are all serving as early ramp and later card draw.
Sol Ring because Sol Ring.


Archon of Justice is quite powerful in this deck, as it allows for a flying creature, then a source to sac, and remove a card permanently.
Angel of Serenity gives me the option of 3 recursion or 3 removal.
Duergar Hedge-Mage can be played and replayed in this deck for knocking off annoying enchantments or mana rocks.
Magus of the Disk is one of the board wipes.
Grasp of Fate, Oblivion Ring, and Banishing Light all allow for really flexible removal. Same for Quarantine Field except allows for extra targets for more mana. Chained to the Rocks works the same, but only for creatures. Angel of Sanctions works similarly, but is a creature. Ryusei, the Falling Star really just acts as weenie removal and a sac source from a flyer.

Bringing them Back (and sometimes keep it!):

Adarkar Valkyrie Sac an opponents creature, then get it permanently!
Bazaar Trader Take it with a steal and keep it!
Angelic Renewal Sac my own creature, get it back! Gift of Immortality Sac my own creature, get it back... again, and again!
Emeria Shepherd play a land, get a card! Play a Plains, get a creature to sac!
Mistmoon Griffin Flys, defends, and sac-able, then get back a creature from the graveyard!
Squee's Embrace fun and easy to play, and retrievable with Tragic Poet.
Tragic Poet, a low mana cost creature to get any enchantment in my deck back for any reason. Fun with Squee's Embrace, Angelic Renewal, etc. Returned Pastcaller a flyer that lets me grab a Threaten or Breath of Life. Angel of Serenity gives me the option of 3 recursion or 3 removal.

Stealing their Creatures:

Captivating Crew steals every turn! No wasted card space here, just a reusable sorcery.
Conquering Manticore powerful flyer, that steals!
Zealous Conscripts You can steal anything! Anything! Lands? Mine. Artifacts? Mine. Works great with Bazaar Trader.
Act of Treason, Portent of Betrayal, and Threaten are all basic steal spells.
Malevolent Whispers, Mark of Mutiny, and Traitorous Instinct all give me steal with buffs for Flinging.
Harness by Force allows for more than one thing to be taken if the extra cost is paid!

Powerful Creatures:

I'll be the first to admit, these don't reallllly fit in with the deck. But they're so awesome it's hard to remove. Akroma, Angel of Fury
Akroma, Angel of Wrath
Aurelia, the Warleader

IHATENAMES on No Pain No Lifegain

2 years ago

On one hand. This is what magic was meant to be. I havent played a few of these cards since i first put a deck together. Crusade. won't even show the image.. That is a discussion for another time...

Suggested additions

Loyal Warhound ramp in white

Skullclamp card draw

Sun Titan recursion

Abzan Falconer can give mass evasion

Some amount of board wipes my favorites atm are Tragic Arrogance Martial Coup Vanquish the Horde Ondu Inversion  Flip .

Cathars' Crusade it wins games. You may want to not use this so you focus on lifegain but this cards does work

Crested Sunmare lifegain payoff

Crovax, Ascendant Hero Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite

Soul of Eternity Celestial Mantle Axis of Mortalitykinda slow for my meta but might work for you.

Dawn of Hope card draw and can make tokens

Alseid of Life's Bounty protection w/ lifelink

Well of Lost Dreams card draw

Shattered Angel Angel of Vitality to keep with the angels if u want

Palace Jailer monarch is card draw also fun. and removal

Ajani's Pridemate lifegian payoff. its gets huge here because each attacking creature has its own trigger to grow the pridemate. i think 1 or 2 cards make essentially copies of this card. they might be worth looking for

Blind Obedience staxy and lifegain

Moon-Blessed Cleric you run a lot of enchantments your enchantress sub theme can be supported with this

Akroma's Will protection/ finisher

Noble Purpose unnoticed lifegain card that would be good here maybe

Lunarch Veteran  Flip Soul Warden Soul's Attendant Daxos, Blessed by the Sun Suture Priestlifegain dorks

Katilda, Dawnhart Martyr  Flip lifegain with enchantment payoff as well

now how do u win? atm you focus on going wide with weenies but have a focus on gaining life. Possible ideas Aetherflux Reservoir Archangel of Thune Felidar Sovereign Serra Avatar Starfield of Nyx Nykthos Paragon True Conviction

this is just some ranting. Its up to you how you want to build your deck! Other areas you should look at it your mana base (use tech lands you have almost all basics), ramp to your bigger stuff and card draw in general.

griffstick on YOUR SPARK IGNITED!! - How …

2 years ago

Work uniform neon yellow =

Folding clothes = bounce permanents

Plane chosen at random = EQUILOR


One of the oldest planes, in one of the farthest reaches of the Multiverse, Equilor is unknown to all but the most tenacious planeswalkers. Once visited by the planeswalker Urza on his journey to find allies against the Phyrexian scourge, Equilor can be described as nearing the end of its natural entropy. The plane has flattened mountains and risen seas, and the beings who live on it are self-described as being beyond any desire for greatness or any effect of boredom. The plane itself is covered in large swaths by an endless mist known as The Eon Fog, and has some areas of living flesh mountains known as Bloodhill Bastions.

GODS & AVATARS None known


The only card previewed here on this plane is a good one.

Soul of Eternity

I feel like this makes me a cross between two cards. And they have to be legendary because cmdr right? I am Barrin, Master Wizard and Evra, Halcyon Witness

Deathstroke2791 on YEET! [[Primer]]

2 years ago


Scuttling Doom Engine was in the original iteration of this deck. It was definitely serviceable, and I'd recommend it for a budget build, but if it can be afforded, there's better stuff out there.

Evra, Halcyon Witness is AWFUL against removal and if people really think about it, it's a non-bo.All the card that rely on having a high life total are SCREWED if you use Evra: Serra Avatar, Soul of Eternity, Aetherflux Reservoir, etc. So while it looks good on first glance, it's bad.

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