Sorrow's Path


: Choose two target blocking creatures an opponent controls. If each of those creatures could block all creatures that the other is blocking, remove both of them from combat. Each one then blocks all creatures the other was blocking.

Whenever Sorrow's Path becomes tapped, it deals 2 damage to you and each creature you control.

jethstriker on Tiers of card badness

3 months ago

My input for your first tier is One with Nothing. Historically, many players tried to find a use for this card but nothing really significant came out of it.

For your worst of the worst I nominate Wood Elemental and Sorrow's Path. Seriously, I think even the most casual of players wouldn't dare touch these cards.

discipleofgary73 on PURPHOROS!(work in progress)

3 years ago

I always find that monored EDH decks tend to have an issue getting enough cards in hand. I could see that being an issue here, especially with the "free" play abilities you have in! Some things that could help are cards like Fire Prophecy , Stolen Strategy , Faithless Looting , Jeska's Will , Cavalier of Flame , Mask of Memory , Neheb, Dreadhoard Champion, and Valakut Exploration .
Some non-creature cards that might have good synergy for the deck are Commander's Plate , Skullclamp , Whispersilk Cloak , Worldslayer , Embercleave , Mirage Mirror , Aggravated Assault , Gratuitous Violence , Chaosphere , and Sorrow's Path .
Some other creatures that could help are Breaker of Armies , Void Winnower , Marton Stromgald , Urabrask the Hidden , Legion Loyalist , Hellkite Charger , Flamerush Rider , Torbran, Thane of Red Fell , Soulbright Flamekin , and Siege Dragon . Also, any eldrazi if you wanna be that mean, especially the original set with annihilator.
The sacrifice clause on Purphoros can also have some fun opportunity, especially with cards like Blood Aspirant , Mycosynth Wellspring , and Ancient Stone Idol .
Oh! And if you do end up with that many mountains, Jaws of Stone , Landslide , Spawn of Thraxes , and Spire Barrage , could all be ridiculously powerful late-game!
Happy building!!!

Goblin_Guide on Conundrum Festival

3 years ago

Love the deck, I had a harmless offering/donate deck a while back based around donating Sorrow's Path and then tapping it over and over using Hidden Strings on a Delver.

Rhadamanthus on Can I tap Sorrow’s path …

5 years ago

No, that doesn't work. If a spell or ability has targets, you have to be able to choose enough legal targets for it in order to cast/activate it at all. If you can't choose two blocking creatures an opponent controls to target then you can't activate Sorrow's Path's first ability. You'll have to find some other way to tap it.

carpecanum on Can I tap Sorrow’s path …

5 years ago

Can I tap Sorrow's Path knowing the first ability has no targets and will fizzle?

IwishIwasgoodatMtG on Infinite combo challenge

5 years ago

Sorrow's Path+Part the Waterveil+Lifelink+any creature+Pili-Pala+Grand Architect+Magus of the Candelabra+Avacyn, Angel of Hope Awaken sorrows path and put life link on it make infinite mana with grand architect and pili pala use magus to untap sorrows path and gain infinite life

ChaosJester on Advertise your deck!

5 years ago

Finally, I created the most strangest deck and want to show it, because casual-decks like this need some love! So please upvote my Sorrow's Path deck. You defenitely will love it. :)

How? that?...whaat, are you kidding me?

Casual* ChaosJester


ChaosJester on The Ten Plagues: Locust God cEDH [PRIMER]

5 years ago

Hey Bro I already upvoted your deck few months before, and I still love the fact, how much passion you put into that. I am not an EDH player but the flavor is awsome! In my point of view I would replace Recurring Insight with Mission Briefing. And what about Prosperity? In my point of view, Sorrow's Path would be great here in combination with Political Trickery. I mean Sorrow would definitely support your theme and is a very very punch in your face-card that creates a wtf-moment for your opponent. And it goes well with Opposition that you already use. Just wanted to inform you about this possibility. :D

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