Solar Blaze


Each creature deals damage to itself equal to its power.

legendofa on Solar Powered

6 months ago

Any thoughts on Sacred Armory or Goldfury Strider as sideboard options? These can pump opponents' more defensive creatures to put them in Solar Blaze range if needed.

griffstick on Which Mass Destruction Spell(s) Should …

1 year ago

I think the board wipes that hit early at a low cost are best here. Also board wipes that make the creatures deal damage to them selves. Since Gisela, Blade of Goldnight splits it in half on your stuff, it will not kill your creatures, additionally it doubles the damage your opponents creatures would deal to them selves.

Some of the board wipes I recommend are

When paired with your cmdr

Other good ones when paired with your cmdr

Moving on to other good wipes, and noncreature wipes, and choice wipes.

zretrareo27 on RW EDH Brion Stoutarm 2022

1 year ago

Made quite a lot of changes recently, ordering some better tempo cards as well. Added more mana rocks for tempo and removed some of the recursion as I don't seem to get to my big creatures fast enough to use it. Added more board wipes that work in my favor Realm-Cloaked Giant adventure saves my commander and Calamity Bearer and Realm-Cloaked Giant, and Solar Blaze saves Calamity Bearer, Capashen Unicorn, Hofri Ghostforge, Magus of the Disk, and Stinkdrinker Daredevil. False Prophet and Planar Collapse limit the amount of tiny creatures on the field.

wallisface on Boros Modern Soldier

2 years ago

I have the following suggestions:

To make room for those 16 cards, I’d suggest removing the following:

  • 2x Solar Blaze. You don’t need a janky board wipe, and generally you want your curve low. Dropping these’ll mean you can run less lands

  • 2x Land. You should only need 22 at this point

  • 1x Feather, the Redeemed. You have almost nothing that can even target it, making it fairly useless

  • 3x Legion's Initiative. You don’t want to waste a turn with this - you need to be spending every turn either presenting threats, or removing your opponents.

  • 2x Boros Signet. Same as above. I see no need for this.

  • 2x Boros Swiftblade. These guys are fine, but Monastery Swiftspear is better.

  • 2x Justice Strike. I think keeping 2 could be good for big problem creatures, but running 4 is overkill - generic burn spells should be able to deal with most things.

  • 2x Response / Resurgence. Its just too situational a card to be useful

Phule451 on General Ferrous Rokiric Multi-color tribal

2 years ago

Solar Blaze could be a great board wipe for ya. Speaking of board wipes, while not multicolored, Tragic Arrogance is one of the best in white, and Darksteel Mutation takes wonderful care of problematic commanders on the other side of the board.

TheVectornaut on the akroan war

3 years ago

Generally, the abilities of sagas are intended to synergize with each other. For instance, Chainer's Torment raises your life total to give you a larger token, History of Benalia creates knights that it can buff, and The Binding of the Titans puts cards in the yard so it can interact with them later. Thus, it stands to reason that The Akroan War was designed to force your opponents' creatures to attack specifically so it can then damage them on your next turn.

At the beginning of your next first main phase after you play The Akroan War , you'll put a second lore counter on the enchantment, causing the second chapter ability to trigger. This forces opposing creatures to attack each combat if able. However, attacks can only be declared during the combat phase of the player controlling those creatures. For example, in a 3 player game where you have 2 opponents, the first opponent will be forced to attack with all of their creatures (that are able) during their combat phase. That opponent doesn't have to attack again on the second opponent's turn or your turn since that would violate the rules of combat. Then, the second opponent is forced to attack during their combat phase. If your opponents gain extra turns or extra combat phases, they will be forced to attack then as well. Finally, it will be the start of your turn again and the effect will no longer apply.

Once you move to the precombat main phase of that turn, you'll again put a lore counter on the saga and trigger the third chapter ability. This will cause all tapped creatures to damage themselves by the relevant amount. This will probably include many of your opponents' creatures that were forced to tap on their turns because of the prior ability. If they tried to dodge the forced attack by tapping their own creatures before combat, they will still get hit by the Solar Blaze effect. However, if the creatures had vigilance, summoning sickness, were untapped by something like a Savage Surge , or were otherwise unable to attack and/or remain tapped, they won't get hit. Note that your creatures are also subjected to the effect, although they'll likely be untapped at this point. If you can find a way to tap down the creature stolen by The Akroan War 's first ability before your first main, you might be able to kill it before you're forced to give it back. Once the final chapter ability has resolved, you will sacrifice the saga.

TLDR: Creatures tapped during attacks provoked by the second chapter ability will usually be victims of the third chapter ability. Sleep effects are not required, although they could still be useful if you're trying to build a deck around Sunblast Angel effects like this.

I'd normally include the relevant rulings here, but I find the saga rules text needlessly hard to parse. If you're still confused about any of the rules, let me know.

ive-been-degaussed on

3 years ago

Solar Blaze is another great wipe if you have the monarch.

Blazing Sunsteel gives a Stuffy Doll-style effect to any creature: useful with the damage wipes.

Akroma's Will can be a finisher or protection!

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