Solaflora, Intergalactic Icon

Legendary Creature — Human Guest

Auras and Equipment you control attached to Solaflora, Intergalactic Icon affect other creatures you control as though those Auras and Equipment were attached to them.

Counters and stickers on Solaflora affect other creatures you control as though those counters and stickers where on them.

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Gidgetimer on How do Solaflora procs

1 year ago

I'm going to have to disagree with legendofa here. Equipment and auras affect other objects as though they were equipped to them. For all other purposes, notably for Solaflora's first ability, you treat the game normally. Only one Solaflora is actually equipped to see the equipment to spread. Each Solaflora, Intergalactic Icon will get +1/+1 and have one instance of each ability granted by the equipments.

I was having problems putting it into words when I looked at this yesterday, but had the time to look up the rulings today. The following ruling is describing taking actions "as though" something were true, but applying effects should follow the same rules of scope.

609.4. Some effects state that a player may do something “as though” some condition were true or a creature can do something “as though” some condition were true. This applies only to the stated effect. For purposes of that effect, treat the game exactly as if the stated condition were true. For all other purposes, treat the game normally.

legendofa on How do Solaflora procs

1 year ago

After Helm of the Host's start-of-combat trigger resolves and you create a copy of Solaflora, Intergalactic Icon, you will have two Solafloras. Both of them will be treated as having a Sword of the Animist and a Helm equipped, so they will both be a 5/5 with "Whenever equipped creature attacks, you may search your library for a basic land card, put it onto the battlefield tapped, then shuffle." twice and "At the beginning of combat on your turn, create a token that’s a copy of equipped creature, except the token isn’t legendary. That token gains haste." twice.

The end result is that at the start of each of your combats, you double the number of Solafloras you have. They each get +1/+1 for each copy you have. Whenever one attacks, you can search your library for as many basic lands as you have Solafloras.

So it's not infinite, but it increases exponentially each turn.

Thoard on How do Solaflora procs

1 year ago

If I have on my battlfield a Solaflora, Intergalactic Icon with equiped on her Helm of the Host and Sword of the Animist would it apply equipement undifinetely.

At the start of the combat the Helm will create a copy of Solaflora, That will be Boosted with the Original Solaflora so The copy will also apply Her boost to the original and do this undifinetely so with the unlimited Sword of the Animist apply to the original it will have infinite force and endurance right ?

PS: sorry for bad english

H-E-N-R-Y on Official missing/incorrect card/token thread

1 year ago

This might just be a lack of understanding surrounding the acorn stamp: Solaflora, Intergalactic Icon isn't legal in commander right?