Snow-Covered Island

Basic Snow Land — Island

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Master_J on All Loot

1 month ago

OUT: Tree of Tales, Seat of the Synod, Great Furnace, Forest, Island, Mountain

IN: 2x Snow-Covered Forest, 2x Snow-Covered Island, 2x Snow-Covered Mountain

I saw the artifact lands on EDHRec and was looking for more land. Didn't realize Loot, the Key to Everything doesn't count types among your lands.

So I got "Rec'ed" and took them out to get a few snow basics in, hopefully to help enable Field of the Dead easier.

Crow_Umbra on Can I have multiple copies …

7 months ago

I just looked up the Gatherer page to confirm, and that's strange they have Basic Land listed as rarity, instead of Common?

I checked the entry for Rimewood Falls on its Scryfall entry, and it has its rarity listed as a common. Your suspicion is correct that you can only have 1 copy, since it is not a Basic Land. If it were a Basic Land, it would have it listed like Forest or Snow-Covered Island.

All that being said, I'd recommend utilizing Scryfall for card searches.

wallisface on Rampaging Hydras & Elves Deck

9 months ago

This us the kindof list i’d end up building (again, Green-Blue, but it’d be super-easy to make this mono-green)

eliakimras on The Horrarrr

1 year ago

Hey! Joey from EDHRECast commented on upgrades for Captain N'ghathrod here: He focus more on the mill side of things, so he has more targets for reanimation.

Doing my research on topics he didn't touch on, you might want to consider:


Just like what I did with Menacing Aura, it might be wise to stuff some utility into your lands, so you have more options when playing your matches.


eliakimras on Ur dragon, need recommendations

1 year ago

Hello! I saw your deck help tag and wanted to give some insight.

I don't run Miirym as commander, but I do have her in the 99 in Smashing Faces with the Ur-Dragon, and she always pushes me to victory whenever she's allowed to stick on the battlefield.

Some areas you might want to change to improve your consistency:

1 - Ramp

2 - Draw/Haste

3 - Removal/Boardwipes

4 - Protection

5 - Card draw

6 - Better threats

7 - Some utility lands you might want to run

cyeRunner on Sultai Flash Control

1 year ago

With Nightpack Ambusher out you can change some lands, because you need less , I recommend the following:

Also i'd cut 1 Brazen Borrower for some card advantage: Cling to Dust, JtMS, Memory Deluge

LandoLRodriguez on Talrand No-kens

1 year ago

Fuzzy003 Thank you for your input! That is definitely an interesting combo and something I hadn't even come across. The problem is that both of those cards are absolute dead weight without the other. I'm not likely to be running more than 2 tutors in the deck so having either card in hand will be a waste until I come across the other, and even then I'd need my opponents to have lots of creatures (which is certainly not unreasonable, but not a guarantee either) for it to be an effective finisher. So, as I struggle to get down to 100 right now, I can't add 2 more cards in that won't necessarily synergize with the rest of the deck. Worth considering later should I find I'm struggling to finish games so it'll go in the maybeboard.

As far as the snow-covered lands go, that thought had definitely crossed my mind. I guess I figure this deck is trying to be disruptive enough to others' game plans that I can live with letting blue players gain the advantage for their basics too. Let them play bigger spells, I plan on countering them anyway. Also - and this is probably a dumb reason, but it is what it is - I like for all of my basic lands in a deck to be different. Since only like 7 different Snow-Covered Islands exist, this won't be possible. Stupid, I know, but I like that flavor in my decks.

wallisface on Kaldheim: Narfi and Jorn

1 year ago

MadMork you only really need to get 1-pip of each land to have your deck functioning, so i’d suggest trying to have a distribution of pretty-equal colours.

Something like 2x each of Ice Tunnel, Woodland Chasm, and Rimewood Falls, and then 6x each of Snow-Covered Swamp and Snow-Covered Island, and 5x Snow-Covered Forest, for 23 lands total.

I’m against running too many of those taplands, as they’re super slow & suboptimal. Ideally you’d be running a bunch of fetchlands to fix the manabase, but i’m aware they are pretty cost-prohibitive.

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