Sleight of Hand

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Sleight of Hand


Look at the top two cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the other on the bottom of your library.

wallisface on Emrakul cheat, oh wait, spirit token/tribal?

9 months ago

I like the concept. My big concern is that 20 lands feels really low for either strategy - I’d suggest going up to at least 23.

Intangible Virtue isn’t really doing much for you, so i’d be dropping those for lands.

Outside of that i’d suggest swapping Chart a Course and Sleight of Hand for Preordain and Opt.

itsbuzzi on Wilds of Eldraine

11 months ago

Pioneer gets its 3rd 1 mana cantrip in the form of Sleight of Hand. The effects will be felt for sure just from this one card.

Different art as well and also the bonus of being able to get a foil black border Sleight is sweet as well.

cyeRunner on

11 months ago

I'd exchange the Sleight of Hand for Consider. You want to fill your graveyard for Delirium for Dragon's Rage Channeler & Unholy Heat and have enough card in the graveyard for the escape cost for Underworld Breach.
Sleight of Hand is only better than Consider against decks that run Orcish Bowmasters.

Grubbernaut on Alchemy Balcony

2 years ago

Perplex is one of those cards that's always worse than you want it to be; they'll only ever discard their hand if it's preferable for them to do so. I know it has the transmute option, but it might be worth ditching it or playing other dig spells - things like Opt , Sleight of Hand , Behold the Multiverse , etc. Drift of Phantasms and Dimir Infiltrator suffer from a similar downside, in that the front side really doesn't do much. Archmage's Charm is a really solid, flexible option I would recommend, and even the usual suspects of Snapcaster Mage , Cryptic Command , etc

I also think Blue Sun's Zenith is a better wincon than Mind Grind , since there may be situations where you need to use it to dig for value, and Grind doesn't offer that flexibility. If you stick with transmute spells, BSZ is also a 3 drop.

Finally, I think 4x basic swamp in a deck with so much in the way of UU is a high risk; fetches, checklands, or even Clearwater Pathway  Flip offer some more insurance against manascrew.


Angel_Zero on Shared Fate

3 years ago

Sleight of Hand will let your opponents grab a card from their own deck so you might wan to cut that one, always cool to see others trying out this wacky card.

MagicMarc on

3 years ago

Hello, I saw your post about the deck and wanted to make a couple of suggestions.

You have some cards I think are of dubious value in your deck and would like to suggest removing them. You should delete the following cards; Thought Scour This card adds nothing to this deck's game plan. Spore Frog . Cut these and replace them with Empty the Warrens . Empty the Warrens can make blockers, increases your storm count, and can storm for even more goblins.

I also feel I have to make the obligatory mention about some of the better turbo fog and storm creatures you could replace them with; Augur of Bolas , Guttersnipe , Sprite Dragon , Snapcaster Mage and Electrostatic Field . If you really need to have a creature, make it a 4 of any of the creatures I just mentioned. But dump the frogs. If you really think fog effects are your answer then cut them for Haze of Pollen . Haze at least can raise storm counts or be cycled when the battlefield does not have serious threats in play. And the frogs would be gone.

Cut Nature's Spiral . It is too narrow and does not advance your win condition. I am also not happy with your enchantments either. I think I see your game plan using them but they hurt your odds of Storming off on your opponent and really only hurt yourself by slowing down your deck. I would cut Gaseous Form for sure. And suggest cutting Abundant Growth . I would replace these with copies of Echoing Truth and Growth Spiral . Both of these cards do the same thing those cards do in the short run, then they raise your storm counts and help win the game in the long run.

Your deck is missing two things that help turbo decks and burn/storm decks. Card advantage and mana rituals. Consider these cards when thinking about what to replace your cuts with or consider making room for some of them; Desperate Ritual , Pyretic Ritual , or Manamorphose . If you plan to keep Abundant Growth in your deck then these rituals have lesser value but I would consider dumping the growth for a playset of one of these or more depending on your card count. They up your storm count and provide the mana to cast more cards in the same turn adding even more to your storm counts.

For card advantage, consider making room for the cards like these; Opt , Sleight of Hand , Serum Visions , Pieces of the Puzzle , Behold the Multiverse , Brainstorm or Frantic Search . Some of these are cheap to cast with a small return but will really accelerate the deck and raise your counts. The bigger cost ones have bigger payoffs for card advantage but will make slower turns. Some other cards to consider are Browbeat , Risk Factor and the blue jump-start card Chemister's Insight . You don't see Risk Factor or Chemister's Insight in competitive decks as much but they are both good alternatives that can keep providing advantage or damage. I would consider adding 4-8 of some of these cards to give you card advantage and help refill your hand for bigger storms.

Two more suggestions that may have a place in the deck; Silundi Vision  Flip can replace a generic island while letting you dig pretty deep to find one of your win conditions. You may even consider adjusting the mana base to make room for maybe even 2 of these.

Consider adding Past in Flames to the deck. This card really increases the chances of a win especially during long games by letting you replay all of your burn spells from the yard. It needs a big mana investment but it can finish a game depending on the state of your graveyard. I would seriously consider replacing two copies of Call to Mind and/or Nature's Spiral with a total of 2 copies of Past in Flames . I would keep it at two copies, it does need a big mana state to really work out for you and going to 3 or 4 copies will hurt the deck instead of help it.

Lastly, consider going to 4 copies of the good cards you already have in the deck. You should raise the counts of Lightning Bolt and Shock to 4 each for sure. I would also consider dropping copies of Fog to raise your counts of Moment's Peace . Generally, if you do need to fog the field it will happen later in the game so the mana cost is not as big a burden and the flashback makes them awesome.

Optimator on

3 years ago

Drop Faerie Tauntings , Ashiok, Nightmare Muse , Traumatize , Trepanation Blade , add about one or two more ramp and two more card-draw at least. I almost always run 8 pieces of ramp and the prevailing wisdom is 10. Same for card-draw: I aim for 8, many aim for 10. Extra ramp is great with Oona's ability and card-draw can draw you into lands and just generally smooth everything out.

Reconnaissance Mission would be good. Treasure Cruise is often almost an Ancestral Recall and is budget too. Even though you're running Blue , Read the Bones is a great rate, as is Night's Whisper . Divination , Concentrate , and Tidings are all great on a budget, if a bit unexciting.

I love Keep Watch , Borrowing 100,000 Arrows , Theft of Dreams , Insight , Windfall , Plea for Power , Curse of Verbosity , and Manifold Insights but they are swingy. High ceilings, low floors. The mana cost on them is what makes them so good.

Midnight Clock is budget right now but it's starting to make waves. Get yours now while they're cheap. Ramp AND draw! Great on a budget.

Secrets of the Golden City and Kumena's Awakening should usually be City's Blessing-ed. I like Kimena's a lot on a budget (along with Patient Rebuilding ). Rush of Knowledge is decent if you have Oona out. Fathom Trawl is a guaranteed three non-lands, though it might be a bit lackluster with so many faeries. Not a bad card though. Mind Spring is great with ramp.

Drawn from Dreams and Dig Through Time are probably better than Diabolic Tutor until you have a game-winning card in the deck like Coat of Arms or some combo pieces (of which all are out-of-budget). I'd say drop Diabolic Tutor . Diabolic Vision is all right on a budget, as is Pilfered Plans , Forbidden Alchemy , and Notion Rain . We can probably do better, even on a tight budget.

Soul Ransom is kind of faerie-ish. Pact of the Serpent maybe?

With all your fliers, Rogue's Gloves and Mask of Memory are fantastic card-draw cards. Mask of Riddles is cute. Curiosity and Curious Obsession are decent but dangerous. Chart a Course is decent with fliers. Whispering Madness can be good with fliers too.

I have mixed feelings about Opt , Serum Visions , Sleight of Hand , Ponder , Preordain , Portent . They certainly don't hurt but they're bad late-game. I run them in some decks. Consider them if most of your card-draw is expensive. Brainstorm is a bit of a trap unless you have ways to shuffle your library and get rig of unwanted cards. This usually requires fetch lands like Polluted Delta and is better in 60-card formats.

Rain of Revelation , Archmage's Charm , Fact or Fiction , Succumb to Temptation , Precognitive Perception , Frantic Search , Pull from Tomorrow , Gush , Village Rites are all good for being instants so you can leave counterspells up and if you don't need them you can draw. That's one of the reasons a card like Anticipate looks weak but is nice for keeping counterspells open. Fact or Fiction is particularly good and is considered a staple in many formats, including EDH.

I would swap out Dimir Locket and Dimir Cluestone for Mind Stone and Prismatic Lens . Maybe Star Compass if it is in budget. I know you need your colors but 3-mana mana rocks that don't have huge upside are sooooo slow. Arcane Signet is probably out of budget, which is too bad. Is Wayfarer's Bauble still expensive? Probably. Worn Powerstone and Hedron Archive maybe? Oona isn't cheap and you want mana for her ability if push comes to shove. Trinket Mage is ramp because it can snag Sol Ring , making it the same rate as Explosive Vegetation and Hedron Archive .

hellokitty6666666666666 on Don't sleep on Maralen

3 years ago

Sadly Ashiok, Dream Render does not prevent your opponent from searching their library from Maralen of the Mornsong 's trigger. The ability reads "Spells and abilities your opponents control." You control Maralen of the Mornsong and her ability. This does, however, work with Aven Mindcensor which you're already running, and Mindlock Orb , but that's much harder to build around.

Some interesting things to consider if you go that route though is more cards like Dark Confidant , that "put cards in your hand," instead of drawing. Such as Sleight of Hand , Sword-Point Diplomacy , Narset, Parter of Veils , Karn, Scion of Urza , etc.

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