Skyline Despot

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Skyline Despot

Creature — Dragon


When this enters the battlefield, you become the monarch.

At the beginning of your upkeep, if you're the monarch, create a 5/5 red Dragon creature token with flying.

AWebb on Mono-Red Dragon Tribal

1 year ago

The only card I see that I don't think should be there is Engineered Explosives. I say this because it enters with charge counters that equal each color of mana you use, so all you can do with that card is destroy all cards with a mana cost of 1. If it was me I would replace it with a creature card like Skyline Despot or Thunderbreak Regent.

plakjekaas on People's Thoughts on Mommy Norn?

1 year ago

No, she doesn't shut down shocklands. Paying life for your shockland is not a trigger. It does not use the stack, you cannot react to it, just like you can't react to the creature type being named with a Cavern of Souls. Because the oracle text says "As ... enters the battlefield" not "When ... enters the battlefield".

It looks like the people defending her never played with Tocatli Honor Guard, Hushbringer, Torpor Orb or Hushwing Gryff and have no idea what the oracle text actually means. And Norn is worse, since it's every permanent entering the battlefield, not just creatures. Like Strict Proctor.

TypicalTimmy I looked at your Miirym deck, here's the "occasional benefits" Elesh Norn is actually going to shut down or interfere with:

Astral Dragon

Bramble Sovereign

Ganax, Astral Hunter

Nesting Dragon

Patron of the Arts

Purphoros, God of the Forge

Rapacious Dragon

Red Dragon

Scourge of Valkas

Skyline Despot

Swashbuckler Extraordinaire

Terror of the Peaks

Dragon's Hoard

Spinerock Knoll

Dragon Tempest

Flameshadow Conjuring

Garruk's Uprising

Guardian Project

Impact Tremors

Kindred Discovery

Temur Ascendancy

Warstorm Surge

That's a lot of synergy, ramp, carddraw and wincons shut down by a commander. About 1/3rd of all your nonland cards. And that deck is going to have a hard time removing her too, by the looks of it.

Now there are a few cards that get better playing against Norn: bouncelands like Boros Garrison don't return lands to hand anymore, Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger doesn't need to sacrifice itself, but effects like those are not enough to catch up with the Norn player.

What's this "no game-winning effects in white" everyone is talking about? Cathars' Crusade will end the game in a hurry, especially if you pair it up with something like Blessed Sanctuary. Double up on every O-ring effect. Stonehorn Dignitary will keep you alive, especially if you play Teleportation Circle and Conjurer's Closet, as one definitely will in this deck. Felidar Retreat and Emeria Shepherd with all your Land Tax effects will snowball into an enormous boardstate easily. Solitude will rule the table. Sun Titan is still one of the most played white creatures for a reason. For carddraw that white wasn't supposed to have, Spirited Companion, Carrier Pigeons, Combat Thresher, Farsight Adept, Inspiring Overseer, Mentor of the Meek, Priest of Ancient Lore, Resistance Squad, Roving Harper, Rumor Gatherer, Search Party Captain, Skyscanner, Thraben Inspector, Wall of Omens all double up with Norn. Because everyone memed that white is a bad colour, nobody seems to know what the color has to offer. It could already hold its own without such a saltmine of a card for the command zone, and if you need this middle finger to half the popular deck archetypes to even consider building it, you do you, but prepare to be avoided.

Rivel on (retired) Mono red Dragon Deck V2

2 years ago

So I have rambled on and on about my thoughts on all of the different aspects of this deck. In advance, I would like to thank anyone who has taken the time out of their day to read all of these and leave their own thoughts, as that is part of what makes this community great. There aren't many more themes to talk about in the deck. Now, onto win cons. So my main win conditions in the deck are damage from triggers and beating the opponent down with hoards of big dragons (with a third backup wincon with Hellkite Tyrant and Hellkite Igniter).

For damage from triggers I have Where Ancients Tread, Warstorm Surge, Dragon Tempest, Terror of the Peaks, Scourge of Valkas and Panharmonicon. They work great with Lathliss, Dragon Queen due to the tokens she generates when another dragon is played, all activating those damage triggers which can be used to control the board and directly target the opponent's HP pools. Archwing Dragon is a reliable way for the Damage triggers to activate each turn. Summons from Utvara Hellkite, Skyline Despot and Dragonmaster Outcast act as backup token generators for the damage triggers in case our lathliss isn't in play. Demanding Dragon is potentially a free 5 damage to the opponent's face. Drakuseth, Maw of Flames his damage trigger is repeatable every time you attack.

Supporting cards for the first win condition: I do not have any of these three cards in my decklist, as I can't figure out what I want to replace to get them in, but the dream is there. Conjurer's Closet allows you to make a dragon leave and re-enter the field at the end of the turn, triggering all of our ETB effects above. Mirage Mirror allows you to copy one of our pieces above, and you can choose the most beneficial one. It would be nice having two Dragon Tempest in play, especially say if you have 6 dragons on the field, have Mirage Mirror end of turn triggering them and getting free 12 damage to any target you want. If you could fit in a Fiery Emancipation that 12 turns into 36!

The secondary win condition "beat down", with "big" "dragon hoards", is also supported by Lathliss, Dragon Queen due to the big 5/5 token dragons she pumps out. The "dragon hoard" part is also supported by cards such as Utvara Hellkite, Skyline Despot, Dragonmaster Outcast as they all generate plenty of dragons. Now the "big" part comes from my anthems that buff my dragons Crucible of Fire, Gauntlet of Power, The Immortal Sun, and Vanquisher's Banner, as well as several dragons that are all pumpable to make them and/or their fellow dragons hit harder. Moonveil Dragon, Scourge of Valkas, Moltensteel Dragon and lastly Lathliss, Dragon Queen. Now, the fun part of my secondary win condition, "beat down" comes into play. Dragons such as Scourge of the Throne and Hellkite Charger allow you to take an extra combat turn, allowing you to really bash in your opponent's face with your big dragon hoard :)

Supporting cards for the secondary win condition: Terror of Mount Velus gives all of your dragon's double strike. Thundermaw Hellkite allows you to tap your opponent's fliers, allowing your dragons through. Drakuseth, Maw of Flames allows you to potentially shoot down any small fliers blocking your path. Cards I would like to put in: Fervor, Anger and Akroma's Memorial would allow any dragons that enter the field to have haste (with akroma adding a slew of goodies and protection). Door of Destinies could allow you to grow your dragons even more. Gratuitous Violence and Fiery Emancipation would allow you to double and triple your damage. Rage Reflection granting double strike would be nice. I would prioritize Fervor, Anger and Akroma's Memorial, as haste is such a beautiful thing, as it helps make up for lost time due to how expensive your dragons can be. I am not sure what I need to remove to fit them into the deck.

Lastly, Hellkite Tyrant is a pretty nifty dragon, acting as a potential win condition on its own. My deck has plenty of artifacts as is, and I typically play against 2-3 (sometimes even more) opponents in a game. Reaching the 20 artifacts owned is doable, the hard part would be keeping it, the artifacts, and yourself alive until it is once more your turn (Suddenly that wall of text I wrote on protection is looking a lot more appealing). Another fun synergy with that is Hellkite Igniter, if that can sneak on by you can pump its damage insanely high due to all of the artifacts! Need to see about getting some haste in the deck to help it connect...

Thanks all for reading!

LunchBox1211 on dragon tribal is glorious

2 years ago

Not sure how big your budget is (although some of these are not super expensive), but I can recommend a few cards for a Dragon Tribal deck (also a few cards that are really nice for 5 colour decks). Those being Cavern of Souls, Kindred Discovery, Call to the Kindred, Chromatic Lantern, Chromatic Orrery (as a big and splashy Lantern, albeit way more mana to cast), Urza's Incubator, Goldspan Dragon, Lathliss, Dragon Queen, Scourge of the Throne, Skyline Despot (although, admittedly, it's more of a pet card of mine), Rhythm of the Wild, and Utvara Hellkite.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Magic: the Gathering! Dragon tribal is a lot of fun (speaking from experience)! Also, EDH Rec is an amazing tool for deckbuilding. It allows you to see what kind of cards other people are running in similar decks. Then, using that knowledge, you can do some digging around and find what kind of cards you want to use.

eliakimras on Ghired - Precon Primal Genesis - Heavy Upgrade

2 years ago

Hey m4rs, I got some cheap cards that can pull some weight on your deck:

multimedia on Dragon riders

2 years ago

Hey, well done, nice update especially the cutting of Knights for more Dragons. Nice upgrades of cards that care about Dragons, but you could expand on this further. You've doubled your budget by adding only three Dragons.

Streamlining is the process of cutting out filler cards leaving you with cards that matter more for your deck. Blood Knight and Silver Knight are vanilla Knights who don't really help gameplay thus my advice is avoid these types of Knights. You're still playing too many Knights that are not helping gameplay.

My advice is don't include a Knight because it's a Knight, being a Knight is a bonus. Instead include it because it has other good abilities that can help Dragons or efficiently make Sylvia better. Taurean Mauler is an exception, it's just a three drop Dragon that's also a Knight. It's both types of creatures as well as can grow big in multiplayer Commander when have many opponents which is good with double strike. Instead of playing many four drop Knights play four drop Dragons?

You also use streamlining to better the mana curve which helps gameplay by reducing the curve which happens when you cut out unnecessary high CMC cards such as Rowan's Stalwarts, Worldgorger Dragon, Ancestor Dragon, Caged Sun. Worldgorger Dragon is only good in decks that want to combo with Animate Dead to make infinite mana and infinite ETB triggers of creatures. You can't combo with Worldgorger, all it's doing here is exiling all your permanents including all your lands until it leaves the battlefield which would hurt gameplay more than help it. Rowan's Stalwarts tutoring for Rowan, Fearless Sparkmage is not worth it since Stalwarts is a really bad card for five mana and Rowan is subpar for five mana too.

Example of a streamlined midrange creature base with Dragons and some Knights (sorted by CMC):

The few Knights in this example give you more than just being a Knight and the emphasis is even more on Dragons not Knights. More four and five drop Dragons to take more advantage of early game ramp and Sylvia's double strike.

In the example the high CMC Dragons have been reduced to the best ones you have. Khorvath is also a high CMC Dragon who you want to cast. Worldgorger Dragon, Ancestor Dragon, Demanding Dragon, Eternal Dragon, Sunscorch Regent, Runehorn Hellkite, Skyline Despot are subpar compared to the other high CMC Dragons here thus you don't need them. In the place of one of these Dragons consider adding Sarkhan's Triumph? It's an instant tutor to search for any Dragon letting you choose the best Dragon at that point of the game.

Shall I continue in another comment about how to streamline other areas of your deck?

multimedia on Dragons/Tokens/Fun Stuff

2 years ago

Hey, welcome to TappedOut and Commander. Nice collection of cards for your first deck, but you've kind of just added cards to add them to make a deck not because they belong with Dragons.

Some advice is to consider getting the new Draconic Rage Commander precon? It's a preconstructed 100 card Commander deck that's focused on a Dragon theme. In the precon are several cards that would be upgrades for your deck.

More advice is consider doing some research at EDHRec Top Cards in Commander? These cards are the most played cards in Commander, called staples and most are budget. EDHRec is a great site to see examples of deck building for Commander. Several of these cards are in the Draconic Rage precon.

You can also look at the budget cards that most people playing five color Dragons use EDHRec Dragons.

The main reason that most of these cards are the most played is because they provide high synergy, effects for Dragons, Dragon tribal effects. Atarka, World Render gives itself and all other attacking Dragons you control double strike which makes each Dragon do more combat damage either to the opponent blockers or to the opponent who they attacked. Crux of Fate can destroy all nonDragon creatures leaving just you with an army of Dragons to attack your opponents unblocked and not have to worry as much about the opponents attacking you after.

Another reason most of these cards are most played is because they have more than one effect such as Dragon's Hoard. It can be ramp, making any one color, as well as repeatable draw making this one card a source of ramp and a source of draw. Temur Ascendancy is a haste enabler letting Dragons attack the same turn they ETB and it's also a repeatable draw source each time any 4 or more power creature you control ETB including creature tokens.

What EDHRec lacks is casual deck building structure advice, basic guidelines to follow to structure a casual Commander deck. Good ratios for a starting basic structure:

When you have a basic structure in place then you can of course add other cards that do other things. When playing five colors ramp is important because ramp also provides mana color fixing from getting lands that can make different colors of mana (Farseek) or from mana rocks (Arcane Signet)/mana dorks (Faeburrow Elder) that can make different colors of mana. Ramp is also just as important when your Commander, in this case Tiamat, has a high converted mana cost (CMC). Tiamat is 7 CMC which ramp can help to cast him and then that same ramp can help to cast other Dragons.

Good luck with your deck.

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