Skyknight Vanguard

Creature — Human Knight

Flying Whenever Skyknight Vanguard attacks, create a 1/1 white Soldier creature token that's tapped and attacking.

Crow_Umbra on War crimes

1 year ago

I think a way that you can keep your Exalted theme, but still work around an inherent drawback of the strategy is to retool a bit and run creatures with Myriad or "when this creature attacks, create tokens that are tapped and attacking".

Token creatures that are created from Myriad, or that enter tapped and attacking are never declared as attackers, so Exalted will still trigger as intended. This essentially lets you punch one player with the Exalted creature, and still send stuff at your other opponents. Because Myriad is an attack trigger, you also get an extra Myriad token creature copies attacking your other opponents.

There are 14 cards in Mardu that could work here. A few notable ones:

  • Genasi Enforcers

  • Hammers of Moradin - A personal favorite for my Isshin deck. Hammers could be really helpful to open up attacking lanes for your Exalted creature.

  • Battle Angels of Tyr - Not budget, but also not outright busted. It can help create mana acceleration, draw, and gain life, but in my experience playing Battle Angels, it feels more like playing "catch up".

  • Elturel Survivors

Some fun creatures that create tokens on attack:

None of these cards are inherently optimized, except for maybe Battle Angels, but I think they could all add some extra spice to what you're already trying to accomplish.

Worrad75 on Attack-harmonicon

1 year ago

OUT: Tibalt's Trickery

Good card, wrong deck for the moment. Could possibly slide back in if the deck feels powerful and I start playing against more powerful strategies.

Duke Ulder Ravengard

such fun, much cmc. Gleeock was right; its too expensive.

IN: Myrel, Shield of Argive

Pulled one recently, and I think I'm going to refocus the build slightly on token creation. The Grand Abolisher effect is gravy. pairs well with Company Commander

Skyknight Vanguard

One of our better cheap creature token creators, and the flying makes the floor significantly higher than at first glance


Mardu Ascendancy

This has gotta be amazing in a tokens build. The sac is a sneakily strong instant-speed effect (likely to go unnoticed), and it can be recurred with Sun Titan. Just not sure what to take out for it; hit me with some suggestions! My initial thought is Duelist's Heritage, which is sad because I love that card.

Kashai on Kytheon, Hero of Akros

1 year ago

Depending on how aggro you want to be, maybe check out cards with Batalion eg. Boros Elite

If you are not opposed expanding the color base, I would consider adding . Boros has some great soldier tribal cards like Assemble the Legion, Swiftblade Vindicator, Skyknight Vanguard and Blade Historian. Plus Tajic is badass

However sticking here are some cards that might be worth a spot, Field Marshal, Commander Eesha, Endless Horizons, Valiant Veteran, Mentor of the Meek, Crusader of Odric, Myrel, Shield of Argive, Siege Veteran, or Preeminent Captain

Worrad75 on Attack-harmonicon

1 year ago

Made some fresh swaps!

Smuggler's Copter in, Skyknight Vanguard out play it turn 2, commander can crew it turn 3 and you get to loot twice thereafter. Helps feed some of the graveyard-dependant cards in the deck while making sure we don't run out of gas

Plumb the Forbidden in, Deadly Dispute out same mana cost, significantly better upside in a token deck. Helps us refill our hand in the case of a boardwipe, so it doubles as a protection piece of sorts

Tocasia's Welcome in, Aerial Surveyor out taking out the least consistent ramp option for extremely dependable card draw. We keep running out of cards so this should help

Bitter Reunion in, Urabrask the Hidden out early looting with the upside of giving our team haste at a fraction of Urabrask's cost. Can also be recurred repeatedly with Sun Titan for insane value.

Max_Hammer on Boros

1 year ago

fszk I can definitely do that!

Step one is deciding on whether you want to make soldier tokens specifically or just any type of creature. It doesn't really matter, they're both good and fun to play, but I'll give you suggestions for both.

Anyway, uhh, I just said a lot of stuff. That's my definition of some pointers. You don't want to know what a lot of pointers looks like. Good luck and feel free to ask for more assistance. (:

Crow_Umbra on

1 year ago

I think you have the beginnings of a decent Isshin deck here, but could make some minor & inexpensive adjustments to help focus it a bit more.

When making adjustments to your creature base, I'd recommend generally removing anything like Cliffhaven Sell-Sword that doesn't really have any abilities, or Sky-Blessed Samurai, which doesn't really fit with your theme.

Isshin lives primarily in combat, so you'll want to focus on attack triggers if possible. Here are a few relatively inexpensive attack trigger creatures that I like, some of which I run in my Isshin deck:

Vigilance Anthems are also super helpful for keeping your board swinging aggressively, but staying untapped for blocks. A few I really like:

Hope this helps!

Slashdance on Isshin Trigger Warning

2 years ago

So, I think why your deck isn't ranking so high is a lot due to your having so many basic lands in the deck.

Aside from that, you have very few creatures in the deck, and many that you do have don't do things that other similar cards can do far better, or can't effectively be doubled by Isshin.

Take, for instance, Ankle Shanker. All of your creatures gaining deathtouch and first strike is cool and all, but doubling that with Isshin doesn't actually do anything. Focusing your deck to actually get double triggers that result in true doubling would increase your deck's effectiveness.

Other creatures you have, like Skyknight Vanguard, drop a single token creature. Two, with Isshin. However, a creature like Hero of Bladehold gives +1/+0 to all creatures, and drops 2x token creatures ... or, with Isshin, gives everything +2 power and drops 4 tokens. Yes, this creature costs like $9 to buy, but that's because it does great things and is far more efficient, not to mention it's lower mana cost, and that's how you a deck can be rated as more competitive.

It may help for you to possibly add more Samurai to your deck. It appears, with all the equipment and few creatures, that you want to attack in smaller numbers anyhow, and Samurai can help you benefit from that. You have Godo, Bandit Warlord, but the only samurai you have is your commander. Guys like Raiyuu, Storm's Edge might be more efficient for you (and he's cheap).

Personally, I'd try to find ways to fit in cards that would allow you to draw more, or at least some recursion.

Cards such as Response / Resurgence, Unburial Rites, Ancient Craving, Sol Ring, and Opal Palace are all cards you could get pretty easily and they could immediately benefit your deck.

If you'd like any other suggestions, or inspiration, please take a look at my own Isshin deck:

Mugen no kōgeki ("Infinite Attack")

Commander / EDH Slashdance


Good luck!

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