Sisay, Weatherlight Captain

Legendary Creature — Human Soldier

Sisay, Weatherlight Captain gets +1/+1 for each colour among other legendary permanents you control.

: Search your library for a legendary permanent card with converted mana cost/mana value less than Sisay, Weatherlight Captain's power, put that card onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Shrine Keeper
Azamuki, Treachery Incarnate
Fault Riders
Primal Prayers
Surging Sentinels
Dynaheir, Invoker Adept

leon_bulminot on We're All Friends Here

5 months ago

I ALMOST forgot an addition that in my opinion, should be in every walker deck: Sisay, Weatherlight Captain.

Any power increase just lets you put more and more expensive card FROM your deck onto the battlefield. WUBRG on her also means alt Commander option too. He effect is pretty self explanatory of why in walker decks, she is a tutoring EDH dreamboat. Cheaper than Planar Bridge and Planar Portal and superior to most other tutors for Legendary things. AND Reusable during the same turn.

LeonSpires on Sisay Planeswalker cEDH Midrange

10 months ago

@ KayneMarco sure thing! Thank you for your questions.

Sisay, Weatherlight Captain base power is 2/2 and she "gets +1/+1 for each color among other legendary permanents you control." Cultist of the Absolute is a black legendary permanent so +1/+1. Furthermore Cultist of the Absolute's text box says "Commander creatures you own get +3/+3..."


The advantage of running the Cultist of the Absolute and Chromatic Orrery line is that you do not need to start with Bloom Tender / Faeburrow Elder instead you only need mana dorks / mana rocks / lands that tap for .

Cultist of the Absolute makes it so Sisay can fetch Dihada, Binder of Wills who produces the treasure to activate Sisay again and makes it so Sisay is big enough to fetch Chromatic Orrery. Orrery then acts as a replacement for Bloom Tender / Faeburrow Elder as it makes it so "You may spend mana as though it were mana of any color" and it taps for .

Arcanicka on Streetwalkers

1 year ago

I would definitely change the commander to Sisay, Weatherlight Captain as she will be able to grab not only your legendary creatures but also your walkers since they are all legendary. She adds a pretty good tutor advantage as well as the ability to be pretty resilient in itself. A key idea is also running some of the legendary lands as she can search them out with no extra cost to her power. I am looking forward to seeing how this deck turns out. Best of Luck!

DrukenReaps on Alternate Ban List

1 year ago

Caerwyn A number of these things is why I'm just spitballing the idea of this here. Obviously Falling Star and Chaos Orb need to be on my list and they aren't xD There are cards which just don't belong in a game like this. Looking at you Ante...

For Coalition Victory I see little reason for confusion over it referencing a creature's colors rather than identity. We have many cards that reference color all over the place with Bloom Tender and Sisay, Weatherlight Captain to name a few. All the devotion gods. To add to that we also have cards referencing identity with Commander's Plate. These are cards which often see play and I've never once seen anyone confuse a card's colors with the card's color identity.

Iona in the 99 doesn't feel like any more of a major issue to me than Void Winnower. I've played with and against Void Winnower and it has the same result more often than not of Iona. Frankly Void Winnower can be meaner, since it always hits every opponent. There are a number of these hefty lock pieces that come down and then everyone at the table groans or people even concede. I played against Iona when she was legal and I do see with Painter's Servant she has even more potential. I just see other cards that are just as effective and "unfun" not banned.

vishnarg on Your Cheap Obscure Overperformers?

1 year ago

Sword of the Chosen has been solid in my Sisay, Weatherlight Captain superfriends deck so far in playtesting. Carth the Lion is ridiculous in superfriends and he's less than $.25 right now lol

Mono blue Azami, Lady of Scrolls wizard tribal allows me to play Watcher for Tomorrow, which is also about $.25 and a really solid 2 drop that can be abused with Deadeye Navigator shenanigans and such.

Jaroc249 on

1 year ago

Baron_Pretzels okay. The reason I put some of the cards in is because it's not just the multicolour but I also wanted each solo colour to be represented by at least one creature and one spell:


White: Sisay, Weatherlight Captain, Odric, Lunarch Marshal

Blue: Esior, Wardwing Familiar

Black: Drana, Liberator of Malakir

Red: Kari Zev, Skyship Raider

Green: Sakura-Tribe Elder, Fallaji Wayfarer, Esika, God of the Tree  Flip, Kolvori, God of Kinship  Flip


White: Path to Exile, Swords to Plowshares, Urza's Ruinous Blast

Blue: Negate

Black: Yawgmoth's Vile Offering

Red: Mana Cannons

Green: Beast Within, Kodama's Reach, Cultivate, Farseek, Nature's Lore

Another Blue creature I was thinking was Fblthp, the Lost

Reason I put The World Tree was probably cause I've put Esika in.

Mr-White on What to do with Sisay

1 year ago

Someone gave me the secret lair foil Sisay, Weatherlight Captain and after a few days of looking at edhrec and online builds I have to admit I have no clue what to do with her.

Legendary deck I saw seems to just mash in every Legendary those people found without much of a precise wincon or plan in mind.

I saw a few planeswalker build which looked fun but the stuff around the walkers was way too expensive for me.

And the last one was a shrine build but then I thought why would I build a Go-Shintai of Life's Origin deck without Go-Shintai in the command zone.

Anyone got tips on a descent budget (around 200-300$) deck? Had in mind a budget mana base with like 10-15 basic lands with basic land ramp and use stax stuff with cards like Back to Basics and Ruination to slow them down while I put my pieces in place.

Lots of creature board wipe if I have a planeswalker build.

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