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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal



Destroy target land.

DreadKhan on Trample Under Foot

1 month ago

Neat idea, I love seeing people making Gruul work in Legacy!

I would run two more Utopia Sprawls over Rampant Growth, they aren't all that pricey anymore (ymmv of course). I'd even run a worse Utopia Sprawl like Blighted Burgeoning or Fertile Ground, either has it's own upsides, and both work very well with your Arbor Elf.

I think with x4 Arboreal Grazer you might consider at least a couple lands, Grazer feels awful when you're short of lands. I'm not sure how much you'd need, but 1 or 2 would be helpful IMHO.

Randomly, Gruul got one of the all time great ramp effects back in Ice Age, Orcish Lumberjack is epic ramp, great if you need to hit a Hulk several turns early. You might want something to prevent your Hulk from getting countered, maybe Rhythm of the Wild? The haste is also VERY good with Lumberjack, letting you drop it and tap it for 3 (though you do sacrifice the Forest) right away, dodging removal potentially. I personally love using Orcish Lumberjack with Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, this way you can effectively Sinkhole people in Gruul, and technically you'd have 1 mana left, even on turn 2. Some people don't fear land destruction and will keep a 1 land hand so it can work sometimes fwiw, and the cost is negligible (it's even a ramp spell if you hard cast it without Lumberjack).

How often do you end up with a decent land count? If you find you can actually hit 5 lands in a lot of games, you could throw in Crop Rotation and Temple of the False God x1, if you aren't ready for a Temple yet you can tutor up a Red source I guess, or a Wolf Run. I'd guess if you pull those Rampant Growths Temple x1 isn't worth bothering with. You could always do that trick with x1 Ancient Tomb, but those aren't as cheap!

DreadKhan on Rocks Dragon Deck

2 months ago

I'm not sure if it's too 'non-Dragon', but I've had good results fiddling with Orcish Lumberjack, especially in a deck with Mwonvuli Acid-Moss, Lumberjack and Acid-Moss gives you access to a true Sinkhole effect (you can even play it on turn 2), and it can technically find a non-Basic Forest fwiw. Technically you only need to tap the Forest and sac it to Lumberjack to play an Acid-Moss, but Lumberjack can also give you a turn 2 Dragon that costs 5 mana, does your meta feature a lot of cheap kill spells? If not I wonder if that'd be worth your while? I don't know for sure if Atarka had Orcish servants, but Orcs live on that plane, so the lumberjack has a tangential connection.

Also, since it's gone down a ton in price, what about Utopia Sprawl? It makes your Forests better, and you can't cast it without a Forest I understand?

Since you're actually in Gruul, I would just run Mountain Valley over Evolving Wilds, this can find a Dual, or if you're desperate it can still dig out a Basic (that you can use the same turn Evolving Wilds would allow you), the only issue is if decks play cards that blow up non-Basics in your meta (most don't).

It's not entirely budget, but Up the Beanstalk is a very strong card if you actually plan to cast those big Dragons, and it replaces itself.

I'm not sure what your meta is like, but if people run Stax stuff that can ruin your day, you can include Dire-Strain Rampage, this sorcery offers you a Harrow effect if you wish, but it can Naturalize something, or Ghost Quarter someone's important land in a pinch. The best part is that it has Flashback. It's not the fastest effect, but I feel like it's certainly good enough for sideboard (especially on a budget), and since it can also just ramp you it might be fine mainboard, ymmv.

It's an ETB tapped land, but Treetop Village is a reasonable attacker if you end up desperate, with your curve it seems plausible that you'd be able to play an ETB tapped land, maybe x2?

zapyourtumor on Mono Black Pox Control

1 year ago

Waiting for Innocent Blood and Sinkhole in MH3 copege

GeminiSpartanX on Merchant of Death (Modern Mono-Black)

2 years ago

I disagree that IoK should be played over TS in the current meta that is rife with pitch elementals, Murktides, Primeval Titans, and Omnaths. However a 3/3 split could be ok if you find yourself short on life in most games. In place of the Sign in Bloods, I've seen people run a cantrip creature like Dusk Legion Zealot that can block a Ragavan while adding to your devotion count (although I do recognize that the secret mode of sign in blood that can burn your opponent in a pinch can be useful). I'd also cut the Cry of the Carnarium from the MD, adding the 22nd land. Running a few fetches to enable Fatal Push is fine, although I'm not sure you need more than 4 for just that reason. Also, have you run into any issues running Nighthawk Scavenger and Dauthi Voidwalkers together? The Scavenger wouldn't get very big if you played a Voidwalker the turn before. If you need to cut a 3-drop creature, that's where I'd start if you don't want to move the Voidwalkers to the SB.

The bigger issue with your deck is the SB though. With 4 MD Voidwalkers and a Tymaret, you definitely don't need as much grave hate as you currently have. I'd add at least 2 more removal spells that can hit larger creatures to the SB for the matchups that need them. Something that can hit Murktide Regent, Omnath, Locus of Creation, Fury, and Solitude, and that only costs 2 mana. I don't know if you play against much burn or control, but Collective Brutality is a good card against burn, low-to-the-ground aggro, and control decks. Tourach, Dread Cantor is also good right now against white decks like humans, UW control, decks playing Solitude, and in other grindy matchups where the discard is relevant. It also helps get more cards to steal if you have a Voidwalker in play. It doesn't add much to devotion, but it's still a good card in the meta that might work as a 2-of in your SB. Void Mirror is good if you play against Cascade, Tron, and the pitch elementals, and Plague Engineers would be good if you play against Humans, Merfolk, or any other tribal deck. Unearth would be good to bring in against removal-heavy decks, and allows you to aggressively use an early Gifted Aetherborn or Scavenger as a removal spell if needed.

*Also you may want to update in your description, as Sinkhole is not modern legal. It would be awesome if it was since Tron and Amulet can be tough matchups.

Epicurus on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

griffstick wasn't happy with their card, so to satisfy the challenge I'll remake it.

Sundering Hope


This spell costs less to cast if it targets a land

Exile target permanent. Its controller may search their library for a basic land card and put it onto the battlefield. If they do, they shuffle their library.

Basically the exact same card, except Boros, 1 MV higher, and exiles instead of destroys. Cost is the same when targeting land, albeit two colors. Why is this and the original version not as good as Sinkhole? Because the land is replaced, if a land is targeted. Best case scenario, the land's controller doesn't have basic lands left in their deck when this is cast. Worst case, it's only useful for killing nonbasic lands. However, the versatility still makes it a viable removal option. And yes, nuking that Rogue's Passage or Lotus Field for 2 mana, even if they get a basic to replace it with, is still beneficial. I like it. Less like a Boros Sinkhole, more like a higher cost, more versatile Path to Exile.

Next challenge, make a card that would be a mainstay in any format. Go for utility or ramp or something like that. Nothing combo-y, just something that you'd be just as likely to drop into Modern as Commander, while still being appropriately powered to be useable in Pauper, etc. If you can manage to accomplish that while still making it viable in Legacy/Vintage, even better.

griffstick on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

That card is so pushed. I think it's too strong I just made a white Sinkhole

zapyourtumor on MANA BURN

3 years ago

Welcome to tappedout. Here are some of my thoughts on your deck:

1) You have 18 illegal cards for the modern format in your deck

2) You have many restrictive mana costs, like Sinkhole , Blight , Cavalier of Flame , etc, so you should probably include some dual lands in place of basic lands (like Blackcleave Cliffs , Blood Crypt , Bloodstained Mire )

3) Lotus Field is bad in most decks unless you build around it. It does synergize with Crucible of Worlds and Cavalier of Flame , but its really bad with Boom / Bust , Crack the Earth , Wildfire

sergiodelrio on Modern Horizons 2 Spoilers

3 years ago

Break the ice is my favourite card. The first deck I wanted to build when I started mtg was a Sinkhole deck... this card is almost better

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