Silumgar Monument


: Add or to your mana pool.

: Silumgar Monument becomes a 4/4 blue and black Dragon artifact creature with flying until end of turn.

Goldberserkerdragon on Creature that become dragons

5 months ago

Bogardan Dragonheart Atarka Monument Dragonsoul Knight Dromoka Monument Kolaghan Monument Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker Ojutai Monument Silumgar Monument Cave of the Frost Dragon. A lot of these aren't creatures, albeit there just aren't a lot of creatures and planeswalkers specifically that transform into or become dragons. Happy hunting, cheers!

MonkeySit on Transforming creatures into Dragons

3 years ago

I had this idea for a deck where I constantly cast Frogify effects on my opponents whilst casting similarly weak creatures myself. But then what I wanted to do was transform them into dragons. I am purposely limiting myself to dragons for flavour but if there aren't many more cards that can do this, then I'll have to rethink my strategy - probably just hard cast dragons to stay on theme or just other big creature token generators.

So far in my list of cards that I've found are:

Atarka Monument Dance of the Skywise Day of the Dragons Descent of the Dragons Dragonshift Dromoka Monument Kolaghan Monument Ojutai Monument Sarkhan the Mad Silumgar Monument

If there are any others people can think of, it would be HUGELY appreciated.

Thanks in advance!!!

MrFuzzykenz on All Hail Our Lord and Savior, Cthulu

3 years ago

Love the deck theme idea! Just want to say you have it listed that you have two copies of Selective Snare.

I'm going to say right off the bat that Meteorite, Diabolic Tutor, Bridge from Below, Laboratory Maniac don't belong in your deck because they are just bad cards. Although Laboratory Maniac is a fun alternative win condition, your deck simply doesn't have the mill power to achieve this and even if you did you have a greater chance of milling that him; because he's odd cost you can't use your commander to bring him back.

I am confused as to why you're discarding for graveyard strength when the only thing that benefits from having things in your graveyard is Apocalypse Demon. I want to point out that your commander Gyruda, Doom of Depths ability can only return a creature card of even mana cost from the four cards that everyone milled. So you won't be able to return anything that's already in your graveyard.

One other point I want to make is that taking the top four card from your library and things like taking putting the top card of your library {example: Deranged Assistant }into your graveyard don't count as drawing cards so Oneirophage and Chasm Skulker won't trigger.

Lastly after play testing your deck a couple times the biggest weakness this deck has is the fact that your commander is 6 mana below I'll suggest some budget mana rocks, because the faster you have you commander online the faster your deck and do kraken things ^-^ but all of these mana rocks will be better than Meteorite which is very bad.

Good Luck on your deck! Hope that was helpful!

Everflowing Chalice, Hedron Archive, Star Compass, Prophetic Prism, Prismatic Lens, Mind Stone, Worn Powerstone, Spinning Wheel, Silumgar Monument, Manalith, Mana Geode, Fountain of Ichor, Drake-Skull Cameo, Dimir Cluestone, Dimir Keyrune, Darksteel Ingot

Pervavita on Dimir Ramping

4 years ago

Burnished Hart would be good to add as with the The Scarab God you can recycle it into a 4/4 or get another 2 lands (4 total).

I would find a way to add them in, Manalith I think has a few better options, one being Silumgar Monument.

Elopsm on Cascade, Cascade, Cascade...

6 years ago

Ironwright's Cleansing -> Disenchant More Efficient

Azorius Cluestone -> Azorius Signet More Efficient

Dimir Cluestone -> Dimir Signet More Efficient

Golgari Cluestone -> Golgari Signet More Efficient

Silumgar Monument -> Boros Signet More Efficient

Hanweir Garrison -> Golgari Signet More Efficient

Faith Unbroken -> Oblivion Ring More Efficient

Seek the Horizon -> Rampant Growth More Efficient

Cyclops of Eternal Fury -> Mass Hysteria More Efficient

Ulvenwald Observer -> Phyrexian Arena Cheap Carddraw

Chariot of Victory -> Llanowar Elves More Ramp

Banishing Light -> Swords to Plowshares More Efficient

Hanweir Battlements -> Spire of Industry Better Card

Wrecking Ball -> Terminate Land Destruction not relevant

Interpret the Signs -> Blue Sun's Zenith Doubles as finisher with infite mana

Negate -> Counterspell Better Card

Chromanticore -> Last Stand More Utility

Cromat -> Mayael's Aria Win Con

Midnight Banshee -> Angel of Despair More Trigger and Removal

Primal Surge -> Brilliant Ultimatum More Trigger + easy to cast with ramos

Lorthos, the Tidemaker -> Conflux More Trigger

Dryxyx on Esper dragons help

6 years ago

I think Ojutai, Soul of Winter Would be amazing in this type of deck. If you need ways to speed it up, try Sol Ring and possibly Thran Dynamo, Ojutai Monument, and Silumgar Monument.

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