Silent Clearing

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Silent Clearing


, Pay 1 life: Add or .

, , Sacrifice Silent Clearing: Draw a card.

BotaNickill on 0Rack

10 months ago

Heya Ender. I've always had a special place in my heart for a good Rack Deck. Used to play them back in the day with Hymn to Tourach and Mind Twist. I like the concept of having the Hand disruption and making people suffer for it, lol. I also have a black modern deck that features discard and control with a lot of the same elements as you have here. i.e. Dauthi Voidwalker. I have been thinking lately that I should change it up and your deck has inspired me a bit. I'll toy around with some ideas. I have a few thought. Card draw is always an essential part of the game, so I'd add some Silent Clearings and remove the Concealed Courtyards if I could. Also, Liliana of the Veil, was and still is a bad beatch. I like the sideboard lockdown options along with Karn, that seems like a pretty solid plan. 4 Solitude seems like a bit much, you don't have a whole lot of white cards to exile here to make it free, and you also have the march which sometimes also requires a white card in hand, so maybe lean into some other form of control here, like Anguished Unmaking, Vindicate, Damn, Sheoldred's Edict. 4 Ephemerate seems awkward here too, I'm guessing that is for protecting your creatures from removal? Not sure how necessary that is, but Anyway, just some thoughts. Like I said, I like the build and I'm interested to hear how it works for you! Good Luck!

Crow_Umbra on Welcome to art class, time to draw. (Suggestions)

1 year ago

In regards to cuts as a general rule of thumb, I'd recommend re-examining your cards above 6 cmc currently in your deck, and any cards with a heavy investment (3 or more pips) in a single color. You want to increase your likelihood of being able to play the stuff you draw into. I think of all your heavier cmc spells, Vanquish the Horde makes the cut and Emergency Powers is on the bubble, but the rest can likely be trimmed out. It's hard to justify the inclusion of some cards with both a steep cmc and heavy color investment in a 3 color deck.

I'd also generally suggest re-examining any cards that require you to jump through hoops for a potential pay-off.

Breena, the Demagogue can be an awesome draw option that your opponents will benefit from, but she will in turn get huge and can snipe people if not dealt with.

Mystic Remora is an excellent option for draw, and should be cheaper due to recent reprinting. Plumb the Forbidden, Deadly Dispute, and Village Rites are all potential instant speed options that you could utilize, especially in response to someone trying to remove one of your creatures. Beat them to the punch, draw, then punish them for it.

You could also add some draw into your mana base with stuff like Silent Clearing, Geier Reach Sanitarium, and Mind Stone.

Lastly, I'd suggest reconsidering all of your copy enchantment effects. Cut 1-2 of them, since those are all dependent on having something else out worth copying. Otherwise, they just kinda sit in your hand doing nothing. That was something I discovered when I used to play Tuvasa the Sunlit lol.

Best of luck!

BotaNickill on Ang-Hellic

1 year ago

darkmus! Awesome to meet another Angel Tribal Member! Angels are my favorite tribe in magic! You are just the person I need to talk to! I just checked your build out, and it looks good! +1! I had not seen the new Sigarda, Font of Blessings yet, I'll have to track her down and get some copies. Kinda of a Realmwalker effect going on there, I like it! I was kinda surprised you are running Green and No Collected Company tho? I guess you have 9 Angels that are 4 cmc tho, so maybe not great for your build. I Run this deck as Selesnya CoCo Angels on Arena and have pretty good luck with it, but my Paper Deck I switched to Orzhov for better removal. My bro plays a dragon deck with Stormbreath Dragons and they are kinda hard to get around with all white angels. Thus the black removal spells in the sideboard. Plus my Horizon Canopys are in my Bogle Deck, so, yeah I picked up some Silent Clearings and here we are. That, and I feel like the Godless Shrine goes well with the flavour of the deck. I do have two Archangel of Thune she is one of my Favorite Angels for sure, and I did have them in the deck for a while, I kinda go back and forth with the Ratio, Two Archangel and two Lyra Dawnbringer or 3 lyra and 1 Archangel. IDK. Maybe I'll throw them back in there based on your advise. Shadowspear is there for when I run into a bogle deck or something else that has indestructible like Heliod, Sun-Crowned or whatever. I had the Esper Sentinels in the deck as well as my two copies of Giver of Runes but right now I am testing out having the Soul Wardens and Speaker of the Heavens instead. I tried the Aether Vials along with a playset of Serra Avengers but wasn't too happy with how it played out. I don't have the Cavern of Souls but those would probably be nice. I do like having the Soul Partitions tho, it's pretty decent removal in my opinion, and so is the Lay Down Arms but you have to keep your plains count up to make it consistent. Legions to Ashes I was using to help against my brother's Squirrel deck, but I've also been using Temporary Lockdown in my arena build with some pretty decent success. I actually just saved my own ass with it this morning against a merfolk deck for the W!
Do you play in Modern tournaments with your build? I never really see anyone playing angels outside of Historic on Arena.
Thanks for the advice, the upvote and for sharing your deck! Much Appreciated!

zapyourtumor on Scam Rack

1 year ago

I actually really like the inclusion of 4 Voidwalkers since it gives the undying cards another target besides Grief, especially since one voidwalker can cast cards exiled with a different Voidwalker (or its past dead self).

Having so many fetches in mono B for deck thinning is probably not necessary imo. I would probably put like 2-3 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth along with 3-4 Urza's Saga. Urborg also goes pretty well with a couple horizon lands like Silent Clearing. Force of Despair is a cool card that a lot of 8rack players were excited to test out when it got spoiled, personally I don't think running 3 copies is a great idea in a deck already pitching cards to Grief but you could maybe run 3 combined between mainboard and sideboard.

Path of Peril is a really funny boardwipe since a) you can sack your Dauthi anyways and b) it doesn't hit Grief. Obviously some antisynergy with Saga but its probably fine if you sequence plays correctly.

This is definitely a deck where I would put some copies of Surgical Extraction in the sideboard.

20 lands is probably on the low side, although you aren't running any Raven's Crime. Need testing for that one.

The tweaks I'd make before playtesting would probably be:


-4 Bloodstained Mire -4 Verdant Catacombs -2 Force of Despair -2 Shrieking Affliction

+2 Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth +4 Urza's Saga +1 Godless Shrine +1 Silent Clearing +1 Pithing Needle +1 Nihil Spellbomb +1 Path of Peril +1 Bloodchief's Thirst/Funeral Charm/Dismember idk

Reasoning: with Saga, you can cut on Afflictions since you can tutor racks more consistently, Needle and Spellbomb are just mainboard saga target staples, and then some other removal to replace Force of Despair. Funeral Charm can let a big construct through with Urborg. What removal you choose to run is probably meta dependent.


This is definitely a lot more meta dependent so I can't comment as much.

Here Necromentia can probably be replaced with Surgical Extraction.

Go Blank is decent grave hate but can be replaced with extra Nihil Spellbomb or 4 Leyline of the Void, personal preference. Also good to note that Go Blank can sometimes be too slow (vs grinding breach) and also doesn't shut down some decks as effectively as leyline like Murktide, Scam, Grinding Station, Yawgmoth, Living End, etc while Leyline stops all of those in their tracks.

Delirium Skeins is a sideboard card against Leyline of Sanctity if thats ever a problem.

Path of Peril or Bontu's Last Reckoning can replace Damnation if you find yourself badly needing a t3 boardwipe.

Collective Brutality classic sideboard card against burn, and probably much better than March of Wretched Sorrow in 95% of situations.

You can also move the Spellbomb + Needle package to the sideboard if you think mainboard is too crowded with the scam package.

CommanderNeyo on Musashi's Mosh Pit [Primer]

1 year ago

Almost forgot, two lands you might want to look into are Silent Clearing and Sunbaked Canyon, as they help mana-fix early and then can be ditched for cards in case you start to run out of fuel.

BotaNickill on Ang-Hellic

1 year ago

Splashing Black in for some better removal Vindicate Anguished Unmaking and some deck thinning, Marsh Flats and card draw Silent Clearing I played a mirror match (kind of) last night and came out on top, so I think it's working?!

keizerbuns on the ol sack nd back

1 year ago

Really neat deck! +1

If you want land suggestions, you could try running a full set of Silent Clearings. It can combo well with Viscera Seer in the odd case that you have the Seer out, a persist creature, and either Anafenza or Vizer but no infinite loop payoff/way to close out the game. You can use Seer to repeatedly sac and scry until you find either Altar or Blasting Station, then you sac the clearing to draw it and play it on the same turn.

DemonDragonJ on Dual Land Cycles that You …

1 year ago

WotC usually prints dual lands in cycles of ten, one for each two-color combination, but does not always do that, which leaves several cycles of dual lands that I would like to see completed.

The two cycles that I would most like to see completed are the cycle of "battle lands" (i.e., Cinder Glade, Canopy Vista. and so forth) and the "horizon lands" (i.e., Horizon Canopy, Silent Clearing, and so forth). Nimbus Maze is a single card, but I definitely would like to see it be expanded into a full cycle, as well.

What does everyone else say about this? Which dual land cycles would you like to see be completed?

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